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International #942
Could you get a girl like this if you wanted?
Wow... I'm really proud of my ancestors :)
Entire world would have been unhabitable in 2050 if we didn't stop the CFC in 1987
Post a pic/portrait of the last monarch of your vag
Would you racemix with a Hungarian girl?
What went so right?
Why China is building islands in the South China Sea
Why do they hate Jews?
/ita/ - il filo
What goes on here? is it a cool place to live in?
Hates Mutts
If you’re an immigrant or descendant of an immigrant...
It's okay to have brown eyes!
If you hate America so much, why don't you go back to Mexico?
Travelling to America for a couple of weeks. Any advise?
Which party do you support?
Holy shit I just learned that non-European babies are all born with blue stains on their skin that fade over time...
Do women have beautiful feet in your country?
Why do people consider this all one region when Mexico has nothing in common with Colombia or Argentina...
/cp/ - Culture Pals
How to solve the terroni problem?
Which country do you countrymen hate the most ?
Sverigetråden - Återvandringsupplagan
If you could get rid of one of these two regions which one would you choose and why?
Tell me about your visits to the Netherlands
Oi, bongs, am I doing tea right?
Tfw realize Sweden is better than your country
This is Finland
Ugh, what could have been
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
How are Americans STILL salty about this?
Which country has most psychopaths?
Japan is dragon
Worst posters on Jow Forums
Im catholic
Alright Swedes I need some help
H-han er rask-utgaven
Here is request for rap video clips experts. Does anyone remember music clip with these features:
/lang/ Language Learning Thread
What did they mean by this?
ITT: Post an example of the old version of your language, then modernise it
Are African Americans really that violent?
Why do American dress like fucking retards?
Germany owes us money
Trumps wants to leave WTO
Dutch woman
How do people survive outside these countries?
Why does Brazil; the largest Sudaca, not simply eat the others?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why haven't Americans started an antitrust investigation against Google already?
Our little son
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
How many times do you sleep everyday??
What the FUCK is their problem?
1. your cunt
Unprecedented level of cooperation between India and China
Sweden needs to accept more african bulls to breed with the women
Go to Lebanon
Why are they so fucking good at dominating Finns in every way?
How many gods (hindu) can the average Indian name
Be Norwegian, 872 AD
Have you ever had sex with a girl?
Peach / pitch
/fr/ - le fil français
Why is European flag so ugly?
Once you speak Spanish, you aren't White
Can somebody explain me the great ancient history of finns?
Arab catholic girls are the purest race
And they said Bitcoin was bad
Post your dinner, boys
Really make you think
The ultimate redpill
Being American is a mental disorder
So I've got myself into some trouble. There's this 17 year old who wants to fight me...
How do we fix this?
When your religion is so shit that the actual religion of peace gets tired of your shit
What is ”braap” in your language?
Brown eyes are superior
Harvard capping the number of Asians to allow diversity lol
Europe map thread
Does this explain most of human history?
Denmark is scandinavian
It's time to face reality. The American economy is so extremely diversified and strong...
Could we pass as locals in your country?
/ITA/ - il filo
Trade War
What country produces the best music and why is it Finland?
/v4/ + friends
Watch a documentary on the kkk in USA
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Make a utopian country that is perfect in your opinion, describe the geography, government, people, and culture
Germany started both world wars duh
The top oil exporting countries are enemies of the west
Wh*teoids btfo
1. Country
Name my band
Scandinavian People
I've fallen in love with a Filipina, what do I do?
Japanese people were originally Korean and Chinese settlers
Xi Jinping plans to reunite Taiwan with China by the end of his 2nd term (2021)
Why do muslims do this with their finger?
Why do people in your country hate America?
(Roblox death sound)
Why do Americans have an inferiority complex towards them?
Why are they so miserable?
If a girl wears the hijab does that mean she's only interested in Muslim men?
It makes sense that Mexicans live here, but why do so many Asians and Middle Eastern people choose to live here?
/danmarktråden/ #2
When will the west win?
ITT: beautiful women from all over the world. even black ones. no hate here
Would you agree to genocide all russian males, if you will get 7/10 russian qt for that?
Hilo hispano /hisp/
Tfw you lose all your friends fighting the Nazis but in the end the capitalists managed to corrupt your nation's youth...
Why are so many Americans averse to the idea of learning Spanish?
What kind of african is this?
What country will be the first to develop a fusion reactor?
I pretty much lost all my savings in less than a day
4'9 here, kill me
His fingers are under 4 inches
What happens in Michigan?
What is your neighborhood like Jow Forums
Thoughts? Opinions? Changes?
