/cum/ Cana Meri Mexi


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I have a hard time telling the difference between mexicans and slavs sometimes

hands off the 'jerk, fellas

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do you have brain damage

How's everyone doin? Haven't posted in a long time.

Just got a new job teaching in the comfy suburbs. Feelin' good.

And you?

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jesus christ

You don't love a person if you don't care for their well being

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please, tell more

don't know what it is but i have a hard time telling the difference sometimes

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i get annoyed every time someone tells me that i'd like jordan peterson


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so how does this fat gook make so much money?

Love Peterson and his work

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im slavic and what

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youre canadian mutt actually

>tfw no qt slav-mex bf


haven't been here in a couple days. is Calgary-kun still cumming blood?

i really want to crush your head with a rock

>queens still posts here

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Slav = Slave

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go back to wherever you came from, trash

>try to find pictures of poor slavs to compare with pictures of mexicans
>every single picture of a slav is them squatting

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we don't look anything alike

Ill go back to your slutty moms house and shove my cock in her hairy ass

post a picture of ur face and ill decide that

Two slavs mating

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she's an officer in the military. i'm whats know as a dependapotamous in some circles.

both my parents come from the same city in a slavic country

excellent form

is it true that you're 3'6"?

if she at least into femdom

i'm fucking sick of you white faggot

kek so did she just get promoted a bunch as a diversity hire?

what good could a fat gook possibly be in the US military?

write about it on twitter

Fiending for a sesh

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ate one of the mini-pizzas and now i want to throw up

who says dieting is hard

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the fellas shant be responding positively towards this post at all




she's an officer in the navy. they're all fat minorities.
probably but i shut that shit down.

more than some leaf ofc

dude weed
gang weed

they try to meet the diversity quota

>she's an officer in the navy. they're all fat minorities.
literally wtf is the point? do they even do anything or can they basically just fuck around all day because they'll get sued if they actually expect these mongoloids to do their job?
is this actually a real thing?

indeed. roustabouts ought be banned.

so fellas, how we doin tonight?

they do have diversity quotas but they are made public i don't think. she just gave a series of meetings for the marines on how to treat trannies too and she complains because THE MARINES won't stop making fun of trannies. "its like they don't even care what i say" she says. ofc they don't.

officialy no
but im pretty sure sometimes the hire ups tell the recruiters to get some minotities in so they wouldnt feel lonely or for they could see people of their race getting into it.
t. when i was in high school the USMC recruiter kept telling me how there were a bunch of mexican americans in the USMC and how they were all good guys and shit

why doesn't she just dump you
what does she see in you?

thoughts on kanyes latest fit

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doing great thanks for asking

i'm far more attractive than her. and i'm white which makes her asian family and "friends" jealous i guess? the white thing is def a factor but i don't fully understand it. also we genuinely have good times together and were in love for a while. at this point we're just doing what we do ya know? its comfortable.

how was your day at work user?

haha i don't work
how about you?

lol same.

it was alright.
i work cement and im kinda sore right now and shit

would you say the cement is a good metaphor for the hardening of your heart and soul whilst you toil in a meaningless position?

I have loved you for the last time
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon
And I have kissed you for the last time
Visions of Gideon, visions of Gideon

I miss greater Connecticut so much bros. Why did we let them steal our land?

Dont know man but thats good you should write poetry. But look at this postcard my grandma sent me from mexico

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what is your grandma doing in mexico

mumbo italiano

is it one of those neat holographic ones that change when you tilt it? if so pretty boss and your grandmother is based.


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its a bretty cool holographic compared to other ones ive seen

>cop comments on how i look sleepy
It's probably nothing but it feels like he's conspiring against me

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sweet. can i borrow it until after lunch?

when i was a kid this old white lady got on the bus and told to move the fuck out and give her my seat

dumb gringa bitch desu

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i dont know man i REALLY like this holographic. i havent seen my gma in years because my mom thinks its to dangerous in acapulco so she doent want me to go

>she's an officer in the navy. they're all fat minorities.
bullshit I see a bunch of hotty officers everyday
jesus fuck enlisting is a waste of time

there's one job (for civillians) and all he does is fix printers and gets 400k a year

you shouldve decked her shit

enlisting is literally retarded. unless you actually fall for the patriotic shit or you're on the fringes of society theres no point.

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you're a chi?

do you guys think john mccain set that aircraft carrier on fire?


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Sun decided to poke out for a while longer xoxo

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the tune


he slipper to big fo he got damn feet!

gracias amigo

going to go smoke weed watch baseball and play world of worldcraft

later buds

Should I hire this escort to finally take my virginity?

My mummy is leaving town for the weekend so this might be my only shot.

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no but he is a piece of shit for just running away and not trying to help put it out like everyone else on deck

also he probably was never tortured and broke his own shoulders by not ejecting correctly from his jet

No. Hire an escort that isn't a fat nigger

m8, that picture is gross and she's only gonna look worse. by all means get yourself a whore but at least get a nice one. plenty of hot black bitches out there. be careful tho, a lot of them are minors and you're getting into hard time with that shit.

>a fat negro
why would you do this? you know like 80% of black women have STIs right? i assume it's more like 99% for a prostitute
also this

eww desu senpai

Would kill myself but it’d make my girlfriend sad so I won’t

I have really bad jungle fever right now though and she's the only black one i saw

dang but you guys really think it'll be that bad?

here's another one that looks kinda cute
she only does half hour sessions though and i dont know if thats long enough?

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she thicc

look at those cottage cheese thighs.that bitch is 60. you gotta deduct like 2 pts. an 8 online is a 6 irl. and you don't pay for 6's. what site are you on?

it's kinda is my type i guess

switter, i heard about it on reddit, but there's not that many girls in my city i guess
im in houston, do you know of any better websites?

there are ABSOLUTELY hot black sluts in houston. is back page still a thing? try that if it is. just google around i promise theres more than reddit hags.