Is Jesus retard? Why the fuck did he create human beings?

Is Jesus retard? Why the fuck did he create human beings?

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to build B-29's.

you faithless dogs will never understand God's infinite love for humanity.

shut the fuck up you fucking insectoid loser, don't fuck wit me...big dicks in ya ass is bad for ya health lmao...

jesus is a black woman

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not based

God created humans in his own image to worship him.

So I guess he was pretty vain.

why didn't they built that street?

God is BLACK

wh*te people are corruptions of his image descended from eve fucking the talking snake

then it'd be even too obvious, now dipshit normies blow it off.
plus it'd probably create some portal or shit

>God's infinite love for humanity

I see only infinite hatred in your country.
through I'm not OP.

t. satan worshipper

I can tell by your flag.

>believing in a jew nailed in a stick

the faithless dogs in my country have started worshipping the angel of death instead of him, may he smite us down if he finds it necessary

That's because they fail to realize that all are one, unlike the Japanese, who are thus closer to God. When you are close with your race and have that bond, it's like the bond you have with all other souls who worship God and bask in eternal bliss. A homogeneous society is the only way to reach God through your fellow human beings.

According to scientists the universe exists because nothing can't exist and humans are in the category of something

God created us so he could read manga

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how can you forget who brought Christianity into your country and what they did. Were Spanish colonists really followers of the loving God? I pity you whose soul rotten to the core by white devils.

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i’m not wh*te you faithless pale dog

Neither were Spaniards, they were arab mutts who of course were savages.