Why are you not speaking finnish? it's an exclusive club

why are you not speaking finnish? it's an exclusive club.

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because im not gay


please learn finnish

will you mail me a finnish gf if I do?

>learn finnish
ready to do it for a cute finnish boi :3

I can't even learn Russian.


I have a better idea, I'll learn Finnish if Finland sends me a qt Finnish gf to teach it to me.

because my learning of your languague is not finnish !

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I'm with you.
1 finnish teacher gf please!

i can be you guys's girlfriend :3

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yes please

but you are male, i don't want your boypucci

yes please

post bp

Hey I was first.

post thighs

where are proofs?

Where's my teacher gf? I'm waiting.

I unironically want to learn Finnish, but I'm a poor who can't afford language instruction. Where do I start?


>Where do I start?

Someone post the beheaded head of this cunt