Why do spaniards have an inferiority complex toward them?
Kurva anyátok
Have any controversial opinions?
Why do I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes when I'm 4% Europe South? Could that 4% be Northern Italian?
How are you preparing for the chines-
Which country has the sexiest uniforms?
ITT: Post your country's worst leaders
How can one race be so powerful?
/voc/ - Vocaroo thread
What do South Americans think of him?
Live in remote Siberian village
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Br*Tish """English"""
Brazilian burger
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
How do I manage this?
Be Turk
I've started browsing reddit lately and found that the general quality of discussion and amount of informative content...
Is Ireland a nice place to live? Is it comfy?
I'm fat because I don't have time to cook!
Why is the US one of the few stable non-Anglo countries?
/nachtschicht/ sonst /deutsch/
Do you love Korea?
Tfw neotenous 165 cm manlet
1.20 fertility rate
Moving to portugal. Easy?
I got banned from Jow Forums again
/cum/ Cana Meri Mexi
How many spaniards look like him?
How can one nation be so devoid of talent?
Whats the stereotypical drink people take a lot in your country?
Why won’t f*rstoids shut up about their imaginary problems already? We get it...
1. ur cunt
Uni starts in 31 days
ITT: Jow Forums in 1924
What is your cunt's equivalent of detroit?
Which ethnicity of men is most attractive to women?
Australians ACTUALLY fought and died for America in Vietnam
Kid's cartoon
/luso/ Fio lusófono
Who was the greatest man that ever lived?
/nachtschicht/ - /deutsch/
We are sorry
Hon hon hon
Can both some Indonesian and Dutch posters explain to me how Indonesia became independent...
Irrelevance is the greatest trait of a country in 2018
Moving to Brazil
What's the best place to live in your country?
Hilo hispano /hisp/
Drinking thread
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Why do a lot of Americans on Jow Forums seem to think that university/college brainwashes them?
Is this possible in near future?
Average american couple
The media is saying that the first lady of France wiped the floor with our first lady regarding style...
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
Why do Spanish dudes on Jow Forums hate diversity?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
I love america it's such a great country which killed millions of innocent people across entire world and got away with...
Can one convert to Islam without being circumcised?
Explain this, UK
Sweden love thread
In Finland, we have water
Sverigetråden - Rasupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Typical vietnamese surnames
How is this considered in your country?
Post your favorite artwork itt
How do we fix them? Absorption into Sweden or Germany?
Borders are dumb, why do we still have them?
You ever heard of the Masada? For two years, 900 Jews held their own against 15,000 Roman soldiers...
Now that everything is going to shit, expect even more argies in your country, fellow spaniards
/esp/ - hilo español
You may only post in this thread if your country invented or discovered something of significant human importance
Why are shitalians such subhumans?
Tell us about your cunt's airlines
/verlobt/ - /deutsch/
What do people from the Middle East think of Latin Americans?
Spain’s Popular Party stirs fear over the arrival of “millions” of migrants
Your country
ITT Say something legitimately nice about the country above you...
Reminder that Francisco Franco was a good boy and he didn't do anything wrong
Which age is prime time for females ?
Did you know Sweden has C H U R C H E S ?
Greeks and Turks are the same
Daily Finland making you smarter fact
Give it back, Romania
Why do they hate speaking english?
Thread theme :
Do you support this?
General impression of Jow Forums posters by flag
Is it going to be the best game ever since Pong in 1972?
Does this travel advisory map make sense to you?
How are interracial relationships seen in your cunt?
/balk/ - Balkan general
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - Le fil de la francophonie
I'm richer than most people here
Is Argentina the new Venezuela?
Which COUNTRY makes your favourite music Jow Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why can't they speak Spanish?
Why is this accepted
Why do greeks have such an intense inferiority complex towards Turks?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
War. War never changes
What country produces the best music and why is it Finland?
Elects a neoliberal with ties with the ndrangheta
Are finns truly best in the world at video games?
Your Nation
Who will Jow Forums support ?
In Mexico, you can buy 3 hot dogs for $1 USD
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Do you love the EU?
Are they considered European in Europe or Arab (Med)?
Argentina at the edge of collapse
Be me
Your country
It's another thread where an ANTIFA college student in the US or Western Europe whose cunt did not experience communism...
How does Macedonia have $6000 gdp per capita and look Western but Israel has $40k per capita and looks like a Middle...
British in charge of war
What country has the most pseudo-intellectuals and why is it France?
ITT We say nice things about Sweden
Korea copied us again
User, I've seen you posting korean girls on Jow Forums lately, care to elaborate on that?~
/ita/ - il filo
Why European Fairy tale is so terrifying??
