
Jews and females(Jews) not allowed

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Still gonna post here.

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What does he actually say here?

how do i get a cute levantine(secular) bf?

What the fuck
By being hot

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go away. cute levantine(secular) males are already in short supply youre not allowed to poach them.

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Do you think I could get an Arab organisation to sponsor me leaving Israel?

It could be like a reversal of the Mandate days where Jews bought land from Arabs. Now you can buy me going abroad and never coming back. Everyone wins.


You should "convert" to Islam an go to Europe as a refugee saying that you get oppressed in Israel.

probably not, arab orgs hate jews too much to even consider talking to them.

Come home, Jewish man :)

>bought by rich Saudi man
>beat to death by him and his friends in his Toronto penthouse
Is this really how you want to go out?

Go to israel, lol

I remember when I was nineteen I bought a set of kettlebells and I'd go in the basement swing that shit for hours listening to university research field podcasts. Now I just blow my mind with russian outlet pills and blow my savings on amazon

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Remember brothers, anime is haram

going to have to share a rental with favela monkeys in a bong shithole because I apparently cant graduate without doing an internship in a foreign country. work for free for poo in loos and spend thousands barely eating

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you won't make it to heaven lad...

only animeposters will enter heaven

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faggots go with satan

jealous that you can't have a cute bf to hold hands with?

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Don't bother with him, he does faggy shit then gets scared shitless when it is shown to him.
He's that Palestinian gayass who lives in the UAE

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الأول لإسرائيل


This always cracks me up

We must destroy 'med' wewuzzing because med is unironically not a solid 'identity', just an excuse for people of the southern/eastern mediterannean to LARP as europigs

Never thaught I would ever say this, but I miss kreig
Thread's so empty and boring without his autism and writefaggotry

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Feel free to elaborate better. I feel like maybe that's true for /levant/ines but not so much for maghrebis.

>standard thing to start a speech by praising allah and his messenger mohammed
>"I congratulate you for this is your holiday of victory..." bla bla bla
it then cuts to a part that I'm unable to understand without context like tf is he saying


Me too if I'm being honest. I still want what happened to make him realize that his own insistence on not giving up /levant/ was an absurd idea, particulary in the log run.

شكون يحب العصبة الكبيرة ؟

عصفور طل من الشباك و قلي يا نونا خبيني عندك خبيني دخلك يا نونا

Are you saying levantines aren‘t med?

What is up, my dudes?

I was thinking of palestinians and jordanians in particular. I feel like their med identity is weak if any compared to tunisia, southern europe, cyprus, or even lebanon.

A book for the uninformed


أشكون يهبط شيشا ؟

speak arabic

قتلك أهبط شيشة لخوك

Saudis are your buddies
>get shekels to move in
>get shekels to move out
the true Jewish mercantile spirit, everybodu

You're literally just jealous that a morocca is the best poster itt

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تحب تشيّش؟
تي بلّع و أهبط شيشة

It's because I find that people rarely claim the "mediterraneanity" of their culture out of good will. It's mostly done so they can associate, or rather cling, to southrons, or people who're generally viewed more favorably than 'arabs' or 'berbers'. Poor wording on my behalf but tl;dr I don't think there's a defenitive med identity, and I don't think our present day culture is strongly related to any of the european nations with medi coasts. With the direction things are headed, I'd say we're closer to saudi arabia. It's also funny to see people's indignation when you tell them they aren't meds.
for instance. Here I feel you make the implication that tunisia, and by association north africa, is as 'med' as southern europe, or cyprus. I'm clutching at straws here but it's just really easy to spot when people try to claim an association to the mediterranean, and I have strong suspicions as to why they do that

>closer to saudi arabia
are you sure you live here ?

Are we going to pretend like there aren't entire fucking sections full of Ikhawshits and that they're gaining power? Go to keirouan or some other place. Peak med islamism.

when will Syrians understand that they're nothing without Aleppo ?
الحلبية هم العرق المتفوق

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I am 100% Aleppan. 3aashit 7alab 7urrah

Also, it was meant as an obvious jab towards the growing islamism in the country, but great intervention regardless

I'm really wondering why our ancestors fell for the pan Arabism meme instead of being Aleppine nationalists.
Just imagine an Aleppine republic that extends from Iskenderun to Euphrates and from Northern country of Hama to Diyar Bakir and gazientap
Feelsgoodman but unfortunately it won't happen.

