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just gotta get my visa and ill do the best i can!

That is a sinking ship friend. Best to stay away lest you go down with her.

*presses S for spit, not save*

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Remember y'all

the jews did us.

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Fakenews, Turks build up ge*many

We did in 1590. Not anymore.

>t. Mehmet

You what?

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just gotta get my visa and ill do the best i can!


From what?

Jews (first and foremost) arabs, niggers

Alright, I'll see what I can do.

send us some of those knights would you

stay where you are

Je vais rendre visite la PA à Paris dans 3 semaines, mais t'inquiète, elle prend la pillule. :^)

I needed that laugh.

pas de problème du moment que tu ne t'appelles pas ozil osmanoglu :)

nah lol