

Attached: dpms.jpg (1800x1203, 1.28M)

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I went skiing in Valais once, very beautiful place.

good shit

Fuck this country in general and especially their dumb currency, why do I have to cross this miserable place everytime I go to Austria?

FUCK France and FUCK every single french nigger that sets foot to this country. Miserable people.



Attached: 1415556479995.jpg (276x280, 21K)


guns and bridges armed with explosives

what a sad fucking country, Austria is miles better


THIS. French people are honestly one of the worst


Digits don't lie.

orange: based
rest: cringe

Attached: map-of-languages-in-switzerland-max.jpg (742x466, 147K)

have relatives in Geneva. Never been. Hear it's super boring

Why are you posting my photo french faggot?

All the brown part = italian clay

we should split it up between Germany, Italy and France, they have been cherrypicking for too long

Just realised I live more or less right in the center

fuck off, see purple is yours

The california of europe

Romansch is not just another shitalian dialect, sure

how much do you understand?


I understood everything

based and redpilled

>Fuck this country in general and especially their dumb currency
No, fuck you, shithead

>why do I have to cross this miserable place everytime I go to Austria?
Why the hell, do you need to go to Austria?

Looks like a northern italian dialect. Pretty understandable


Chek'd and kek'd

Attached: 1534731985794.png (625x469, 277K)

you make me sad medkit
I even made this collage for (You)
why are you being so mean ?

Attached: suisse.jpg (2077x1943, 1.22M)