How can we make native americans taller?

how can we make native americans taller?

Attached: 4cCZFe3RwQ-8.png (300x250, 45K)

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Make their women breed with white men

kill all other races

feed them bison

Doesn't work, never heard of any Metis NBA players.

Let the spainards fuck them to death again.


spaniards have manlet genes

Attached: Mestiso_1770.jpg (1200x1008, 153K)

me on the right

>how can we make native americans taller?
Spill more European seed in the wombs of their women.

Attached: Sardinian_height.jpg (1200x600, 140K)

This but unironically

That only explains 1% of the genetic variation though

Better nutrition and improve living standards and watch them grow. You can't expect people who have been poor and at the bottom of society for centuries to be tall.

Attached: 20180829_182802.jpg (1080x1532, 434K)

Hold a bottle of booze juuuuust out of their reach for months on end.

how tall are we talking about?

Something is something. Being honest, I really wanted an excuse to post this article.
I recognize that there are a lot of environmental factors that contribute even more to natives' short stature than genetics. Nutrition is probably one of the most influential causes on this "issue", and it can be easily tackled by providing the young ones a good diet constantly.

why should they get it?

because native man are discriminated for their height, and thats not a verry cool thing

why do you only care about men?

because smol women are cute

womanlets are disgusting