Culture Pals - /cp/

Love Jesus Edition

Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs from around the world! Here autistic sperg losers can meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia(ew) , China(yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this shit is more of a bitch than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 on Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?
Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

script: (embed)
javascript, tampermonkey/greasemonkey extension for the betas

Q: Do the scripts work?
A: It seems like they do

Old Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:,

this site sucks

Like your dad

Just like your mom

based and hot

i never had either of these

Samefagging this early? What's the point

Not a fan of all these Am*rican flags in my thread

>that 40 year old indian boomer wearing sunglasses and a turban
>that american boomer with a name like jason_dawg77
>that ancient nz/australian literal boomer with a profile pic of his garden looking for flirting and romance
>that european girl with only half her face showing in her snapchat profile pic looking for korean guys
>that european teenager posing in a suit and tie
>that guy from some middle eastern shithole using a picture from some white bodybuilder's instagram
>that monolingual old british woman who is just lonely
>that black guy from france
>that black woman from france

Who here has taken the glorious pill?

>that american boomer with a name like jason_dawg77
>jason_dawg77 doesnt actually exist

>hating on boomers
when will you zoomers learn

How do I get a russian girlfriend
Granted I've been using this site for 4 years and barely got any girls to even exchange numbers with

>I'm read your profile and I'm interest to message you cus you're curiously

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>making a new 435 posts early

>if I view your profile but dont leave a message its cuz im shy or didnt know what to say

>post shitty picture where you can barely see me
>post picture where I think I actually look attractive
>0 (zero) views

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>only get 2-3 views daily
>some days I get 0

This is destiny
>/cp/ theme is jesus
>mormons from US and A talked with me asking to join a church and that I'll notice Jesus presence there

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Just noticed that I casually talk to my cat

been talking to myself, inanimate objects, animals, etc. all my life. don't really think it's that weird 2bh

wievs are based on chance

its about where you land in search page

sometimes youre in page 1 and some time page 116

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no shit sherlock, it's obviously Jow Forumsasianmasculinity

seriously? can you guys not tell between femanons and anons typing

ah yes obviously, didn't think about that, so there's a chance i'm not an ugly fuck after all

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no, you're not ugly

That is incorrect.

but I am

its dont

we're all beautiful in our insides

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Just learned about Culture Pals and i am really interested in trying it out, got any beginner tips for me to get into contact with qt's (female)?

You have to be Korean or a black SoundCloud rapper it seems as half of fucking Russian girls either love kpop or garbage US rap.

>i like to dance
what type of music do you like to dance to?
or what type dance is the best for you
>hip hop dance

Don't be ugly
Be beautiful
Be yourself
Upload nice pics

Don't want to talk to lads on this site, not a racist that's just how it is

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Most if the /cp/pals are not ugly.
We're gonna make it BRUHS

I got a asia minor woman to move together with me in germany in a few weeks but now i am kinda scared she will run away/cuck me. Should i break her ankles to keep her or what should i do?

has anyone here ever met up with an actual white girl?

fuck off racist
spike her drink and tie her up. bonus points if you have a personal basement

Am I the only one to derive real pleasure of revealing myself as a very chill guy who hates parties to roasties? They always seem so disappointed and I find it hilarious.

>Asia minor moving to Germany
Like clockwork

>very chill guy who hates parties
this is code for boring

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This. Literally doesn't register with me how someone could dislike parties.

Trust me it doesn't turn them off, they feel rejected and judged and it drives them nuts.

I literally get super sleepy in loud places, I don't know why but my body just wants to die, I get super tired.

well obviously, interpals is for awkward girls that never got invited to any parties

so sit down somewhere and talk to mates?

>asia minor woman
So you mean she is a mena woman? If so, congratulations, patrician taste. Where is she from if I may ask? Turkey, Lebanon, Armenia, Syria? Or Isreali? Is she Muslim or Christian? What is her education, can she get a job here? How good looking are you, and what‘s your education/job? How long do you know each other, have you met in real life before? If you think she might be a scammer, check out, there are also cases of mena women scamming men (even though it‘s less common).

