How bad is cenzorship in your country?
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2. Government censorship of holocaust scepticism, censorship of other "problematic" materials like in the pic are encouraged but not mandated.
How bad is cenzorship in your country?
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It's not your country that censored it, it's youtube.
We need an alternative platform to Jewtube and move in mass there, problem solved
>why women destroy nations / civilisations
Very bad. They block critics of the government and they just called facebook and youtube for a meeting.
>it's ok to censor when we do it
I am not an employee of youtube and I didn't say anything about censoring being ok you sperg
good goy
Our politicians are generally against censorship. Our Prime Minister is fine with holocaust denial. Our judges refuse to convict Wilders. Our politicians reject fake news censorship.
That said, our media can be very one-sided.
not too bad actually, a couple of very anti-government news sites are censored (and too for some reason) but nothing really major.
We also have a Nazi party in local elections in the Netherlands, which isn't forbidden.
Our constitution forbids the government to stop the publication of any article.
We introduced net neutrality in the Netherlands (and then the Dutch European commissioner introduced a weaker version in the EU).
Youtube has been censoring everyone and their mothers since 2010 but now that it affects conservatives, the right cares.
that's not liberals, that's leftists
name one(1) woman who destroyed any civilization
it's not censored here
they do it on the whole
describe the process please
Its just that the claim is faulty
watch the video brainlet
rather not watch some sperg drone on about how he hates women on the jewtube iibphwyml
>watching videos by some retarded sexpat who screams about "MUH WHITE IDANANY!!!" while he lives in japan
Lace believes that women have not evolved to stay loyal to their "tribe", and have brought destruction to Western nations by having exercised their voting rights. His reasoning includes the idea that women seek those stronger and more dominating than themselves. He refers to some examples including Japanese women who have married American soldiers and French women who married Nazis, though he fails to take account the context (the Japanese women for instance are living in the aftermath of the atomic bombings), assumes that the men have no agency in these decisions, does not address parallels of men going against their own country, and overall makes a sweeping generalization of women just from the actions of individual women in specific situations. He lists no specific examples of a civilization, and one of his authorities he quotes actually heavily criticizes inequality.
On rape, Lace also claims that "the vast majority of women, when raped, reach sexual climax or orgasm." Lace refers to an MSNBC article citing a study that reported that an estimated 87% of women rape victims reached orgasms while being raped. However, neither the MSNBC article or the scientific study (Shame and Guilt in the Aftermath of Sexual Attack) actually exists.
Lace also believes that women objectify themselves simply because they love to.
>all these white knights ITT
you know you won't get laid by defending women's intrests online, right?
Russia is LITERALLY the physical embodiment of what the regressive left hates! They are straight, white, Christian, and masculine! They don't stand for SJWs or sell themselves out to pc politics! As an American myself, Russia may still be a "rival," but I don't think they are the Cold War enemies that we used to fear. They have a lot in common with the red state conservatives and I believe Russia and the rest of Eastern Europe will be our new close allies in the world in the near future. The West as well as the majority of the world are dying and soon, a group of superpowers will take over. I'm just glad that Putin is at least smart enough to see beyond the pathetic joke that is our government and mainstream media!
Interesting. Usually people choose to misinterpret data to better fit their worldview, wonder why he simply made up the study.
literal fuckdoll with no decisions of her own, like any proper greek grill
you realize that sperging out at women because they don't give you attention doesn't stop you from being a pathetic frustrated incel, right?
I'm going to die alone as an incel I might as well annoy well adjusted people through spurious claims of women being the ultimate evil t b h
>Black Pigeon Speaks
>mainstream media
Except the revionnists nutjobs like in your pic, nothing really gets any kind of censorship
>mmmmmh yes me like videos of angry incels
Bluepilled eurocucks
Not that bad actually
im a khhv that cant talk to women, im just not retarded enough to believe incel conspiracy theories
France censors sankaku channel, something even sharia shitholes don't do.
This is even more retarded than Erdogan censoring wikipedia.
I heard communism is banned in south korea, how enforced is that?
>censoring pedophile website
of course mudlsimes don't do it, they have a tradition of raping toddlers
some russian resources are blocked.
is this up?
what about russia today?
eva peron
Pretty much no censorship except some pirate sites (just change the dns) and some CP sites
The only thing that could move people would be better income from movies. And this is impossible to do, the closest thing I can think of is dtube.
in the internet theres basically no censorship
irl you cant talk about narcos, not because its illegal but because they will kidnap you and kill you