Hey this is my first time posting here so I’m not 100% sure on the rules but

Hey this is my first time posting here so I’m not 100% sure on the rules but.

I’m a 20 year old American who took German for 6 years in school. I’m out now and my German has gotten rusty. I was wondering if there were any Germans who would be willing to just talk with me and help me work on my German. Thanks!

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gutten tag friend it’s ok if you’re new just remember no new threads until page 8

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Bump for newfriendo

just check out the culture pals website, it's honestly the best way to speak directly with germs for the sake of conversation (mostly)

Es ist 2 Uhr nachts hier, viele wirst du nicht finden

i really like this thread. this is more how Jow Forums should actually be.

>newfagotry and language wank is how /int#/ should be

this is the quickest way desu

w-we can't just "talk"



Before you start studying German again, read up on the concept of time zones.

this is the purpose of Jow Forums not that "is x white?" bullshit, that's what Jow Forums is for

Okay like I know it’s late for you all in Germany and I’m sorry I just thought to try this and didn’t think about it first gosh.

How should it be then? Constantly wanking off to white threads and constant troll threads that banter every cunt?

Jow Forums is even more cancerous than /b/ lately


*notices your heritage*
what's this?

kill yourself

get out of here before it's too late

Are you African-American and planning to move to impregnate a German woman? I might help you then. Otherwise fuck off, black people only.


Germans: Constanly proving the humorless stereotype incorrect.

No I’m actually of Scandinavian heritage myself. I just live in America and really want to visit Germany one day.

You wanna talk on.discord or here in this thread?

Discord would be cool

I haven't noticed you typing any German yet.

Give your name, I'll add you

>why yes sir I am of Scandinavian heritage how did you know?

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It's actually spelled "constantly", thus you're argument is void.

that's exactly what it was made for, to be /b/ but even worst with flags

You’re the kind of American than makes non-Americans hate us.

I'll say it again. I haven't noticed you typing German.

See, doing it again!

Was willst du dass ich sage?

Making mistakes in your own language is more sad than funny. Me correcting you is even worse. How am I being funny and thus proving that stereotype wrong?


Hey, I can see your fedora from here!

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I really really really like this thread

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Self-deprication gold right here.

Oba gwies, iba wos willschn redn?

Sopa de macaco to you too

Is that some kind of German-pidgen?

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No, just regular Black Speech.

A waschechter Österreichischer Bua.
Hab Mal ein bisschen Respekt.

The German exchange girl in my German class in high school was from Stuttgart and she always shat on Austrian German.

Based and redpilled

I just went along with it because I wanted to fuck her bc she was super hot but after she went back to Germany she came out so poo

t. anime faggot

Man, I wish I had taken the chance to do a year abroad in America. Really a shame my school only had an exchange with some Belgians.

We had a Belgian guy too! His name was Timo and he was fuckin cool. We smoked a joint behind a Wendy’s once because he’d never had a chicken sandwich or something and we got food. Miss him.

I had the opportunity to go to Germany for two weeks with my school but at the last minute something on the travel agency side fell through and we couldn’t go.

So American men turned her lesbian?

I guess so, man. She’s dating a girl from one of her classes in America and they travel all the time back and forth between Germany and the us to spend time together.

Grüß Gott

I hate Germans so god damn much



I hate you too.
Sorry to hear that. Where were you supposed to go?
That's nice. Really wish I would have done it too (visiting, not smoking).
Going there to work or something else won't be the same I guess.

Do people outside Austria use that greeting?

It's from Hamburg, not Austria
And yes

It's a northern thing, not a southern thing.
Austrians and southern Germans say "Grüß Gott" or "Servus"

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t. hans enrico gonzales 100% pure bavarian

I was off by a longshot. I've only been to the Meissen and Berlin

Did you have that saved on you computer?
Meissen is.Saxony, right? Why did you go there?

My dad wanted us to get a flavor of a small city in addition to the capital. He spent close to two years in Kaiserslautern in the early 80's.

We also visited Prague and a few Polish cities, so we went with something much closer