I dunno how UK parties work but you can't really "avoir" the noises usually, unless you stay outside all night long and that makes you look even weirder. Besides I only enjoy 1 on 1 conversations, 3 people at best, otherwise it turns to small talk and talking about "that one time X happened"

Also I use Tandem and it's normie central, also Tinder.

this is how Ikibey was born, beware

>What social media do you used?
N-None besides Interpals? What do I say?

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Love parties
Love meeting new people
Love getting pissed
Love getting off with some bird your mate invited along
Love hotboxing the living room

Simple as



Love smoking blunts

>Besides I only enjoy 1 on 1 conversations, 3 people at best,
ohh, you're autistic sorry man

Do enjoy a cheeky blunt every now and then

Or maybe like, introverted, that's a thing too yknow.

But I know extroverts can't fathom introversion and since it's never really depicted in medias I can't really blame them.

I HATE women.
I HATE women.
I HATE women.
I HATE women.
I HATE women.

United in uglyness

>get message from girl
>write a full paragraph with some interesting questions so she has something to respond to
>writes a one sentence responds to one little question I asked
>complains about me not responding

What do women expect? Can't they at least try to be interesting and put in some effort so we can have a conversation?

my girl just straight out ghosted me after writing a paragraph
I guess they're more into one liners with their fellow no brain normies

How do you have a conversation with one liners? I don't get it...

you can ask what is wrong. Maybe she is just not into the stuff you asked

Or..... ORRRR

just maybe

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yeah, that'll help

Found a Kekistani boy:

Yes but it's always the same and my questions are completely normal. I think they get so much attention that they think that the guy has to do everything

Give Brazilian gf

you could get better. I talked to one. All I had to do is show her a snowman to get her wet



why is no one posting?

Normie hours

Based Nash32x

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Hi~ my name is dayoung from Korea.
Since i watched Sherlock Holmes series, i am interested in UK.
pronunciation of english is very attractive to me.
And there are youtuber whos name is Josh. He is a UK person who is Interested in Korea. Nowadays he lives in UK and show the lifestyle. I only saw it by
Videos, but it comes to me very cool.
I dont have a person who is from UK, around me.
Hope i can learn about UK from you.
And english is not my mothertongue so hope you understand my awkward english.
Btw, glad to meet you!!
Hope we can be a long term friends who do penpals!

cute. how old is she

Your 1st mistake is looking for love in Ukraine in the first place. The 2nd mistake is spending your money jumping on a plane thinking these girls care about you. Guess what? They don't! Apart from being curious, they couldn't care less about you. They are on set rails living their lives, busy surviving in a hard economy with not many opportunities. When it comes to intimate relationships they have options in Ukraine don't think they are waiting for an outsider to save them. They are old fashioned and they want to build a family and are looking for the right partner with sentimental and financial security and social status. Dating in Ukraine is a competitive bracket, they are competitive between themselves and force you to compete for them, they have many options don't think they will fall in your harms because you are a foreigner, only the fittest survive, you are off reservation! it's the wild!! They are already married at a young age. If this Ukrainian woman is in her thirties or older and she is not married that's a red flag! What can you offer them? Are you family building material? Are you hard working? Are you set financially? Do you speak Russian? Have you figured out a way to stay longer than 3 months? Are you healthy and pleasant physically? Do you expect her to leave Ukraine? If so what life can you give her in your country? Do you think she can adapt and be happy abroad? Most likely she won't!! This means you have to live in Ukraine! Are you a colored man with a different religion? If so then you are doomed!!! Eastern Europe still has a racist mentality!! If you have not sorted out the above, than you are behind everyone else. If you are a man as described above then the only way you can get a girl in Ukraine is if she is desperate. And if she is desperate it means she is willing to overlook many things and she does not truly care or love you!

