I want to learn Polish, any tips?

I want to learn Polish, any tips?

Attached: 510px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png (510x319, 1K)

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shouldnt be too hard if you speak serbo-croatian

pa zasto neces da pricas sa mnom

Yea, It'll probably be a lot eastier for fellow Slav

true that
but im also looking for tips, i only managed to learn the basics, want more

There are a lot of similarities between Polish and Serbo-Croatian actually

ovo je istina, nisam imao probleme da ucim srpsko-hrvatski zbog znanja poljskog jezika

any tips? come here for a year or two.

>go to poland
>trade sex for polish classes(Polish women love anything but polish men)
>get your dick all wetin polish pussy
>learn polish from whatever they moan

Learn to czschzczcshzcdhz, and sometimes to ąłczzcsczcsł.

Just speak like you do but with more hisses

just yell kurwaaaaa xDD

refer to this video

hope i helped

I know some Polish.

I did this at work, polish guy was not amused.

you probably pronounced it wrong

And rightly so.

Good tip: do not learn Polish.

you germs have it better to understand polish because you pronounce w the same as we.

cringe and bluepilled.


Hehe. Reminds me of a scene from a Napoleon mini series in which one of French generals gave up trying to pronounce Polish surnames.

Attached: 1453678638008.jpg (177x177, 20K)


yeah, don't


go to the bar and call someone a pedal
enjoy your clear polish pronunciation

it the hardest european language to learn, maybe besides finnish