What's the quickest way to piss off people in ur cunt?
Why does every white American male think he's a tough bad ass rambo guy waiting around for the gubmint to turn evil so...
If your COUNTRY was a song, what would it be?
/hahnreie/ vormals /deutsch/
This schoolbook caused huge butthurt in Poland
As a slav nation using Latin script, have you ever thought of converting to Cyrillic?
WTF the British were thinking with Brexit?
What is a failed state?
Could you picture yourself relocating to Slovenia?
Why do Americans eat pizza this way?
Ameribro students have to take out student loans from private companies and banks
Sverigetråden - Granenupplagan
Why are they so lazy?
A supermarket advertising magazine actually has this
Is there a more relevant area in overall world history than this?
/ita/ - il filo
Why do continental Europeans have an American accent when they study British English and live near the UK?
/fr/ - le fil franc
Damn. Japan used to be like Southeast Asia
1 your cunt
How do you say based and redpilled in your language?
Why do you pronounce "cc" differently in these two words?
Final and official map of wh*toids and BLACK warriors
Why is the Mediterranean like this?
What does your countries name mean?
How does Romania do it?
Is your country FLATT?
/carib/ + island friends
What do you call this phenotype in your country?
Your 1st mistake is looking for love in Ukraine in the first place...
Dating an asian girl
How would an Iberian man such as myself be treated in your country?
Do you love Armenia?
So why do germans make the best cars?
Ugh...what could have been
Worst posters
Can't we all just get along?
I literally cannot imagine how people can even live in any country that's not one of these
1. Cunt
Ywn have a classic american car from the '50-'70s
Zoomers about to go extinct
Why anglo eat like babies ?
Be black female
Finland is Best
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2041.5
Fuck Turkey and shitslam
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Culture Pals - /cp/
What can you tell me about the Spanish Civil War
Which country historically have the worst neighbours? I bet Poland
I found my Jow Forums bf :)
Italian cuisine
How common are Swedes in Finland?
College educated people should be the only ones allowed to vote
Who is the greatest black man to ever live?
I'm thinking of applying to a Finnish university for my PhD
Do real Christians still exist? Like actually following what the bible says
What is it like
/fr/ - le francofil
This is a female driver from Saudi Arabia
I can't write in cursive and i'm 19
Your cunt
Is Russia really that bad that a young girl would commit suicide?
Drawings of Jow Forums
Your country
Do north africans have ANY feel of unity with Sub-Saharan africans?
This is the only country I like in Europe (Continental)
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico (+ friends)
I want everybody in europe to racemix. No more races, only one super mutt race
I don't believe gay blacks and Mexicans exist
This is Europe Anno Domini 2018
Unity is the only way, Ibero-Americans join the great homeland
Go to argentina
Kurva anyátok
Beg-packer in Asia
Your cunt
Make a thread
United failS of Americucks
Call a Brazilian a monkey
How would a British person know if they are Celtic, Anglo Saxon, Viking, or Norman. Is there any way you can tell...
/balk/ - Australia Pamant Romanesc edition
Post the founder of your COUNTRY
Why are Americans the only people who hate this fucker enough. With the exception of Poles...
Western civilization is important
What zoomer phenomenons confuse you?
Is Mexico just a gigantic native reservation?
Greek/armenian/anatolian/balkan mutts
1. Your country
Is Argentina gonna be okay?
Why do Russians die so young? Is it because of the alcohol or the krokodil?
Sverigetråden - Rasupplagan
I´m a mutt girl (northeast Italy + native american + arab + french)
Have you ever been hit on by a guy?
Is it true that Colombia and Venezuela are Spanish speaking Brazil?
What contributions has your country made to the world?
Why does Mexican cuisine make people obese...
Thoughts ?
I'm a mexican female, ask me anything
Tfw your race is dying out and nobody cares because half-breeds are considered “black”
Not all white people are evil, you must forgive them for what they did to your people
Germans are Germanic
I'm brown and I love the USA
Hitler was swarthy, dark-haired man
You have 10 seconds to act as Hungarian as possible
How can we make native americans taller?
Post the smartest English word you know
Please say something NICE about Haiti
/deutsch/e /Nachtschicht/
Why am I 13.7% Iberian when all my relatives are from the British Isles? What the hell is going on here?
They're just drawings lol
Redpill me on Peruvian gfs
Realistically, how can we solve America's gun problem?
Time to settle things once and for all
Black people will soon be moving to this country
Left or right?
ITT: Janitor in your language
Why did Nazis genocide homosexuals?
I love living in San Francisco. Do you like where you live?
