Based and redpilled
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Are we sure the interviewer wasn't making a face or something? That was a long time for a reaction.
blame her parents desu
She looks like a Mexican
she'd still pass as a local here
I'm not Danish either. Nigga. Who cares. lul
Send her to America, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Spain or Italy to appropriate socialization
I doubt a kid that young would even understand or care about it.
this. there's a reason she only says "okay" and it cuts before she's seen crying.
Is that the entire message? "You can't say other people aren't Danish because it's mean"
Many spics have arab blood that's why
This I didn't even know racism was a thing until I started noticing some skinheads when I was 12. As kids we didn't even notice things as "race".
LOL what a stupid fucking whore. Keep crying non-danish person
soykid gets redpilled. based!
She's probably being manipulated by leftist subhuman d*nes to make this video.
IIRC, wasn't this filmed by a leftist, to make some leftist point, by making some leftist's daughter cry?
Leftist propaganda against the right wing who doesn't want to be genocided through race mixing like the Aryans in Asia went through and who now doesn't exist as a group
Looks Mexican
Your mom is based and redpilled sicko.
She is not missing out by not being a danish. The most irrelevant country on earth besides belgium.
>name is scarlett
sounds pretty well integrated to me desu
Top cringe
Well done lad
Possibility is that she will grow up to become a beautiful brown girl with juicy feets and ass
Poor girl... I hate racists..
Hope Denmark will get more racially diverse
I actually did notice it growing up but it didn't become a problem until middle school when black kids started hitting puberty.
>half filipino
hahaha insect SUBHUMANS btFO thats what you get for sucking wh*Toid dick
Thanks Ryssland-sama
Its funny because their parents are preaching the exact same thing.
She's just as danish as me and I'm blond with blue eyes. Fuck off racist assholes.
That Danish girl is cute. CUTE.
Yeah, and I'm just as Chinese as someone else who was also born here.
Oh no wait that's fucking retarded and if I went around saying I'm Chinese people would laugh or think I was mocking them, despite the fact I was born here.
A pig born in a stable is not a horse.
>stable meme
Please, you just had to stop two lines above.
t. rat (Alg*rian) in a brothel (France)
Hello Ahmed.
You will never be French.
leftiest always use children in their propaganda props.
Too bad my name is Simon then. Look at that pink nipple
timestamp that shit.
Too bad you're brain dead either way.
that's more of a neoliberal media thing than a leftist thing
Its 8am and im in my bed i give you a thumbs up though
How is the stable meme useful in anyway ? It's not because its a metaphor that its always right, no matter how many times it gets posted on here
Looks like a black kvng to me
I am indeed 1/32th Alsatian therefore BLACK
There is no left except neo-liberal progressivism anymore.
The days of left representing labour unions and bourgeois middle class is over.
Nobody really cares about those kids. People only care about themselves. Why does being Danish even matter?
>he literally timestamped bob on an India's request.
maybe I should ask for vagene, next.
this is the pill i very much don't want to swallow, it hurts too much
Hahahaha, fucking ugly kid, she should cry more, non-danish little shit.
Damn, feels good to be danish.
>Yeah, and I'm just as Chinese as someone else who was also born here.
but you all look the same
this. She seems initially confused. Then there's a cut and it cuts to her crying.
>ethnonationalists fail to understand that nations and governments are just corporations offering a package of institutions and resources (capital, labor, and physical) to multinational businesses
Imagine being this retarded. Racism like this decays institutions and surpresses the development of human capital. Stop being an ethnocuck and get a job
They probably hicked her in vagina, i don't think she really cares. I'm not a russian (as in ruskie, not nationality), but i doubt i would cry as a kid, if somebody would say i'm "pyccкий"
nobody cares, chang
>get a job
implying wage cucking isn't modern slavery to multinational corporations who exploit you for eternity and suck the life out of you.
first of all, that's literally like a fucking 8 year old kid. are we fucking serious, are we getting to the point where we become so deranged that we start using literal fucking children in propaganda videos? second of all, i dont think she even cares about this, she probably just wants to leave but is forced to be there by whatever nut case thought this was a good idea.
are you an indian or just doing work abroad? genuinely curious
You can tell the reaction is real. If I had to guess she has probably already pieced together that she is not like the other kids.
But I am no psychologist
Considering that chinks already consist of different ethnicities, yo uare full of shin, chang
100% pure bred Indian.
I even do the typical head bobble
this is what the alt right wants
no, its easy to act. children can act too, they're not that mentally retarded. home alone exists, you know.
