Alright Swedes I need some help

Alright Swedes I need some help
Say if I a white American male with only a high school diploma came to Sweden in search of work how easy would it be for me to find a job that doesn’t require any Swedish language skills and as well get a cheap and cozy public housing apartment idc if I’m surrounded by shitskins I’ll bear with it I just want to visit and work in Sweden

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why not at least make an effort to learn the language?

Probably slim chances and you won't be entitled to any social programs most likely.

why the fuck would you want to go to sweden

Most likely I would make an attempt once I get there

Always funny how tough cuckholmares are on the web. How about you go to goteborg and tell Them to learn swedoid

Does Denmark have less shit skins?

Op here keep in mind
A single working class white American is worth a thousand rapefugess

Probably very slim, according to this BBC news program, 90% of immigrants in Sweden are unemployed,

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take a wild guess, bucko

He wants the people of the country to accommodate him, truly an American mindset

It might be pretty hard for you if you don't know the language but the big issue is housing. Housing is expensive and hard to come by here, it won't be hard for you to find work though

Examples of types of jobs please and how bad is the housing situation

Don’t think you can be treated well because you are white. You will be assigned tedious jobs like Mexicans in your country.

Construction does not seem that bad nippon it’s better than being worked to death

I guess you could work at a restaurant if you move to a big city, or you could work at a hotel. I know many Americans who work in the hotel bussiness. Then there's construction I guess, but Polacks and other Eastern Europeans tend to get those jobs since they work for very low wages. Housing situation is really bad I don't know how else to put it, if you're a foreigner you are probably fucked unless you're willing to pay a lot of rent or share a home with someone.

You don’t even know how many construction workers dead by accident every year. Get the fucking real.

Can it been like when a couple Swedish couples invite a African migrant to there house and he fucks the wife

Work in construction requires that you have completed a vocational education on construction.

Doubt it, American culture is not that big here yet

Brit in Sweden here. Learn the language. Its really not hard and it makes you much more employable.

Lmao I did construction with my father it’s safer than working 100 plus hours a week

It's not. I only know 2 people from highschool that grew up without a father and both died in construction accidents.

Why should I have to learn when the fucking refugees dont, SWEDEN LET ME IN!

How does public housing in Sweden work again

I think just like over here they have a gigantic semi-public semi-private sector of investment companies that are given land by the municipality if they build affordable housing where the tenants have to comply with certain demands such as having a low income.

Because they're refugees. My mother works in the migration court in Sweden. They investigate and judge whether someone actually actually qualifies for asylum based on the situation where they come from, so don't think you can just cut your thumb off and claim you are escaping from the cartels, boyo.

Depends, are we talking about a white american muslim? if so, yes it would be no problem.

I could convert if that'll get me in.

But they do learn it. How would it feel to be a burgerboy abroad with no knowledge when even autistic arabs can speak it fine

How do I apply for it say I big city like Stockholm do you go online or into an office

You become a resident of Stockholm first and then apply for it and wait 10 years until all the refugees and single mothers had theirs.

>responding to Jow Forums-mutt bait threads

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You can apply to be on the waiting list for appartment offers online in Stockholm. The waiting time is a few years, so most people I know sign up as soon as they leave high school so that they might get a house after they leave university.

>go to university on first day
>they literally make a public announcement that first timers should apply for the public housing system
>"lol I'm not going to be poor"
>23 now and have to wait for 4 years or something.

I just got my apartment a few weeks ago through public housing feels good I guess I got lucky

A friend of mine who started working for the municipality had to sign up first so they could give him his appartment.

Do you have to live in Sweden to apply?

Link for site? And is it in English?

I think it's only in Swedish and Finnish but you have to be a citizen in order to apply

>need to be a citizen
no you don't. You need to have a residence permit. How do you think they house all the refugees?

Then how do immigrants end up in public housing?

No idea. I imagine you need a swedish social security number. You get that if you're a registered resident in Sweden.

Genuine immigrants don't end up there. As in people that move to Sweden for work.
The people that end up in social housing are:
- refugees that are given priority
- domestic bred non-whites that are 100% citizens

If you want a high school diploma tier job you need to speak Swedish and be at least an EU citizen. Get an education before you come here.

Can I get a somali swede qt ALREADYYYY??? REEEEEEE

I don't understand why they feed those threads, OP is making fun of you.


>doesnt want to learn the language of your possible host country
why are you americans like this

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