The hard truth is that in order to be desirable to a Slavic girl you have to be successful financially and physically pleasant, meaning you better be Caucasian and Christian! And either have a good job that allows you to work abroad this can also give you status or have a steady passive income to support you, our currency goes along way over there. This will allow you to be present and have a impact in her life! or do you expect her to move to your country? Good luck buddy. And you can't show any weakness, insecurity, or any negative baggage that it's not convenient to them, because if they even smell it on you they will discard you and move on to the next victim! They will cut you off as fast as they meet you! They will show you no sentiment! no loyalty. They will move on so fast because they can't afford to think about the past its not convenient, they have the need and necessity to get busy for the present and future, their survival depends on it and if your not aligned with their needs then your out!! I'm not saying all Ukrainian girls are like this but most of them are! especially if they are in "survival mode". If they are in survival mode they have to fend for themselves, they go to sleep early they wake up early they are hard working people, often working for crappy wages. No day is wasted in Ukraine, if it takes you long to accomplish a task they will criticize you stating "it took you 2 months for this” they don't take into consideration your sacrifices they could care less because hardship for them is a daily occurrence and routine! Make no mistake they are not afraid to leave you in their cold streets they will tell you "You are an adult figure it out" They have no sentiment, the worst person I ever met in this world is from eastern Ukraine!! They are the type of girls that won't express how she feels and what she thinks, she will hide it, they will wait it out with you then when you go back home they will push you away! They avoid confrontation!

But that's after she accepts everything from you, she will order champagne and hold your hand even though in reality she already knows you are not the one. She will make you regret everything and make you feel disgusted you even shared food and emotions with her!!! Despite their age they will not make decisions on their own two feet with their own mind, they will always consult with their family and they will pass judgement and criticize you, speculate and many times instill doubts into her mind that you will pay for in the end. It's ridiculous! They are selfish, opportunistic, narcissistic females, and they are not afraid to deceive you, they will show you only what you want to see. They will dissect your mentality and your lifestyle, to find out if you can suit her and how she can advance in life they are driven by convenience. But can you blame them? they are a product of their environment, and their only weapon is their femininity and beauty! And while you are blinded by their beauty they will accept everything from you, gifts, dinners, emotions etc. etc. They will chew you up and spit you out! And it gets worse in the country side of eastern Ukraine, there's a lot of ignorance. Don't think you can trust or have a long distance relationship with them, you have to be present at all times because they sway with the wind. I speak from experience, I have also learned their language, I have been there and have had romantic relationships with Ukrainian women, and I have yet to find a trustworthy, true, honest, kind, loving girl. But don't take my word for it, you are entitled to have your experience and opinion, go and spend your money! After all their economy depends on it. Why do you think they have all these scams going on only targeting foreigners because no locals would fall for it. They are cold, heartless, hardened, blue eyed aliens without any sentiment.


Some girls will go as far as talking to you for weeks on social media playing with your mind and then when you least expect it they ask you for money for rent or a sick family member it's ridiculous the courage and audacity they have. Calculating, fake, cold, closed, arrogant, competitive, selfish, narcissistic, disrespectful, inconsiderate girls! But they like gifts they will accept everything from you! The way they behave with you and how low they will scoop will depend on their upbringing and social status, but most of the girls in Ukraine are like this to some extent especially if you are a foreigner and you are trying to be with them, you have been warned! And they know their Slavic women are desirable that's why Russia weaponize them to spy on us, that's why their men benefit financially from this cycle and for the common woman all this attention goes to her head and it feeds her ego.

be her friend user

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I'm back fromt he trip lads. Gotta say Galicia is kino

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Nice pasta:

did you get pussy?

No, I stayed in hostels with several other people but I got some girls's numbers and makeout with one too

I'm gay lad

She has big milkers so you can bet I'm gonna be her "friend"

This fucking tranny keeps messaging me



time to visit Thailand

I wish I was gay,I am very popular with the guys

God still loves you but sort it out lad

Today, either a old man wanted to pick up a fight/being nice/or gay.
He said "bom dia jeitoso"
I said bom dia back
Was it because I was wearing skinny jeans?

>skinny jeans

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>skinny jeans
Very bent

>Indian weaboo girl