Precisely. No argument is intended. It's merely emotional manipulation designed to make the viewer capitulate to the progressive doctrine.
wew, there is a province of india i think that has had a communist/socialist government for a while now, i think in the SE, do you know how socialism is doing in india? is it its own thing or is it straight up marxist-leninism, does it "work," etc
Make a wage or lose your benefits and live on the street.
NEETS are a drain on society and there is no duty to support them if they're unwilling to make themselves into productive citizens.
Socialism doesn't work.
Follow the point of the video to its logical conclusion. If anyone can be Danish then a Dane by blood is no longer necessary to continue Danish identity. It's designed to condition Europeans for their displacement. Culture is a manifestation of blood. Not the other way around. If non Europeans value European principles and culture they are free to take the blueprint that we have devised over centuries and apply it to their nations. We do not need them here.
yes. West Bengal and Kerala (the SE part you referred to) had their thing for communism.
It used to economically communist, but socially conservative with very weird anti-America/Capitalist stance (because muh USSR and China).
Now, they are also moving towards social progressivism aka neo-liberal bullshit.
>do you know how socialism is doing in india?
Our first PM was a big time fan of socialism. Ruined the economy, till in 1990 we had to open our market.
>how does it work
It works by making governement do everything from tax payers money at terrible losses. Our government used to mine coal, generate electrocity, distribute it, mine steel, refine petroleum, distribute petroleum, operate airlines, operate railways, you name it.
And if a private player wants to open up his shop, you intimidate him with millions of licenses.
Post 1990, things have been improving although slowly.
Always make me chuckle.
>Culture is the byproduct of blood
This is blatantly wrong and an American should know this more than anyone. How much "Irish culture" do Irish Americans have? How much "Italian culture" do Italian Americans have? You're just retroactively creating a justification for your racism.
The more a people are excluded from society, the less they integrate. The more weight society places on the differences, the more weight individuals with these differences place on them. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy driven by hatred.
its cringe when you think you speak on behalf of anybody. literally nobody does this shit. even here, in the arab world, qataris dont speak on egyptian or morrocan political matters and say "we". stop taking your heritage larping so seriously dude, most of these countries dont really consider you similar to them at all.
>muh stable
are costo ricans not amercans ? are hawain not americans ? are alsace and lorraine people not french
You seem to be under the retarded impression that a country is an immovible object that can't be subject to change in his history, cringe man, cringe
Puck denmark with a p
His brain is rotted by collectivism, the transition from "I" to "we" is a classic symptom.
Collectivism is an economic term, use fitting words instead of this kind of shit.
Wash your penis.
Collectivism isn't purely an economic term. Its ideological and psychological as well, and refers to putting the group above the individual.
Way to show you know absolutely nothing
>memri tv
yeah ok retard. not even going to try to argue with you when you link me literal Israeli propaganda as an actual argument.
Welp, now i look like an arrogant asshole. Always heard it exclusively used in economic topics, thought that communautarianism would be the social equivalent.
It's alright, I'm sure it's used differently in different contexts.
It's disturbing how these ethnonationalists preach about "Western culture" and "Western ideals" without any understanding of them, abandoning ideals like individualism, human/natural rights, limited government, and rule of law. I suppose that's the endpoint of the belief that culture is downstream of genetics: it absolves them of having to learn or understand the culture they purport to uphold because they believe that by merely being white/European they embody the culture inherently.
what part of Europe are you from lad
We or not, rather a white american than a muslims shitskin. More in common with him than with those parasites who leech the welfare and commit crimes on OUR land
>Implying that muslims want to come to eastern europe.
How many Americans do you think are rearing to immigrate to Estonia
America is a nation of mutts, European nations are not
Corsicans, aslacians réunionnais, guyanese, martiniquais, guadeloupean people would have to have a word with you, stupid mutt
don't ever talk about my country or continent ever again
I could never understand why Europe seems so intent on emulating new world multiculti. It somewhat reminds me of ottomanism, an attempt at unity that really only exists on paper.
can confirm, every single french person look like this
ah yes, the refugee crisis of Estonia
turbo bonus points for ethical correctness but really they're just cutting out a pound of their own flesh to feed fat people
Because in this day and age its impossible to have a 100% homogenic country so you have to make your people accept that reality or else you end up with disaster, its no longer the middle ages where you can genocide a minority population with no reprecussions.
the only thing estonians are known for is committing crimes in finland
>This thumb skin color
You have to go back, Mohamed.
>what is a tan
Sorry i was actually working outside this summer, dont you see the colour of my chest in comparison ?
I don't get it wouldn't the Arabs be the Aryans since they're moving locations to a more settled place instead?
>p-part of me is white!