When will Krauts pay reparations?

When will Krauts pay reparations?

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Who would pay for that? The SS officers still alive if there are any?

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the German govt, which is responsible for invading poland

reparations are always paidby the government

When Poland asks for reparations

Who in the German government is to blame for WW2? I wouldn't want to be accountable for the sins of my ancestors.

pay denbts

pay denbts germoney

you do not represent poland

I am the president

Now pay

but i am not chancellor, mr. president
you have to ask merkel, not me

who cares about this shit lmao

Niggerish behaviour.

It would be hilarious if pooland actually robbed germoney like this. Dumb krauts will never recover and the new krauts will revolt when the gibs dry up.

IF poland belonged to western Europe, German would delightfully accept every demand for reparation and soon withdraw money from a bank.

When will you pay for nanking?

there was no demand for reparation, you dumb proxy

China has already abandoned all rights to demand reparation from Japan.

we should ask for reparations for german support of Franco and Gernika bombing

Poland got to annex German lands which were much more developed than previous eastern Poland. That should cover for at least part of it.

each continuation of the german govt is responsible to right the wrongs of previous one. The whole german cabinet at the time of the war is responsible for ww2

>Poland got to annex German lands
Which the Russians plundered for everything that wasn't nailed down and Poland had no population to properly settle it.

Poland got German land.

>bunch of empty shit since soviet stolen everything
yeah sure thanks for that
and we also lost huge fucking chunk of our eastenr territories to the soviets