Why the shittiest a country is also the more racist?

Why the shittiest a country is also the more racist?

>Recently in Roraima, Brazil a new climbing of violence against venezuelan migrants was fueled by xenophobia.

>After robberies accusations attrituted to venezuelans: "The people here are up in arms. They are burning the belonging of Venezuelans who were camped out here,” Ismael said.

>“Out, out, out! Go back to Venezuela,” demonstrators shouted at the Venezuelans as they rushed passed the border post carrying what they could, video images distributed by the Roraima government showed.

>"We don't even want to stay in Brazil, our goals are Chile and Argentina"

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why do you think it is racism you nigger.
they are doing this because a venezuelan killed a dude

>people w/ little resources are less tolerant to bullshit and less afraid the govt will repress them since they have fuckall to lose
>muh raysiz (lunatino vs lunatino)

uh huh, sure, riveting tale

nationalism + racism is correlated with low iq and poverty
its basically jerking yourself off """aaa loook how better we are"" when you are not

leads to war because dumbfucks unironically start believing that they are the best so why not grab some land and resources from your neighbours

then their country gets BLACKED

People living shitty lives love to blame their problems on the foreign "invaders". How is this news to anyone?

That makes even less sense.
Isn't Brazil violent as fuck anyways, so why does one murder spark such an outrage against Venezuelans?

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Nah that's a scapegoat...

Never before in the history was a homicide in Roraima?

ALL those venezuelans living in blankets over the street made the first robbery in the history of Roraima?

Brazil literally can't get blacked further.

It's ok when your average Luizinho commits the crime since he's keeping the culture of the land alive.

MUTTs and wh*Tes ruin brazil
look up BURKINA FASO an ISLAMic AFRIKKKAn country with 800$ gdp per capita

lower murder rate than switzerland and norway

its MUTTs and wh*Tes

lol xDxDxdddd lmao

>a venezuelan killed a dude
So he integrated right away?

>brazil is already violent so it is ok that gringos kill someone
obviously it wasn't just because of 1 kill. venezuelans are killing and stealing in roraima and brs are already sick with the violence in their country they don't want it to become worse

when the local population catches the murderer they often kill him

>reeeee why don't those macacos spread their asscheeks to immigrants like we do!!!

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Group identity is cancer

thanks mano

Shit countries have dumb and ignorant people. Dumb and ignorant people are usually conservative. Conservatives are usually racist, homophobic and xenophobic.

faggot xD

Some cities arent. The city where this murder occurred was peaceful before venezuelans arrive.

Man Brazilians are truly a shitstain on this hemisphere.

Can we pay you and Chileans some Canadian Dollars to cleanse them and establish a Venezeluean republic minus Maduro to the North?

In exchange you get southern brazil and free brazilian slave labour.

more importantly, if they want to go to argolinda, why sin't artegolian being shamed for not letting them in???

Fuck you, fartagina, you shitlord. Why aren't they already in your country???

>they are doing this because a venezuelan killed a dude
Huh, it's good to see that they are assimilating.

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why do venezuelans go to apezil? why dont they go to other spanish speaking countries?

>>"We don't even want to stay in Brazil, our goals are Chile and Argentina"

>Niggers and mestizos kicking niggers and mestizos

Based leaf, working togheter like in the Persian Gulf war

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Racism ≠ xenophobia


And intelligent progressives want to import these people, provided they aren't settled near them of course

Shit is going down yo, Temer sent the army to the Venezuelan border

Not big deal tho...

Brazil use their military to help other forces in the border, since they have police faculties.

Niggers have always been extremely racist and 65% of Brazil is made of niggers.

there is 60,000 murder by brazilian each year you fucking dumb nigger low iq monkey


never reply to me again you algerian subhuman baboon