Moving to portugal. Easy?

I need your help anons.
I can't take where I live anymore, in an apartment with my parents.
I just want to drop everything and move to portugal, like this weekend if possible.
I have 80k in savings, work for myself as a day trader.
I have only 1k in my bank account but have all my wealth in BTC.
IS it possible for me to just go to portugal and live there?
How hard is it to get a visa as I have no money in the bank or "official" job?
>I speak portuguese, college grad. American.

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Other urls found in this thread: de virem para portugal

Im not a complete autist like I can talk to people normally, Im just a NEET with zero life experience and need to leave my fucking house with my parents. Please help desu

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why did you choose portugal?

I speak portuguese fluently, low cost of living, beautiful cities, (algarve is where im looking to live), low rates of immigration, desu ill figure it out if i love it when i get there. i just need to leave this town im in, burgerland USA.
>my only fear is getting deported without a visa

you could try getting a job there in the first 3 months, then you get a work visa right?
first thing that comes to mind is english teacher

I work for myself, which isnt gonna fly with immigration...
But youre saying get a small part time job in order to get a work visa? not a bad idea at all, I could people and qts as well.
That actually sounds really good, being fluent in portuguese it shouldnt be too hard either,.
thanks senpai

yeah, you have visa-free access for the first 3 months you're in any country of the EU, but after that you could get deported
if you manage to get a job before the visa-free time expires, you could apply for a work visa
I'm going there next month actually, but then I'll go to germany to study. If you're in Lisbon by the 25th of september let me know, we can meet up

portuguese woman are ugly.

>first thing that comes to mind is english teacher
lmao, Portugal is not a third world country, we have our own English teachers. The only way he could get that job would be at a private school and he would need a Master's for that.
Rest of the comment is sound, though.

t. guy who can't get laid

oh, sorry. I thought that being american carried enough respect to get a job teaching the language
good for you guys though, that says something about the country

this is a portuguese woman in her prime

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>moving to portugal
You really got me there user gg

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Shut up fucking brazilian mongrel. You are not welcome.

>I have 80k in savings
>All my wealth is in BTC
So you have nothing then

Nice try immigrant

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Everything is hills and its too hot and too many drugs. I wouldn't live there. Unattractive women. Portugal has the highest emigration rate in the EU, even higher than Spain and Italy. From the ones I knew, they got a degree and then ran away from the country.

>80k in bitcoin


but its true, of course there are beautiful portuguese woman but thats a minority, compare that with an eastern europe country or nordic and the ammount of beautiful girls increases

no idea why so many foreign devils want to move here, its kind of a shithole
pic unrelated

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yes don´t come here, we are very bad, drugs and crime everywhere, also everybody is running away, we are ugly yes of course.

Spread that to the nigs everywere, specially to to africans, asians and south americans. zero refugees for here

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user there's a reason why our birthrates are so low. Most young people, especially ones with Uni degrees GTFO to greater Europe because the salaries here are low and the cost of living is not sustainable.
I have no idea why you'd want to move here, everyone wants to get out because there's no opportunities for younger generations, the only sector encouraged in this shithole is tourism.
Its peaceful, but boring. Mostly a heaven to retired people.

They literally give citizenship to illegals including brazilians and venezuelans and africans from coloonies who have no education because they are so desperate to bring people in. You'd have no problems getting a visa especially if you have decent education.
I dont' think you'd be able to avoid migants though.

as someone pointed out our women are ugly but they do have great asses

Your first paragraph is on the epic levels of exageration,and literally passing by the delusion mode.

for fuck sake portuguese woman are so uglyyyyy
I want blue eye qt

>there's a reason why our birthrates are so low.

Exacly the same reasons why they are so low in Germany or Hungary, the modern society we live in.Why do you think they are more high in france or sweden? because their levels of immigration (african and muslim) are out of control, it's not native french that bring mass children to the world.

>t cape verdean

right, I bet you also believe unemeployment decreased because we created jobs.
Here's the real reason why, it decreased because people registered in unemploment line GTFO this country.

Switzerland and France birthrates are not low because portuguese move there. Basically generations that were supposed to be born here will be nor in better places. Because they displaced we will have to resort to importing human filth from africa and brazil.
All this because this dumb shithole is poorly managed


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>Portugal is not a third world country
Just São Paulo city is richer than Portugal

Just fucking imagine how clueless you are

There are more of your people living here than brasilians in Portugal.

Yes our dream was to be like sao paulo, in fact all our euro countries dream was to live in sao paulo,it must be a paradise on earth.

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>of your people

If they are in brazil, they are not our people, for sure, just if they are doing some sort of tourism

Yes Manolo, do you live in Sao Paulo though?

just skimmed through it, what does that have to do with portugal?

This is the current state of macaco basileiro, literally wasting a lifetime of work just to move here de virem para portugal

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I have no idea but good luck user

>just skimmed through it, what does that have to do with portugal?

I'm trying to show you that the explanations you gave are exactly the same that brits give cause brits are leaving britain, or italy or france, funny tho. how to explain that

>Switzerland and France birthrates are not low because portuguese move there.

wtf are you sayign dude, portuguese birth rates are low everywhere, the 'french' birth rates or 'english' birth rates are higher because they have literally millions of subsharans (blacks) and muslims living there, that have 4-5 children.

he is in denial.

Whites usually have few children, that's why our birth rates our low (we think before make children), even the native french and native english birth rates are low too, what makes them higher is non white immigration.

user, if the young are deserting this place dont you think it's obvious that this is one of reasons why our birthrates are on decline?

Wtf do other coutries have to do with it? I'm talking about portugal, not france or england