Muslims brothers the day is very near. Most of the signs have checked out already
Muslims brothers the day is very near. Most of the signs have checked out already
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explain for a lazy revert
Yes,i been waiting to fuck a goat all day
Mohammed was a goat-fucker who had a dream
Just go to a church and get baptized
He means signs of the apocalypse.
>Before the Last Hour there will be great liars, so beware of them”…“When the most wicked member of a tribe becomes its ruler, and the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader, and a man is respected through fear of the evil he may do, and leadership is given to people who are unworthy of it, expect the Last Hour”
>“Women would dress like men”
>“Men would dress like women”
>Homosexuality (and lesbianism) would become commonplace
>Children born outside of marriage would become commonplace
>Fornication and adultery would become commonplace
>Universal consumption of alcoholic beverages
>“Religious knowledge would disappear”
>“Time would move swiftly—a year passing like a month—a month like a week—a week like a day”
>Such prevalence of random killing, murder and violence that “a killer would not know why he is killing and the one who is killed would not know why he is being killed”
>“Nothing would remain of Islam but the name, and nothing would remain of the Qur’an but the traces (of its writing)
>Universal consumption of Riba (Aka modern stock market and banking)
>“Naked barefooted shepherds would vie with one another in the construction of high-rise buildings”
I don’t consider the stock market riba.
There’s riba in our banking system. At least 90% of Americans take a usury loan some time in their life.
Indeed, a fine addtion for my gallery of shame
I feel same, bro
Even if you are baiting
>the most worthless member of a community becomes its leader
Islam died when white people landed on the moon
Only Americans have been to the moon you fool.
What does that mean?
Theres something in the quran about mohammad riding to the moon on a donkey
This is the most retarded thing in all of Islam that I keep hearing about.
>>Homosexuality (and lesbianism) would become commonplace
You see, the thing about pre-islamic middle east is that homosexuality was common practice and it wasn't seen as a sin.
>>Such prevalence of random killing, murder and violence that “a killer would not know why he is killing and the one who is killed would not know why he is being killed”
Then can you explain pre-islamic middle eastern Empires like Assyria that expanded savagely and effectively turned into "warrior societies" that almost exclusively produced warriors and nothing else? Humans have always been savages throughout history. Do you think an Assyrian warlord would care about those who fall under his horse's hooves and die? This is exactly the same where a school shooter shoots at random.
>>“Time would move swiftly—a year passing like a month—a month like a week—a week like a day”
This one is just retarded
>>Children born outside of marriage would become commonplace
I don't know about this one
Rest is just fake and gay.
Say what you will Copt, the prophecy is fullfilling itself. I suggest you follow your egyptian brothers and revert.
Cringe. I don't practice anymore.
If you actually believe in that trash, I'm afraid that you have to recheck your beliefs.
May Allah help you see the truth before the Last Days dawns upon us.
That is categorically not true, don’t lie.
>Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
This is the verse I think you’re thinking of.
Gays were persecuted throughout history throughout the world, never had the world been as tolerant to gays as today.
The only major empire I can think of that was as tolerant to homosexuality as we are was Rome.
>wars have always been fought
Yes but only today do we have 14 year old kids shooting up their high schools.
Not to mention wars are fought for more and more convulted things
I.e. Iraq and Vietnam wars
>rest are gay
Nice argument.
>These flags
>This conversation
Honestly I'm just impressed, and sad at the same time.
Jow Forums’s where misfits go I guess.
>The only major empire I can think of that was as tolerant to homosexuality as we are was Rome.
Historically, all middle eastern, pre-islamic empires tolerated homosexuality. Especially, mesopotamian-based nations. There are also many examples outside of the middle east.
>Yes but only today do we have 14 year old kids shooting up their high schools.
Spontaneous mass-murder wasn't as common back then because of several possible reasons:
1- Cases of spontaneous mass-murder weren't documented
2- Wars were much more common so mentally-unstable people who wanted to kill others would usually just join the army or are drafted into it
3- Perhaps modern mass-shootings are indirectly due to hedonism and boring, repetitive lifestyles that might have not existed back then
>Not to mention wars are fought for more and more convulted things
What reasons? Greater influence in a region? Simply expanding? Resources? These were all reasons why wars pre-modern era or pre-semitic religions were fought. At the basic level, war will always be the same and for the same reasons. Even if you're carrying a gun, a spear or a slingshot goals behind a war still remain more or less for the same reason.
>Nice argument.
I can't be arsed to reply to each and every sign. I will be busy in a few minutes anyways
I am not saudi. Just like the german said, I am egyptian.
