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2. Does learning institutions forcebly make you clean your classroom?

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2. Yes

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japs do even in high school

we had negro janitors do it for us
pros: creates more jobs and a group of grown ass darkies are probably better than kids at cleaning
cons: kids don't learn discipline from cleaning and you have negro janitors hovering around after school

No, but they should 2bh

Nope. Wouldn't fly here. Students can't even be fucked to pay attention


why don't american kids wear uniforms?

Don't know. Only places I know that wore uniforms were private and charter schools

I remember there really wasn't much to do on campus after or before school unless you were in certain clubs and athletic teams
swim team and wrestling team had early morning practices at 6am
future business leaders of america and junior statesmen of america usually had debates before school too
and then obviously after school there was everything going on at once
but if you weren't involved with any of that you just went home and fucked around with your friends til midnight

yes, but I never did it cause I was a delinquent

Yes, because we were told that we had to make this easier and less unpleasant for the janitors.

some schools do
it's because we have so much division of power
schools can do whatever they want with uniforms and the district can't really oppose them
some schools like uniforms because of the equality and collectivism it creates in the student body
but uniform discipline is a pain in the ass and kids want to wear their own clothes

I remember one day i had to clean my ass using my finger because there was no toilet paper, i got rid of the shit rubbing my finger against the inner wall of the toilet water deposit.

I remember taking part of cleaning the classroom during primary school but it wasn't remotely as frequent and organised as in say, Japan. Never in high school, though. There really wasn't any time for it between going from different room to different room for different periods.

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some private schools, often catholic schools, will have uniforms. Public school uniforms have a bad connotation; cause they are usually only used to prevent kids from wearing gang-colors.

>taking a shit in school toilets.

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I was 8 years old, at least i didn't write my name on the wall like other savages kids did, besides i washed my hands.

No pude cagar antes de salir de casa, se me hacía tarde.

Oh my god you weren't kidding...

>japs do even in high school

We don't do that, David-Kun.

we did at my school. I don't know about other schools

>Escribir tu nombre con caca en las paredes.
Dime que al menos fueron suspendidos los salvajes que hacían esto.
>No pude cagar antes de salir de casa
¿No podías aguantarte hasta que terminaran las clases? A mi nunca se me hizo imposible aguantarme más de nueve horas.

Even public high schools don't force students to clean up a school.
That's until junior high school.
I don't know how the school that is running by a cult though.


Freedom of expression is literally part of our constitution

1. Furaggu
2. p.r.

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No, people get paid for cleaning.
