Attached: drumpffffffff.jpg (622x698, 72K)

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his brain is a computer. he's playing 100 4d chess games a minute.

Laptop on the left from Trump is not computer?

stfu you racist.

And losing all of them.

each game of 4d chess is a single piece on his 5d board. you gotta sacrifice some pawns bruh.


Trump thinks bigger than that. He sacrifices the kings.

Better yet - he flips the board.

computers are for nerds.


He doesnt need one. They're a security risk.
I'm surprised US presidents are even allowed to use them

they went to the moon without computers, of course a president can manage without one, just like all his predecessors.

stupid lying fake news press making the Trump look bad.

Attached: what's a computer.jpg (480x360, 22K)

>they went to the moon without computers

Attached: image.jpg (1280x1280, 996K)

>they went to the moon without computers

they did though. maybe they had calculators. But that doesn't count.

>He doesnt need one. They're a security risk.
Just ask Hillary Clinton. ;)

Explain this red pepe to me.
As I understand it it's something to do with being a frustrated wagie.

Fresco the wagecuck

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I agree but his Twitter account is also a security risk.

>maybe they had calculators
>what is a computer

that's so computers

calculator is not a computer.
What are you using now? calcutlator? no, compurter
that was only for in air communication.
All the base mathematics were done by pure brain power and hand writing.

Fair enough

I think you may actually be retarded.

Jesus you're like a pigeon.

I mean it still classifies as a computer.
Although yeah by todays standards you might just consider it a calculator (even though computers are essentially just calculators)

American on vacation or is this Faroe Island's education?


The renown Russian hacker, collecting intel on Trump's computers, how surprising

What did this fat fuck do in his daily life before becoming the president anyway?

he was just chillin gettin peed on by russian whores and crying about obama roasting him.

Exactly what he does now but without the authority to make real decisions.

golf and shitpost on twitter
which is what he still does anyway

'tis a ruse

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Technically the phone he tweets on while crapping is a computer