It's another thread where an ANTIFA college student in the US or Western Europe whose cunt did not experience communism...

>it's another thread where an ANTIFA college student in the US or Western Europe whose cunt did not experience communism preaching the glories of communism

Attached: gyr736.jpg (250x241, 7K)

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You make the mistake in assuming these people have an IQ above 80.

You made the mistake of assuming they are people

Sorry sweetie but maybe if you had an IQ above 130 you would understand and appreciate class-conscious/Marxist thought

I HATE first world zoomers.

>my daddy lived in a socialist country
>that makes me an expert on communism
why do eastern europeans think that?

Marxists generally have higher IQ than non-Marxists actually.

>It's another thread about eastern euro zoomer that talks about the badness of communism even he never expirienced it himself.

I am not a fan of commies. But you're the equal level of that antifa retards.

You were a commie cunt too, or half of you anyway.


There are people from ex-communist countries who are fond of those times as well as, and this is pretty needless to say, Americans and Western Europeans who hate communism.
Also, being from a country doesn't give you the faculty of speaking the most objective and well-informed truth regarding such country's history. Were that the case, people from a country would all share the same views. You have to take into account personal experience and political bias.
Also, those college students can read books from people who investigate these subjects by doing proper historiography which includes testimonies from people from those countries who experienced communism first hand.

Tldr: 'lol western kids dumb me born here me know better' is a fallacy

You can still experience it today in China, Cuba, and North Korea. Enjoy living in a brutal dictatorship with no individual free thought allowed where quality of life is almost nonexistent.

not true
the difference is that there is lots of empirical evidence of communism being shit and free market capitalism improving the standard of living

Attached: economic freedom by country.jpg (895x5061, 869K)

>There are people from ex-communist countries who are fond of those times as well as
Most of them are old ex-party brass and members of the state security services. Their average age is about 72 and they still actively admire China and North Korea and believe in judicial murder.

>I am not fan of gommunism
>instantly replies lol gomunism is bad

No shit brainlet.

>Sorry sweetie but maybe if you had an IQ above 130 you would understand and appreciate class-conscious/Marxist thought
No you have to be an autist to think that a book by a philosopher in which he determined what would inevitably happen is anything more than philosophy based on his current world environment. He was wrong, workers lives improved without going full communism and the party would never dissappear but just sit their like a cancer being used to benefit it's higher ups as all human being are corruptable through power not just capitalist.

Our countries still suffer because of that period.

Czechia would be richer than Austria and Poland would be richer than Spain if not communism.

I was attacking your point that people defending capitalism would be on the same level as people defending communism. Brainlet.

My daddy lived in communism too. Since I am not eastern european can I tell you that communism was a mistake?

Capitalism and Marxism are both pretty dumb though haha

Attached: capitalism-just-as-subversive-as-marxism.png (840x741, 583K)

You're the brainlet, Mr. braindead.
My point is that he didn't live in gommuism the same way those antifa nignogs didn't do it.
So he has the same level on talking on it as do antifa nignogs have.

How retarded are you? Are you an American expat because it's the first time I see a German that is severly mentally disabled like only a shartmutt usually is.

You take China, which after the 70s gave up on actually trying to create communism and instead decided to use their vast slave population to enrich the party elites.

But not higher than all political groups. Conservatives score lower than lefties but libertarians score higher than both of them. They also score the lowest on emotion.

ossis are eastern europeans

czechia and poland are poor because of cold war, not communism

>My point is that he didn't live in gommuism the same way those antifa nignogs didn't do it.
That's true and I understood it.

>So he has the same level on talking on it as do antifa nignogs have.
Wrong. Since communism is shit and free amrkets aren't, defending communism is retarded, no matter if you experienced it or not, while defending free markets is enlightened, no amtter if you experienced them or not.

>richer than spain.

Come on you can aim higher than that.

To be fair.
Life quality in China massively improved over the last decades and is still heavily improving year by year.

>You can still experience it today in China
"no," state capitalism isnt remotely communism

unironically based

Not ossi, volga german.

>An aristocrat being like dude wealth is not that important focus on other stuff lmao
Wow, really made me think.

I don't defend communism.
It's some fantasy novella in my oppinion.

Why don't you read what other write before you reply to it?
Is it because you suffer severe mental disablitly because of your muttfied genes from Shartia?

I'm not an aristocat, I don't even like that Disney movie

>czechia and poland are poor because of cold war, not communism
cringe as fuck
leave this realm of reality please

>because of cold war, not communism

How? The inherent trait of Eastern European communism was autarky, these countries simply didn't want to trade with western countries as they believed they'd make their industry more competitive yet they failed. Cold War in this sense was a synonym of communism. There couldn't be communism in Eastern Europe without being isolated from the western world.