>Cases of spontaneous mass-murder weren't documented
Yeah, if some normal dude in 10th century Baghdad randomly went into his local supermarket and randomly started killing people, I’d like to think somebody would’ve written it down.
>Perhaps modern mass-shootings are indirectly due to hedonism and boring, repetitive lifestyles that might have not existed back then
ok and? Does that change the fact that a prophecy was fulfilled?
>Historically, all middle eastern, pre-islamic empires tolerated homosexuality
Patently not true.
But the burden of proof lies with the claimant. Prove to me that all pre-Islamic middle eastern societies were gay friendly.
Honestly, just look around you, you live in Saudi Arabia, you see the “bare footed Bedouins” competing to build the tallest buildings in the world, you see buildings towering over the hills of Mecca, and the hour casting its shadow over the Kaaba.
>What reasons? Greater influence in a region? Simply expanding? Resources? These were all reasons why wars pre-modern era or pre-semitic religions were fought. At the basic level, war will always be the same and for the same reasons. Even if you're carrying a gun, a spear or a slingshot goals behind a war still remain more or less for the same reason.
“Go invade Iraq because they don’t have WMD’s and didn’t do 9/11”
“Go invade and massacre the Vietnamese because they may become communist”
“Kill 6 million Jews because they exist”
what about the part where islam dominates all governments
There is no such prophecy
That’s after Jesus, peace be upon him, returns and kills the anti-Christ.
do you guys remember the part where muhammad rode on a flying donkey from mecca to jerusalem and back in one night
>muslim told me years ago that one of the signs was women dressing more like men and men dressing more like women
>mfw it's true
Its not a prophecy. Its a fact. We know exactly when its going to happen, namely after Isa (pbuh) has returned, but with prophecies we don't know
That was an UFO. Don't you watch History Channel?!
>tfw kafir
>tfw hear the guy next to me listen to Salil al-Sawarim
Yo, what page of the Quran is that on? I should get a copy and check it out!
It was Allah who transported him with the help of the steed Buraq. It wasn't a donkey.
>german flags all over the thread
Like clockwork.
its hadith
how come he never had any miracles other than this one?? and he had no witnesses??? Jesus had hundreds of witnesses to his miracles and his resurrection. Jesus only did missionary work for about 3 years and never had any wars. How can you be m*Slim when Jesus is clearly the Son of God?
He’s talking about this verse:
>Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
17-1 I think.
Isa is a prophet of God for there is no God but God. He is neither son nor God nor holy spirit, he is a prophet. He never said that you shoul worship him yet you do. And you will face judgement for your shirk.
literally not even the correct list you dummy
and 90% of the "minor" signs in the real list are such vague bullshit like "earthquakes" or "more killing"
I’ve never met a Finn on here who wasn’t either an atheist or an immigrant.
In case you actually are Christian:
Muhammad was an ummi, his main miracle is the Quran.
There are miracles associated with him in Hadith
Jesus said John the Baptist is the greatest of all men born today.
John the Baptist said, someone treated than him will follow. (The prophet mihammad)
>For I say unto you, Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist: but he that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.
>He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
Bonus Jesus prophecies Muhammad:
I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
Jesus on “that day”:
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
What's the real list?
Oh and this
There is not one verse in the Bible which has Jesus claiming divinity.
Nor is there a SINGLE verse of him asking to be worshiped.
Minor Signs
"The coming of the Last Prophet, Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah (SAW)."
"The slave will become the master."
"Shepherds will compete in the construction of tall buildings."
"Knowledge of Islam will be taken away while ignorance will increase. This removal of knowledge will be because old scholars will die and fewer and fewer new scholars will replace them. The leaders of the Muslims will be chosen from ignorant people, and they will rule according to their whims."
"Drinking and fornication will increase heavily."
"The population of men will decrease, and women increase till fifty women shall be for every man."
"Thirty people will claim to be prophets, followed by Al-Dajjal (the anti-Christ roughly)."
"There will be such an abundance of wealth that people will not be able to find recipients for zakat."
"Killing will increase."
"Time will be shortened so that a year will be like a month, a month like a day, a day like an hour."
"Two great countries will fight and kill each other, both claiming the same thing."
"Earthquakes will increase in number."
"A person will pass by the grave, and wish to trade places out of despair."
Birth of the Anti-christ
Release of the 2 forbidden people
The three major earthquakes that will claim thousands of lives
The Smoke that will cover the skies
Major Signs (in rough chronological order)
"Al-Dajjal will come, claiming to be God holding Heaven and Hell. His purpose is to deceive, and unbelievers will follow him. He is short, red-faced, blind in the right eye, and has hair which sticks up. He will go around the world, but will be unable to enter Madinah or Makkah."