I would prefer a city state that just includes Aleppo.

Wtf ? what are you talking about ? and i LIVE in kairouan, you are talking out of your ass.
Tunisian islam:
>Drink even on the eve of eid
>but don't eat pork
>watch porn
>curse allah

Tunisian islam is all fucking hypocrisy, do every shit but get mad whenever someone mentions mohammed and wrong things in islam

Keirouan, jewel of the mediterranean, and the face of tunisian secularism.

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9adechek mnayek, that was in 2014 you dumbass they all joined isis and died

this tb h
7alabis >>>>> sh*mis

>they all joined isis and died
Citation needed
You do realise that there will always be people who raise their children to be salfshits until something is done about it, right?
They were persecuted under bourguiba's rule, you'd think they'd just fucking die but the mentality itself isn't something that can be wiped off the country by a few isis candidates getting killed or sent elsewhere. Chaanbi's still a warzone iirc, we still produce 'proud warriors' like that, and the gulf-funded mosques are still at it with their garbage. Wasn't there a video recently about women demanding LESS rights? Well, anyways, you could kill five thousand of them, but people like that will always exist until something's done about it. You act as if 2014 is three decades ago. The next generation could just as easily have even more ikhawjites desu

Which district are you from?

Problem is that you shithead are talking like they are even able to do shit, they can't. Sebssi passed and is still passing many stupid laws and they can't do jack shit.

I see, that's understandable. I can see the rationale behind that.
I wasn't trying to claim the maghreb as similar to southern europe, I just feel disposed to mention that tunisia has obvious stronger ties to mediterranean general culture and dishes than, say, gaza does. Plus maghrebis still share a lot of the history with them, almost as much as with the culturally closer and related islamic world.
And also I think you forgot that claiming a med identity is popular with berberists for the same reasons : distancing themselves from the middle east + creating a unique identity for the maghreb.

Really have a trouble understanding where you're going
>tunisia is highly secularist
Be told about Keirouan
>keirouan is secularist
Be sent a gathering of salafists in Keirouan
>dumb nigger, that was a decade ago in 2014
Be told about the persistence of salafism in the country and how it still obviously exists today
>retarded shithead, th-they exist but they have no power
Only because Ennahdha is being passive. Technically they do hold power since this is supposedly a democracy. They are represented. No secularised country has an active organisation called Majles al Shoura lmao.

Bab Al-Faraj

Fair point. I support berberism, and distancing the country from the islamic world, and hopefully islam. I don't think the movement is big enough in tunisia. It is in algeria but they get slaughtered often it seems

hey pussy

r/ou7i ya nesma

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7alabi subhuman

Why are you twisting my words exactly ?
lmao, you are one of the idiots who still believe nahdhaa is really an islamic party. it's a power hungry party like nidaa only with an islamic thin cover. Even the fucking islamists you are talking about hated ennahdha cause it didn't uphold the islamic laws.

The country is slowly going towards even more secularism and the few islamists are crying over it

Berberism, arabism, islamism, cut from the same cloth though. If anything, I'm afraid they all are integral parts of maghrebiness. I feel like we need a bit more individualism too.

I want to ask my mother to find me a girl like Yusra. God damn is she cute.

Nahdha IS shilling islamism, lmao. Even by just being de meche with the gulf (Qatar), they're supporting islamism by association because Qatar does. It is power hungry, and has figureheads (mostly former plotical activists that have sold out) that one wouldn't exactly call salafist. But they absolutely want the islamisation of the country, simply because ghannouchi does. Their leadership is already filthy rich, it's 'power hungry' because it wants to gather enough power to fulfill its islamist agenda, not for the fun of it. Also, for one who hasn't missed a single opportunity to call me a retard on each one of your posts, you sure do enjoy spewing hot garbage.

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I'm calling you a dumbass cause you really are my dude, a delusional dumbass.
Ennahdha already had the opportunity to whatever shit they wanted, they ruled the country in the most crucial years and they didn't do any islamist shit. That is why the islamists fucking hate them, because they let them down when they had the opportunity, because they were elected after promising people to uphold islamic shit but they didn't. Then they sided with the secular party just so they can both rule and you tell me they have an agenda other than gainning power ??

come home, yabroudi eastern lebanese wo(man ?)