I try to be realistic, I know Polish people are not ubermenschen and the level of Spain is quite high imo. If we had average wage like ~1500 eur net, we wouldn't have to leave the country for good.

>free market capitalism improving the standard of living
except pretty much every western developed nation and eastern developed nations like Singapore and Japan had protectionist policy to help develop their economy
most free(ish) market policy pushed by the IMF today is more about wealth extraction via multinationals than about developing said nation, look at nations like argentina, chile, half of africa, all of these places restructured their economic policy to lower trade barriers for multinationals and allowed for far more wealth extraction, while little wealth actually went into developing their nations internally
this has lead to drastic wealth inequality and huge problems within their lower economic classes

Remove that proxy, Huang.

It seems you are unable to differentiate between defending a concept (you don't do this) and defending people who defend a concept (you do this).

Japan has been in a permarecession for 30 years.

>except pretty much every western developed nation and eastern developed nations like Singapore and Japan had protectionist policy to help develop their economy

It works only if your population doesn't consist of low iq individuals mostly. In most of countries in the world protectionism fails, like in Brazil, Argentina, Eastern Europe, some African socialist countries, India in the 60s etc.

We were one of the world's leading manufacturing powers pre-communism.

Just confess that you are a failure of a person and your 3 braincells can't compute any information because you have a lower mental development level than a hedgehog.

>i am an authority on communism because my father lived in a socialist country

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well IMF pivoted their policy about 40 or 50 years ago now, so it would make sense

can you find causation between low iq and protectionist economic policy failing (not correlation)

>I hate communism because my daddy always complains about it

>I attack people's intelligence when they point out my flawed reasoning
You have the right to do this but you will have to live with the consequences of your actions

Attached: frog liberal.png (420x420, 9K)

>Shartoids shilling Marxism
every time

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>look at nations like argentina, chile, half of africa, all of these places restructured their economic policy to lower trade barriers for multinationals and allowed for far more wealth extraction, while little wealth actually went into developing their nations internally
>this has lead to drastic wealth inequality and huge problems within their lower economic classes

Or China for that matter. They've gotten drastically wealthier since the 80s, but that wealth all goes into the party elites' pockets and most people have Ukraine or Romania standards of living.

Protectionist policy requires high skilled and educated labor to replace import and to make stuff that is competitive in the global market so it could be exported. If you don't have it, you will turn into a shithole with shortages and products of low quality.

So you admit that communism is the fault? Great

>but that wealth all goes into the party elites' pockets and most people have Ukraine or Romania standards of living.

So where did these millions of Chinese tourists in all the world come from? I don't believe they're all party members.

cold war = economical war
USA denied the eastern block access to western capital and investment

Attached: 2018-08-28 05_45_51-Harm principle - Wikipedia.png (1698x849, 125K)

Those millions of wealthy and entirely disgusting chinese tourists that floke here every year for tourism don't look like party elites.

I would rather say that this elites/party elites is rather an Shartian issue since it's basically an Oligarchy.

>>it's another thread where an ANTIFA college student in the US or Western Europe whose cunt did not experience communism preaching the glories of communism
Brainlet argument.
You dont need to experience communism to understand it. Not that you've experienced it. There hasnt been a single communist country in the world yet. Only socialist ones.


they did the opposite and that's ehy they went from first world to shit
yes, and this is why they are the fastest growing country in the region
>half of africa
No idea if true of not. Africa is severely corrupt though.

look at this chart:

>USA denied the eastern block access to western capital and investment
No they denied themselves this.
They were commies. They disn't believe in Capital and investements to begin with.
It were planned economies.

Obligatory insult: You have to be above 2 years old to be allowed to write and to be above 18 to be allowed to write here. So just get the fuck out you braindead retard.

>USA denied the eastern block access to western capital and investment

One more time - this is the inherent part of communism - they WANTED to be autarkic because they believed communism would bring them wealth as wealth comes from work, not from the capitalist trick to fool the workers "US dollars" were.

We could ask - if communism had been so good, why wouldn't the US have collapsed because of the Eastern European sanctions?

Do you think the fact that nobody seems to be able to creat a true communist country might be a flaw in communism?

>who are fond of those times as well
Ideologies evoke passion and nostalgia. Ask the dead cunts who disagreed if it was fun.

