Thoughts? Opinions? Changes?

Thoughts? Opinions? Changes?

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Lol, you consider us humans
Thumbs up for haiti tho.

the map of the mercator projection is horrible and imperialistic, better to use the official projection of Wikipedia

Attached: BlankMap-World-v2.png (1400x625, 30K)

Whats up with Peru and Paragay?
Just make Belgium red or at least yellow and I am fine with that.

Mutt post

Chile is white and based. You deserve to rape and work those brown proto-hues is Argentina.

kys you cringe goy

Chileans are mestizos with a white heart, soul and spirit. Truly based.

I'm surprised to be considered human.

>Buttmad nigfricans ITT

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t. Florence Herodutus Mc Donaldhaill, heir to the throne of Martin Luther King boulevard, Detroit

I looked at the image, and then I thought, "please don't be american". Then I looked at your flag, and felt disappointing.

I smell reddit.

Attached: lul.jpg (640x625, 56K)

>All those AMERICAN costumes
>Loli is literally wearing flag dress
God I wish I were there. I would be such a better parent.


You probably want to close your Jow Forums tabs then.

>Pacific Island Nations don't exist

Pretending to be a parent, so you could fucc sum momis? Seems legit.

>fucking women above 14 years old

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