Russia is 2nd wor-
Reminder that they were utter cowards in WWI and WWII
What would Martin Luther King think of the current state of the African American community?
Hilo hispano /hisp/
I have a problem with putting "the" before words in english
How common is this kind of relationship in your country?
Hey this is my first time posting here so I’m not 100% sure on the rules but
What significant contributions have they made to the world?
PLEASE stop bullying southern Europeans
It is how it is
Why is Japan a skinny country?
1. Your country
Why is the USA so dirty and why does it have worse infrastructure in Airports/Public transportation than all of...
Why did Mexico betray Canada?
Modern slaves inching their way to work
Asian intelligence
How does your cunt compare against Russia?
If your COUNTRY was an animal, which one would it be?
Post your countries alcohol laws
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post your favorite battles from wikipedia. No edits and with reliable sources
Western man comes to Japan
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Imperial europe
/ita/ il filo
Why polish people can't make cyberpunk right like asians do?
Canada backstabbed by mexicans
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
/Luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/nachtschicht/ - auch /deutsch/
Why is China buying Australia?
Describe country above you with a song
Is Jow Forums the best board on Jow Forums?
What is the easiest and most difficult Latin American country to get laid in ?
Take us back, Kingdom of Spain!
Black gf
Very hellenic
Hilo hispano /hisp/
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are americans so manly in TV shows but in real life, they are homofaggots effeminate ?
What are boomers like in your country?
I tried to learn Japanese and failed
Things that should have been
T minus 49 days until D Day (DUDE Day)
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2041
The biggest mistake your country did
When you're young and naive, you hate on America for the bad things they've done. When you become a man...
Country Attractiveness Rankings
/ita/ - il filo
What is your favourite smell?
Share a terriitory to collect scallops
There are people that love Japan
Fuck you America
Sverigetråden - Mångkulturella upplagan
I was discussing rights with my family today and they got really mad when i said i adore America for its 2nd amendment...
/balk/ - Balkan general
Just in case you needed to remember
Why do we latin americans hate women again?
/fr/ - le francofil
Your sincere thoughts on this place and its people
What do you think about Euro MENA mixes?
Beating your kids is a God's given right. What's wrong with Europe and South America?
The father of thermodynamics and one of the most important person of the Physics field was french and died at 36 yo
What is your country's best beer?
Superior form of housing
Communism collapses
You may be disagree because you are mad, but you know it's true
Scallop Wars
America is proof the melting pot works
What is your first video game in your life?
Is Canada the best country in the world?
How do you say butterfly in your language?
The bachelor pill
Tfw descended from arab rapists and cucks (or cuckettes more like it)
How do I get out of this shithole?
How sweet life would be. Oh God hold me now
Is this place British?
What wine do you folks like?
I support Russia because it is a white, traditional Christian society
Speak german with a brutish unintelligible accent
*liberates your country*
Finns are super progressive
Wake up
I want to learn Polish, any tips?
Why are they so lazy?
Erasmus in Gdansk
/fr/ - le francofil
Who is your favourite French person?
/ita/ - il filo
ITT say nice things about Spain
1. you're country
Hungary and Croatia. Explain yourselves
Can non-Americans identify this man?
/bürgerkrieg/ bald wieder /deutsch/
These two legends hit 68 today
Your cunt: Flag
Post a song sung in the language of the last poster's flag
This Russian koreaboo will debut as a member of kpop group in november
Why do they hate non-whites so much despite being Arabs themselves?
Sverigetråden - Campingupplagan
Studying abroad in bavaria
What does honor mean to British?
Kurva anyátok
Hilo hispano /hisp/
Why the shittiest a country is also the more racist?
Do people eat hambugers in your country?
Guess her nationality
To be hoest, how many languages do you speak fluently?
Why does poland poster bully them but always fail because Lithuanian and balts are intellectually superior to p*Lakks?
Did you got Latin'ed too? There are only two answers btw; yes and about to
What are your honest thoughts on American women?
How do you call this in your country ?
Ukraine is a third world shitho
How did Latin America become so sexually liberated when Portugal and Spain up until recently were very conservative...
Hungary and Italy to form European anti-migrant alliance
Culture Pals - /cp/
Telling lies?
/v4/ + nigs
How bad is cenzorship in your country?
Seriously how come Czech Republic is Europe's No.1 exporter of pornstars?
Sverigetråden - Patriotiska upplagan
Why do so many russians hate their country?
Australian flag (Arab) spams /deutsch/ with Nazi images
Wealthiest cities in europe
Why do chinese people need to live in a communist society for them to be functional?
What the fuck is wrong with Russians?
How are they considered in your country?
Learning a romance language
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship