Why do continental Europeans have an American accent when they study British English and live near the UK?

Why do continental Europeans have an American accent when they study British English and live near the UK?

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Because bongs are gay lol


We have rally accent, you uneducated swine.

We have the accent of our own countries, are you an idiot? And even if we don't, my accent in english sounds a lot more like South African english than American english.

Because holywood and they usually don't learn to drop the Rs. I used to have a horrid American-esque accent but then I figured out I can just drop r's at the end of syllables (except before wovels in the next word) and that makes speaking English a lot easier

Because america is much better than the UK

>Europeans speak with an American accent
Maybe about 5. Usually they have the accent from their respective countries.

It's also easier to learn an American accent from media exposure and they're more homogenous accents. Our accents can vary wildly from town to town and it'd be difficult for a non nature speaker to pick up a consistent accent.

i think they learn received pronunciation and then realise it's wasted because only 2% of the UK speaks with it. american is easier because america only has one accent

>Usually they have the accent from their respective countries.

>american is easier because america only has one accent

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Wrong. Americans don’t have accents at all.

I don't know if a German speaking english really sounds this american.
But in general it's much easier to pronounce and English like the Bongs talk it is simply inpossible to pronounce if you're not a native.

I would like to speak with a british accent but it's harder than the american accent
Also I just have shameful french accent I don't like it

I don't.

French accent is one of the best english accents you could have.

Virtually no one I've ever met has had an American accent. The few non-natives who do sound incredibly offputting and unpleasant

This desu

RP is nigh impossible for non-native speakers to pronounce properly. American English is much easier.

you fucking idiot

Actually wrong. Whenever Europeans learn English well enough to speak with an accent that passes for native, it is almost always an American or Canadian-sounding accent.
After living there for several years, I only ever met two exceptions to this rule:
-Some random Austrian paraglider
-Some random Czech kid who was six years old (this kid blew me away with his English, lived in Ostrava his whole life)
Both of the above examples had clear British accents. Everyone else sounded American. Allow me to add emphasis on Dutch and Danish, since there are a LOT of each of those who speak fantastic English.

post vocaroo

My high school English teacher was an American, she flew helicopters during 1991 gulf war.
And her father lost his arm in the vietnam war, he came and held a talk and then we watched "We were soldiers" (Apparently he fought in that battle).
Pretty cool.

american television

oh so you learned english from pawns of the imperialist war machine? congratulations dumb ass

LARP-ing as a lib on Jow Forums is cringy, dude.

French have the funniest accents. We get many French expats raising families here and listening to the contrast between the kids who speak both languages perfectly and their parents is amusing.
>Papa, can we buy the lobster?
>NON, vee are naut heer vor dat

Because Americans don't omit R's so it's more similar to the way Europeans speak.

Because we study English from Cartoon Networks. I personally didn't learn any English from school. Everything i know i learned from CN, US movies, sitcoms and games, all American.

t. has never heard a German speak
German is borderline non-rhotic in many areas

From my experience in Germany, it depends on how good they are
If their english accent isn't as good they probably have an American accent because they picked it up from movies
If their english accent is really good they probably speak RP because they learned it from extensive schooling

While hes incorrect to say that America has one accent, i think hes just saying that British accents diverge more than American accents, which is correct (except for Black American Vernacular)

The US has different outright dialects my man.
Try getting a man from New York to understand a man from rural Appalachia
Or a man from Atlanta to understand a Gullah
Or a man from Lafayette to understand a man from outside New Orleans

They watch american tv shows to learn English

VERY wrong.