"Al-Mahdi will come at the time of Al-Dajjal. He will call to the true Islam, and will be a military leader. His name will be exactly like that of the Prophet: Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah, and his father's name will match the Prophet's father's name also. He will be descended from Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet."
"Isa (Jesus) will come at the time of Al-Dajjal and al-Mahdi as well. He will descend at the time of Fajr prayer on a masjid in Damascus, the capital of Syria. He is of medium height, red-faced, and his hair is as if he just took a shower. He will call people back to Islam, but he will also be a military leader. The People of the Book will revert to Islam, and wealth will be super-abundant. Isa will break the cross, kill the swine, and personally slay Al-Dajjal. He will stay on Earth for a long time thereafter, and then die."
"An animal will come and call people back to Islam."
"Gog and Magog (two hidden tribes of people) will break free of the dam that holds them back, and ravage the earth. They will drink all the water, and kill people until Allah sends against them a worm which will wipe them out."
"Three places in the world will sink and be swallowed up by the earth. One in the west, one in the east, and one in the Saudi Arabian peninsula."
"Fire will come from the area of Aden in Yemen, and sweep northwards."
"The sun will rise from the west."
"Smoke will appear all over the earth which will cause believers to catch something similar to a slight cold, whereas the unbelievers will be hit harder by it. Finally, a cold wind will come and kill all believers, leaving only unbelievers on the earth who will then witness the LAST HOUR. The angel Israfil will blow a trumpet, and the resurrection of all human beings will begin."
This list is far from complete; there are many other signs. A couple more of interest are: Constantinople (Istanbul) will fall before Rome to Islam (note that this means Rome will indeed fall), and the Muslim political system will go from Prophetic leadership to a just Khilafah to a 'biting' authority to an oppressive authority and finally back to a just Khilafah.
Finally, the Prophet has said that when the Signs start to come, they will come FAST - like a string of beads falling one after the other.
Dajjal has not yet been born. But what do I know, maybe he already has. Maybe he is already trying to convey himself as the false messiah.
Gog and Magog which many muslims interpret as the state of Israel. Basically Allah the merciful has destroyed a town and had its people expelled. That town is Jerusalem, and once Gog and Magog were released, the expelled people would return to their destroyed town. So basically what happened after the zionists got a hold of Jersualem.
The Dukhan is made out to be the "Smoke that will cover all skies" which many muslim scholars interpret as the pollution of the earth. Dukhan or Smog is already visible in many american and chinese cities and will probably spread all across the world.
D’ABBATUL ARD or the beast on earth is what many people believe to be either the zionist state of Israel or the sudden technology boom. Our Prophet has said that the beast will cause a great distortion in the world and will cause unbalance.
The Sun that would Rise from the West has either already occured or will still occur, some muslim scholars still debate about this.
A great earthquake would emerge from the east (of Mecca) and would claim many lives, this has also happened during the earthquake that claimed 100.000 lives in 2004. Afterwards a great earthquake would happen in the West. this has yet to occur as well. And after the western earthquake, another one will happen in Arabia. And once the Arabian earthquake has happened, Isa, the Messiah will return and rule the world from Jerusalem.
There’s a Wikipedia article
I can’t copy paste it all (it has a lot, even the ones that probably aren’t true (weak Hadith sources). But here are the first twenty:
>The coming of fitna (tribulations) and removal of kushoo
>The coming of 30 Dajjals, each one of them presuming himself an apostle of God.
>A person passing by a grave might say to another: I wish it were my abode.
Suicide rates are sky high in the first world these days compared to the past.
>The loss of honesty, and authority put in the hands of those who do not deserve it.[note 5]
Trump, and most world leaders lie a lot.
>The loss of knowledge and the prevalence of religious ignorance.[note 6]
>Frequent, sudden, and unexpected deaths.[note 7]
>Increase in pointless killings.[note 8]
>Acceleration of time.[note 9]
It’s been said this is the perception of time, ie these days we travel quicker and communicate quicker.
>Rejection of Hadith.[note 10]
>The spread of riba (usury, interest), zina (adultery, fornication), and the drinking of alcohol.[note 11]
Obviously true
>Widespread acceptance of music.[note 12]
>Pride and competition in the decoration of mosques.[note 13]
Look at any Muslim countey’s capital’s mosques
>Women will increase in number and men will decrease in number so much so that fifty women will be looked after by one man.[note 14]
Not true, atm.
