I want a crazy tumblr gf

i want a crazy tumblr gf...

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You sure about that?

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is there a catch?

Maybe the fact that most of these art hoe are daddy issue BPD schizoid crazies, you don't want to have a girlfriend like that

I want to tame one

no you don't, they'll fuck up your life

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There's more fulfilling and entertaining ways to develop psychological trauma and chronic self-loathing, user.

hehe mm
okay gj ''taming'' a girl like this, they're nice don't get me wrong i know a couple girls like this and they're fine to have as friends but to get emotionally attatched to one is just dumb

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if you meet someone with borderline or similar, just run for your life because they will emotionally damage you in ways you can't comprehend

but what if i like to be emotionally damaged

then do it, you'll find out why I'm warning you here
learn from my mistakes. I had a year long relationship with one and it totally fucked up my ability to trust women. most other anons that have been down this path will say similar things. these girls are all batshit.

Joke on you, I have no life.

can you explain how?

Because they are emotionally manipulative and have several undiagnosed untreated mental disorders like Bipolar that makes them lash out randomly and have these extreme highs and lows of extreme anger and sadness.
These girls need a babysitter or a father not a boyfriend

sounds like me

but why would those things hurt you? i'm not being facetious, i'm really curious. is it what said about no longer trusting women?

>they are emotionally manipulative
That's women in general.

*hurt you for life

>how can having a relationship with someone who’s emotionally manipulative a bad thing
wow man, who knows

one left me 3 years ago. Still haven't recovered entirely.

i understand in the moment, but how would it destroy your life like some of the previous posters said?

You guys sound like faggots. It's a woman, who cares. If she didn't want to be with you, why do you want to be with her?

she will learn to love me

I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for several years and it didn't destroy my life but I took a massive hit to my self-confidence and trust that I'm just now getting totally over 9 years later.

Awww poor widdle user's gf, whom he has been dating since middle school, broke up with him after they went to different collweges

I want a Swedish bf
Hi sweetie

That's a proxy isn't it

>ywn have tall handsome somalian BULL as a bf
why wasnt i born nordic...

>tfw no western emotionally abusive/manipulative flegmatic glasses-wearing hentai-loving tumblr gf

but you have the same type of girls in russia

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Only western girls use tumblr and watch hentai though

Also, most young girls here are loud stacies, not phlegmatic qts

Be careful what you wish for

Well that isnt any different for the west, but someone said these ''wine girls'' are common in Moscow / St Petersburg.

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Pretty close, but most of these girls are just pretentious sluts

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Is shee bleeding ?

most girls are pretentious sluts*

Are you a Somalian warlord?

Ahoy me matey


I want a crazy Jow Forums gf

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what a cunt you sound like

har har watch out for the russians

I'm getting desperate
I feel the void consuming me
I just need someone I can talk to
Someone I can hug

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You don't understand them, they're afraid of being adults so they look for someone stable and apathetic to hold onto them in life that's controlling and punishes them for bad behaviour showing affection afterwards. If you don't do that they'll manipulate you themselves or cheat on you from boredom since they don't have the guts to break up with you themselves.

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Hello, I’m from tumblr.
Ask me anything!

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do you have a body like that fox thing?

Look everyone, it's Moham-- I mean Patchy the pirate!

Pear-shaped? No, my body type is petite straight.