Explain this, UK

explain this, UK

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I'd like to hear an explanation from the Americans on this.

Obviously this boy really wanted this and had the time of his life.

its still prostitution

she's a hypnotherapist doesnt that seem suspicious to you

White women are sluts and fuck dogs, what's new


What's wrong with that? Two people that want something? Why does it concern the State? I mean America, come on... ?

>I'd like to hear an explanation from the Americans on this.
>Obviously this boy really wanted this and had the time of his life.
He's a minor and she's a prostitute and I doubt we give out H1-Visas for whoring.

what's suspicious about it? she scams people with "therapy" but the boy still got to fuck her

>370 quids for fucking a scotwomen


The boy actually contacted her...

She only did it for money she's not a sexual deviant so it's a good idea to let her go

It's the land of the (((((free))))

ancap barbarian

reverse genders and good luck with your new back tube station

Attached: Nice..jpg (600x367, 26K)

Why they let her go though?
I think it would be worse for us citizen. Am I right?

This lady is a hero.

>reverse genders

But men are different from women obviously. Unlike what Americans try to push to the world it is obvious that having sex as a teen boy is less traumatic than as a teen girl.

Sentence was lenient though, she was facing 15 years

How does this career change occur?

>The hypnotherapist turned high class hooker, who previously owned a clinic in Edinburgh, dodged 15 years in jail after securing a sweetheart deal with prosecutors.

>High Class


Cause he's 14. Also his dad was the one who reported it.

14 is legal here

>as a teen boy is less traumatic than as a teen girl.
Teen boys are arguably far less mature than girls.

>14 is legal here
It's not here and neither is prostitution in Florida. She can't pretend like she was niaeve or it was a mistake, she was advertising online.

Yeah but when they have sex they don't take a dick inside them, most of the time.

>*has sex with 11 year old in SEA*
hehe don't arrest me, it was legal there!

Literally nothing wrong with that

How did this scot hypnotherapist get permanent residence in America? I thought it was incredibly hard for people will masters degrees/specialists in their field

Italian laws regarding pedophilia and sexual abuse apply to what we do abroad too

>Yeah but when they have sex they don't take a dick inside them, most of the time.
That's just something physical all sexually active women go through. I've never heard of a woman saying their first time (when it's consensual) was regrettable, just that it wasn't good.

>How did this scot hypnotherapist get permanent residence in America? I thought it was incredibly hard for people will masters degrees/specialists in their field
I can't figure that out either. She must have it for something else.

Unironically illegal here m8, not unheard of to see news about people who do that get arrested.

I'm sure if they don't tell anyone they can get away with it, can't seem to resist bragging about it though.

Can't spell hypnotherapist without rapist.

hypnosis/hypnotherapy isn't fucking mind control. the worst thing you can do is plant fake memories.

What you should be asking is
>explain this, US

This. Jesus-land people are so bluepilled.

based jew

We have enough whores here. We don't need to give out visas for whoring.