Are Lebanese prostitutes worth it? I'm thinking about traveling to Beirut to fugg

Islamism and Arabism are both cut from a cloth called Arab imperialism. Arabism and Islamism both are 'suppressive' in nature. Islamism aims to suppress personal freedoms and civil rights (see: Islam), and Arabism in the maghreb is largely a countermeasure against those who vouch for the Maghreb to reclaim some of its pre islamic/pre arabised roots, where berberism simply aims to better represent Maghrebi identity.
You think they did so out of the goodness of their own heart? They can't do anything too blatant because there'd be public outrage, they only acted in line because they ruled when the country was still very unstable and the public would just go on endless mass protests, and getting ousted by a second revolt would forever drag their reputation or prestige through the mud. I really don't understand how your genius operates, what with me being a retardate. Could you tell me why you deny the country's brimming with salafists when you realise the islamists got a pseudo-islamic goverment on the throne? Do you really think they will not enforce more conservative policies when they're more encrusted in the country's politics? Do foreign islamist media still shill for ennahdha because of their secularist plans? Would also like to know why a man of genius such as yourself is prone to changing his stance everytime he's pressed about it, convenienty chosing not to argue and resorting to insults ().
You're saying a country that had an islamic partyvas the ruling one is highly secular (they were voted into power by bona fide secularists, right?)
Of course, I'm the delusional guy here

they don't exist, 90% are egyptian and syrian

Did you fugg one?

What’s the first race and class you’ll play as in Elder Scrolls 6?
I’m going with Stealth-Mage Khajiit, as usual.

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It goes without saying that berberism didn't brought as much damage to the maghreb as arabism and islamism did, but I am certain that the repudiation of every arab/islamic heritage from maghreb is self destructive and futile in the long term. We can't just erase centuries of history like that, although we still have the potential to change some inadequate aspects of this society. It is my impression that pursuing an ethnic blind nationalism that accepts all parts of maghrebi past along with their present is a preferable choice.

>did you voluntarily dip your appendix into a boiling vat of gonorrhea

>Goverment passes law to allow non muslims to marry muslims and other shit
>And part of the gov is proposing liberal laws that will drastically change the country
>Goverment is pseudo-islamic and is enforcing conservative policies
Do you realise how much of a brainet you are right now ? no point in arguing with you any further

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what's up
post pics

thus up man
don't talk
stupid bitch

>putting words in my mouth I did not say in my mouth in order to be able to forumlate a retort that seems passable, one in which you withdraw from arguing so you can't make a tool out of yourself anymore. I didn't say the current goverment is pseudo islamic. I said the previous, ennahdha one did. I didn't say the current govt is making islamic reforms, I'm saying ennahdha surely will, once it garners enough power and influence, and is fully in charge. Work on your reading comprehension before the holidays are over, it will help you in concours 6éme, assuming you'll take it.
You, on the other hand:
>tunisia is highly secularist! Nevermind half of the country being islamist and us being the biggest exporter of ISIS fighters, or an explicitly islamist party previously being in power, delusional pig.
Also, why did you just dox yourself?

Oh, I fucked up the post format. I'm sure you wouldn't be bothered by a bit of greenery, although by your own admission you were going to stop arguing (but for some reason, I get the feeling that you aren't a man of your word)

In hindsight, i don't express myself but basically berberism is alike to arabism and islamism on the subject of erasing inconvenient pieces of maghrebi past that contributed more or less in forming their heritage and identity to fit a narrative.


shut up bitch

It's just our thread leader being himself by
throwing some sort of a tantrum, don't mind him.

تي برا نيك

more like in erasing the influence or impact of certain inconvenient pieces of the maghreb's former and present times*. Damn, finally found my words.

>mfw just realized the letter "Alpha" comes from phoenician "Alef"

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okay, but no one answered my original question.

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wondrous discovery! Haha. And aleph originally means cow iirc.

do you feel confident enough to shove your ass into mine ?

Berberism doesn't aim to erase every hint of Arab influence, though.
It's mostly campaigning to see Berber/Amazigh culture represented, and recognised. What narrative, though? They don't really need to come up with one. It's a pretty undisputable fact that throughout many times in history, or even just since the 20th century, there have been numerous efforts, of different degrees of injustice/strictness, to fully arabise the maghreb. Berberism isn't merely ethnic nationalism, actually I'd say it's mostly cultural.