Finland is Best

Finland is a small country on a global scale.

The population of Finland makes up just 0.07 per cent of the world's population and its area as much of the total world area. But even a small country can jump to the top of the world, and this is what Finland has done: in international country comparisons of positive things Finland is always among the top countries

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Finland is the most stable country in the world.
The Fund for Peace, Fragile States Index 2018

Finland is the freest country in the world together with Sweden and Norway.
Freedom House, Freedom in the World 2018

Finland is the safest country in the world.
World Economic Forum, The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017

Finland has the best governance in the world.
Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index 2017: Finland

Finland has the least organised crime in the world.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018: Organized crime

Next to Norwegians and Icelanders, Finns feel the second least insecure in the world.
Gallup, Law and Order Index 2018

Finland’s judicial system is the most independent in the world.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018: Judicial independence

Next to Danes, Finns vote in the freest and most reliable elections.
Pippa Norris, Thomas Wynter and Sarah Cameron, Corruption and Coercion: The Year in Elections 2017 (The Electoral Integrity Project, University of Sydney & Harvard University)

Finland has the third least corruption in the world.
Transparency International, Corruption Perceptions Index 2017

Finland is the third wealthiest country in the world.
Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index 2017: Finland

Finnish banks are the soundest in the world.
World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018: Soundness of banks

Finland has the most personal freedom and choice in the world.
The Social Progress Imperative, 2017 Social Progress Index: Finland

Protection of property rights in Finland is the second best in the world.
World Economic Forum (WEF), The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018: Property Rights

Availability of official information in Finland is the best in the EU.
Center for data innovation, The State of data innovation in the EU: Freedom of information

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I though it was lawrence fishburne

Finland has the fourth best press freedom in the world.
Reporters Without Borders, 2018 World Press Freedom Index: Ranking

Finland is the second best country in social progress in the world.
The Social Progress Imperative, 2017 Social Progress Index: Finland

After Denmark and Sweden, Finland is the most socially just EU country.
D. Schraad-Tischler & C. Schiller: Social Justice in the EU – Index Report 2017 (Bertelsmann Stiftung 2017)

Among the world’s richest countries, Finland is the third most dedicated to policies that benefit people living in poorer nations.
Centre for Global Development, The Commitment to Development Index 2017 (CDI)

Finland is the best country in the world in a comparison of human wellbeing.
Sustainable Society Index, Main results 2016

Finland is the third best country in adhering to the rule of law in the world.
The World Justice Project, Rule of Law Index 2017–2018

Finland is the best country in protecting fundamental human rights in the world.
The World Justice Project, Rule of Law Index 2017–2018

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Finland is the happiest country in the world.
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, World Happiness Report 2018

Finns are the second most satisfied with their life among Europeans.
Eurostat, Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low

Finns are the most satisfied with their accommodation in the EU.
Eurostat, Percentage of the population rating their satisfaction as high, medium or low

Among EU citizens, Finns are the second most common to have someone to rely on in case of need.
Eurostat, Persons having someone to rely on in case of need.

Finns' trust in the police is the highest and in the political system and in the legal system the second highest in Europe.
Eurostat, Average rating of trust

Finns trust news the most in the world. (37 countries in the comparison).
Reuters Institute, Digital News Report 2018

Finns' trust in other people is the highest in Europe.
European Commission, Fairness, inequality and intergenerational mobility: Social Capital: Trust in people

In Finland, consumers' confidence in the economy is strongest in Europe.
European Commission, Business and consumer surveys

Finns suffer from excessive job strain the fourth least in OECD countries.
lähde, How's Life? 2017: Measuring Well-being, Incidence of job strain

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Finland is the third most gender equal country in the world.
World Economic Forum, Global Gender Gap Index 2017

Participation of genders in working life in Finland is the second most equal in the EU.
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Gender Equality Index 2017: Work / Participation

Finnish women's gender equality in working life is the fourth best in the world.
The Economist, The Glass-Ceiling Index 2018

In Finland, power is divided between genders the third most equally in the EU.
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Gender Equality Index 2017: Power

Finland has the third most female MPs in European countries.
Inter-Parliamentatary Union (IPU), Women in Politics 2017

Finland has the fourth lowest poverty rate in OECD countries.
OECD, Society at a Glance 2016: Poverty

Finland has the fifth lowest income differences in OECD countries.
OECD, Society at a Glance 2016: Income inequality

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You’re just annoying irrelevant attention whores, your country is ugly and boring

The air in Finland is the cleanest in the world.
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland tops WHO air quality statistics

Finland is the water richest country in the world.
Keele University, The Water Poverty Index: an International Comparison

The risk to be exposed to natural disasters is lowest in the world in Finland together with Bahrain, São Tomé and Príncipe and Singapore.
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and the European Commission, INFORM Global Risk Index Results 2018

Finland has the most forests in Europe.
FAO, Global Forest Resources Assessment

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Very happy for you neighbor, proud to be an ally.

Finland has the second most human capital in the world.
World Economic Forum, The Human Capital Report: Human Capital Index 2017

Finland's primary education is the best in the world.
World Economic Forum (WEF), The Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017: Primary Education

Finland’s quality of higher education is the third best in the world.
World Economic Forum (WEF), The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018: Higher education and training / Quality of education

Finland ranks as one of the top OECD country in education.
OECD, Better Life Index: Education

Education in Finland answers to future needs the third best in the world.
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) & Yidan Prize, Worldwide Educating for the Future Index

Finland is placed third in a comparison of lifelong learning in EU countries.
European Commission, European Innovation Scoreboard 2018: Lifelong learning

Finnish adults are the third best in literacy and numeracy of OECD countries.
OECD, How's Life? 2017: Measuring Well-being, Education and skills, adult skills

Finland is the most literate country in the world.
J. W. Miller and M. C. McKenna, World's Most Literate Nations: Rank Breakdown

Finns are the second biggest library users in Europe.
The European Bureau of Library, Public Libraries – Statistics

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isn't it just a forest with some people in it

t. thirdies jealous of Finland's success

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that black guy looks so comfy

Finland is the best country in the world to be Black. Finland's black population is the most educated of any country on earth.

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Good thread

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Finland is a small part of grrreat Russian empire.

I want to have a Finnish bf ;_;

Go back to commiefornia with your gay pictures. We don't want either of them in Finland.
Having a token black guy anywhere culturally related is just attention seeking and has nothing to do with culture.

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If Finland is so great why do I hate my life?

That's a bad thing.

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>Finland is the best country in the world to be Black
No it isn't. The best country in the world to be black would be one of the 54 UN acknowledged AFRICAN countries or one of the almost 15 American countries with established black population. Not Finland.

Africa and South America are the best places for black people because there're alot of jungles.

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Nothing wrong with Blacks in Finland.

It's not if you are the one benefiting from it.

Wow bunch of meme indexes

It’s fucking nothing

To make ALL of those "meme indexes" hundreds, if not thousands of researches have been done, and most of those indexes use really high-quality sources too.

Yet you dismiss all of them with one message.

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If I was a nigger I would sure as hell prefer Finland to other nigger countries.

I want to try out sauna but thing is i have just remove 2 uneeded teeth. I have been fighting this huge bulge on my face for days, now it seems bretty good but think is that i have 2 birthday parties this weekend. Shouls i go for it guys?

Just dont breathe the hot steamy air with your mouth lol.

Which one is the bottom?

Finland has the best memes in the world
The World Meme Project, Memetic World Index 2017-2018

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Money is everything that matters

The black guy is much better looking than the fingol.

What is this monkey trying to say?