

Attached: Platypus.jpg (653x411, 29K)

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the platypus actually had cousins, so it is the only species in it's family

Cute pupper.

species of platypus and echdina fossils were found in south america, Monotremata just can't compete with placentarians so they became extinct

cute and venomous

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his venom is pretty shit tier

Looks like a tiny retarded manatee.
Would rub it's belly.

that shit ain't cute

the mother has no tities and the milk comes out of pores, pretty cool

I didn't know about their fucked up tongues.

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Literally the amerimutt face
>Fenner et al. (1992) provided the first clinical case report of platypus envenomation. They report that the affected patient, who received spur wounds to the hand, presented with oedema and lasting severe pain which did not respond effectively to morphine and was only alleviated following a wrist block. Laboratory blood tests revealed an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), indicating possible coagualopathy. The pain in this case persisted for several months and substantially impaired use of the affected limb. Intense pain and oedema were similarly described in a more recent case reported by Tonkin and Negrine (1994), although the symptoms in this case subsided within several weeks.
Sounds pretty awful, all things considered.

the venom has a d-amino acid, uncommon in nature and the only mammal that has it

the platypus venom may not be as deadly but it is very unique


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Top kek, it's uncanny.

So it's basically a complete cunt.

i thought that was a worm wtf

holy shit

well no, that's the thing

the venom isn't used to kill so it is not offensive like snake or something and only males during mating season has it
so it is probably used for that kind of the tusks of a walrus

that's fairly standard for anything venenous really

did you know that kangoroos have 3 vaginas

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Attached: platypus hatching.webm (600x336, 332K)

God I wish that were me

Holy shit that’s cute

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not it's a case of your typical teenage contrarian or the cripplingly autistic manchild.

Imagine all the crazy monotreme and marsupial fossils buried under the ice in Antarctica.

any snake bite will get you that reaction, i'm not being contraria, it is not like you will die or lose a limb because of it

I think that's a worm

What the fuck.