>Abundance of earthquakes.[note 15]
>Frequent occurrences of disgrace, distortion, and defamation.[note 16]
>When people wish to die because of the severe trials and tribulations that they are suffering.[note 17]
>Jews fighting Muslims.[note 18]
True, this hasn’t really happened like it has today in forever.
>When paying charity becomes a burden.[note 19]
>Nomads will compete in the construction of very tall buildings.[note 20]
I think it refers to “bedoins” which is clearly true, they have the tallest buildings.
>Women will appear naked despite their being dressed.[note 21]
YOGA PANTS. Tights, skinny genes, et cetera.
My last post for now, gotta go to work
>Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
>17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
Qur'an is not a miracle.
John the Baptist came before Jesus the king to clear the way for Him. He was the greatest before Jesus.
The one who followed John the Baptist was Jesus. Retard.
The Bible is full of verses saying that those who deny that Jesus is the Son of God are of the devil and liars and false prophets.
Those verses you mentioned at first could mean any missionary who leads a person to truth or Paul the apostle for example.
As for the part about Jesus professing to people who pretend to be Christian that He never knew them, right before he says this
>15Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
>There is not one verse in the Bible which has Jesus claiming divinity.
>Nor is there a SINGLE verse of him asking to be worshiped.
There is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ, and Jesus did say that.
problem is all of this shit is so vague and can be applied to tons of things at any time period in history
>50 women for every man
I'm okay with that.
>has already occured
Holy shit wasn't it that the door of forgiveness will be closed when that happens?
Perhaps they already have. Only Allah knows.
Iirc correctly that was suppose to happen after the fog killing all believers
>be muslim at mecca
>get crushed on 9/11
>you know what? i as a god gonna let my creation evolve just pull the switch all the sudden making this whole creation pointless and put them in a borderline matrix machine with no point in it at all that also ironically encourages hedonism
Abrahamic religions everyone
>John the Baptist came before Jesus the king to clear the way for Him. He was the greatest before Jesus.
Do the math.
Jesus says John the Baptist is the greatest yet (including greater than Jesus himself)
John the Baptist says someone greater then himself is coming after him.
I.e. it has to be someone different from Christ
>The one who followed John the Baptist was Jesus
I know that, did I contradict that?
Jesus wouldn’t allow ableism.
>The Bible is full of verses saying that those who deny that Jesus is the Son of God are of the devil and liars and false prophets.
Show me one sound verse that has Jesus saying he is the begotten/genetic son of God.
>By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
look at the muslims’ grapes. Which community commits drinking more? Yours or ours? Which community commits promiscuity more? Which community commits gambling more?
>Those verses you mentioned at first could mean any missionary who leads a person to truth or Paul the apostle for example.
it speaks of someone who doesn’t speak for himself (exactly as verses were revealed to Muhammad) and someone who will show of things to come I.e a prophet. Not a layman.
>There is no other way to God except through Jesus Christ, and Jesus did say that.
Through accepting him as a messenger.
If Jesus wanted us to worship him, why wouldn’t he say so?
If Jesus were God, why wouldn’t he say so?
He literally says that the only way to be saved is through Him. Why would the path of salvation be through a prophet?
>He literally says that the only way to be saved is through Him.
Ok, ignoring all those other verses, let’s operate under those rules.
We go through him.
Salvation is through him, as in through him God delivers his teachings unto the people.
Now, looking at the assertion you’ve put dowsed, where does one draw the conclusion that we now have to worship him? Or that he is God?
>The Sun that would Rise from the West has either already occured or will still occur, some muslim scholars still debate about this.
What is that sun supposed to be? If it was nearby supernova, wouldn’t the prophecy just say that certain star will increase in brightness?
I’ve only heard two interpretations of this that make sense:
1. It’s referring to knowledge and whatnot, the West has overtaken the east.
2. Magnetic north and south are about to switch for the first time in forever, when it does the sun will literally rise from the west.
But I've heard that it would take place after the fog and the gates of forgiveness will be closed
Oh I don’t know about the timing, you may be correct.
We’ve been overdue for the poles switching for a while now, so it could pretty soon.
I’m a bit of an eschatologylet atm, I need to get back into it and read up.
Can you confirm that it takes place after the believers are killed?
No, I don’t know, I can’t find a good source, sorry, maybe the German can.
Did Mohammed write the original script for Dr Strangelove?
>John the Baptist came before Jesus
Well I hope he helped him finish afterwards.
>Two great countries will fight and kill each other, both claiming the same thing.
Could be worrying but neither of them is great.
Rly makes u think
imagine being a muslim and unironically believing all this shit
now that's a YIKES
Gonna need to see yer loisunce for dat toast poyo