Give it back, Romania

Give it back, Romania.

Attached: 250px-Transylvania,_Banat,_Crisana_and_Maramures.png (250x176, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Czechoslovak_War

Irredentism is mental illness
Independence for Transylvania

fuck off retard

Give it back, France

Attached: 800px-Royal_Standard_of_the_King_of_France.svg.png (800x533, 361K)

Give it back, America.

Attached: Aztlans_goal_map.png (1907x1623, 171K)



Only cucks ask for their land. You simply take what belongs to you.

>start war
>lose war
>lose clay
Too bad.

Bull. Shit. Transylvania was always Magyar land since time immemorial. What happened in WWI was that the Entente made secret agreement with Romania that basically read "Join us and if we win, you get free clay."

Should've won the war then.

To be honest, it could have been worse since Woodrow Wilson cut short most of the Entente's clay theft schemes (for example, Clemeanceau wanted to annex the entire left bank of the Rhine).

Wait, wasn't most of that clay historically Romanian peasants who were the serfs of Magyar landowners?

Gib back meadows of today hungary to dacians(aka Romanians)

Attached: vojak on floor.jpg (666x865, 45K)

Attached: perfect europe.jpg (4065x4065, 2.87M)

Actually we got the best deal out of WWI. :^)

>be part of the bad guys and actively serve in the Central Powers armies
>get rewarded with first independent state since Middle Ages
>get to go to Russia and steal the tsar's gold

They should give back Slovakia, they should give back Croatia, they should give it all the fuck back.

What a lol.


And it's yet another thread where Eastern Yuropoors are butthurt because they don't own some mudhole with a couple of toothless farmers and pigs in it.

It's funny, over here we don't even care about you, but in Hungary you're taught from young age to be butthurt

I wish Orban would get his shit together and just invade Transylvania and genocide or enslave all the Romanian cigany in there.

Didn't you try that in 1919 and it just ended in Romanian troops marching in Budapest?

I read a lot of czechoslovaks deserted from the austrohungarian army and joined the russians.
Later, they would create together with the prisioners the Legion

We will take back bugeac

but transylvania is obviously romanian, just look at this real photo of a peace celebration

Attached: 800px-1dec1918.jpg (800x564, 113K)

There wasn't a whole lot of love for the Habsburgs among Czechs because of what had happened in the Thirty Years War (300 years later and the butthurt from that war still rankled). It's an important point since Hungarians were in favor of preserving A-H (of course you see when it broke up, their subject people in Croatia, Transylvania, etc broke away from Hungary) and they had more enthusiasm for the war than Austrians themselves did.

And then when it was over, Hungary was briefly a communist state and tried to immediately invade their neighbors and retake all their clay. They were punished harshly by being treated as a defeated enemy and all of their neighbors were hugely hostile to Budapest throughout the interwar period.

I'm glad some people actually look into this. The initial demands against Hungary were far worse and Trianon was actually less harsh then it could have been if the Entente were as malevolent towards Hungary as they are presented to be by some nostalgic.

Attached: trianon_2.jpg (580x488, 110K)

>photo taken after the armistice showing Romanian cigany troops celebrating their newly occupied clay they didn't even actually do anything to conquer, it was just awarded to them by the Allies for free

Romania's performance in the war was embarrassing. They get completely routed by Central Powers troops and their capital was occupied. One of the German generals (Mackensen?) said that he didn't want to keep his troops in Bucharest that long for fear of them contracting STDs from the locals. That's how unimaginably filthy and subhuman that Romanian cigany are.

Attached: romanian slums.jpg (620x460, 101K)

Just goes to show americans ruin everything

In the 1920s, Britain and the US also loaned Hungary a lot of money most of which went to line Miklos Horthy's pockets or was squandered on useless public works projects.

a*strians started the war, we dindu nuffin

You were more eager for it than them, Janos.

And fuck you for invading Slovakia in 1919 when we didn't even have an army yet because you were too cowardly to go after your other lost clay since they had loads of battle-experienced troops in them.

Give it back jamal

quite enlightened.
i respect this position, even though it doesn't matter if it is mental illness or not, it's not a matter of 'rationality'.
in this case all your countries have a dwindling population, so who cares.

i think it's the opposite of a lol, the pessimist ukranian has got it right.

embarrassing post with an almost american level of retardedness

absolutely not true, we had nothing to gain from a war, our prime minister at the time, István Tisza even voted against Hungary's participation in the war, because he knew that Serbia would be backed by Russia and that Hungary's border with Romania is vulnerable

>You were more eager for it than them, Janos.
>pepik education

We were pretty much the only people on the whole continent who didn't want a war as it would yield no benefit to us even if we won, which was questionable anyway.

>And fuck you for invading Slovakia in 1919
>pepik education–Czechoslovak_War
>At the end of 1918, the final year of World War I, the collapse of Austria-Hungary led to the declaration of the formed Czechoslovakia. The newly proclaimed Czechoslovak state wanted to ensure the success of their territorial demands and started an attack.

And this was after the libtards disbanded all of our armed forces when they came to power, then the commies came and took over and tried to create a shitty makeshift army of workers. All of this after being bled dry for 4 years.

Fuck it, I don't remember the exact details of the war anyway other than that Bela Kun did invade Slovakia because we didn't have any army yet and then Romanian troops invaded Hungary and overthrew the communists.

give it back, America/Canada


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Hungary is a cool cunt. For their small size, they even manage to have their own Butthurt Belt.


Attached: 1535662145572.png (900x973, 486K)

Eastern European butthurt over clay doesn't make much sense in a modern context anyway since they have declining populations. What would they even populate that land with? Maybe it made sense in the 19th century when they were peasant societies that had like 12 kids per couple.

Román cigány

Only if they would have listened to Woodrow. He wanted ethnic borders to do as little damage as possible. But of course Clemenceau had to sperg out completley.

Watch for the butthurt frogs you'll trigger with this.

Don't mind them. A lot of their history is about one of their leaders sperging out and just looking for excuses to be an asshole.


If time immemorial is the defining timestamp, you folks should all pack up and move back to the urals.

What do the Czechs count for their last bout of independence? The Kingdom of Bohemia is seen as German subjugation still, is it not?

It's really difficult to figure out. Most of that region did not develop into nation states early on the way that Denmark did.