Thats just not true

Wellness were Stilo exporting stuff from West, problém was that our currency was worthless so It was too expensive

Why You Think that commies confiscated everyday hardware currency

>they WANTED to be autarkic because they believed communism would bring them wealth as wealth comes from work, not from the capitalist trick to fool the workers "US dollars" were.
And they are right, protectionism is necessary to build up an industry. But not having access to western markets made it a way more dificult task

>We could ask - if communism had been so good, why wouldn't the US have collapsed because of the Eastern European sanctions?
because usa was a developed country and ussr was a developping country

>I will decide what is communist and what is not

The state subsidizes vacation trips. It's sort of a rudiment of the Iron Rice Bowl. But as most people have observed, Chinese tourists are usually the most caveman-tier peasants who spit everywhere and defecate in public who'd never be able to afford overseas vacations on their own.

great place (not really)

Attached: 20130427_WBC492.png (290x281, 22K)

>because usa was a developed country and ussr was a developping country

your currency was worthless because you couldn't export your stuff to western markets

>taking the bait

Think about the commies who get butthurt about the Cuban embargo. But really, the embargo was Castro's best friend because if Cuba were to be flooded with American goods, the regime would collapse almost overnight.

>real communist has been tried!!

Attached: 1532802979527.jpg (858x1242, 181K)

He's right though.

>protectionism is necessary to build up an industry.

Protectionism =/= communism

You try to explain eastern European communism as "slightly deeper protectionism" and that it could work if they traded with the west.

No, communism was an ideology, there was no room for compromise. Commie countries didn't want any capital, resources and know-how from the west and they considered the west "rotten".

That's why China started to develop only when it renounced this ideology (except for some political slogans).

>if Cuba were to be flooded with American goods, the regime would collapse almost overnight.
So you're saying that the US wants the Cuban government to stay in power? That doesn't really mesh with Americas actions from the revolution up until the Obama administration.

Attached: kuba revolution cuba los cretinos.png (1626x1058, 2.62M)

>who spit everywhere and defecate in public who'd never be able to afford overseas vacations on their own.

Good manners have little to do with wealth. If it was a case, British people couldn't afford to leave their country.

It was tried hundreds of times in rural American communities. All of these projects have been abonded within 12 to 24 months. In all cases they became impoverished, in some cases the inhabitants started to kill each other.

Also with communist Trumo in charge of your shithole you're the Commyshithole now.
So don't talk about others commy faggot.

>Commie countries didn't want any capital, resources and know-how from the west
That was mostly propaganda though. The Soviets stole every bit of technological know-how from the West that wasn't nailed down. Just as China does today.

>communism could work

Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56K)

only good communist was Tito, prove me wrong

>communism in individual communities
It is a given that communism can only exist on an international scale. Communism in a local area can never function since it will lack the necesary capacity for production required.

>The Soviets stole every bit of technological know-how

Yeah, more like they didn't want to TRADE (i.e. to pay for know-how) with the west because they thought they couldn't benefit from it. But stealing was another thing.

The first great wave of communal experiments were during the Second Great Awakening in the 1840s and none of them lasted very long other than the Shakers, who of course died out in time because they weren't allowed to have sex and reproduce.

They tried it again in the hippie era with similar disastrous results.

yugoslavia was something else, because they had a lot more freedom and sparation from the soviet union than others. People from here often ran away to the west through yugoslavia, because it was a hundred times easier than going straight there.

Yugoslavia was the least shitty of all communist cunts, yet it still had a lot of the same fundamental problems such as money sink state industries with un-fireable workers and cradle-to-grave welfare that left people with a huge sense of entitlement. Its economy was also heavily underwritten by US and Western European handouts, and of course it was also a one party state where you'd get sent to Goli Otok to break rocks for criticizing Tito.

It's not a matter of deciding. Communism is a defined concept with several clear-cut criteria. If a society does not meet them, then it isn't communism. Same as with capitalism, monarchism or democracy.

Attached: socialism guide not real no true scotsman capitalism.png (961x974, 117K)

MP in my country

>it's another pamphlet written by a liberal college student in France or Western Europe whose country did not experience liberalism preaching the glories of liberalism
When will they stop pretending to be Greeks and realize monarchism is the sole legitimate form of government? Don't they realize everything they have they owe to God and His most glorious representative on this mortal plane the King?

Attached: samjohnson.gif (446x469, 1.17M)

Most people in China live like this.

Attached: apartment blocks in China.jpg (1000x1250, 307K)

If we assume that communism was a hardcore ideology held by many, how do you explain that all eastern block countries easily switched to neoliberalism after the collapse of SU?

She's right


Fuck off Ukko you know better

How convenient, it seems entirely impossible to implement communism in the first place. Since it can't be disproven because it's impossible to try, it must be working, right?

she'd fit in well on Jow Forums now that i think about it

>held by many,

It doesn't matter how many people actually believed in this, the only important thing is that the ruling party followed this policy.

The only period where communism was somewhat tolerable in Czechoslovakia was in the mid-1960s.

It's isn't that they chose to be commies.
They rather had to be commies.

a ruler remains in power by being useful to their power base
so the personal beliefs of a ruler don't really matter much, his job is to keep is power base happy