Why are browns and blacks bullied on this site?

Why are browns and blacks bullied on this site?

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Because they're inferior?

wh*te inferiority complex and projection

Cause of your big dicks and sportsmanship

because whites are the majority and its fun to make fun of them

w*toid envy, they know theyd get drop kicked in seconds if they said that shit in real life

Wh*tes only get to speak down to people online.

They’re not

I don't give a fuck about your kind. I hate japs with burning passion.

Well, here whites are anons so they don’t have to be afraid of showing their real face.

not as much as slavs

ask here

wh*toid envy

Browns and Blacks are responsible for all of the racism on this site

I mean, I get being casually racist because stereotypes are based on truths to a certain extend but do brown/blacks anons are as autistic as everyone else here. Why bully us?

nigger sounds better than whitey/whitoid

Unironically this youtu.be/A32M0-KYTu0

lots of crossboarders from Jow Forums
luckily we banish them with black queen threads

salty wh*toids shitposting and jostling their chubby caucasoid chodes whilst kara boga strikes deep into the welcoming wombs of their blonde childhood sweetheart

Russian girls prefer black or brown

the final bogpill, 90% of pol is spics and mutts self hating

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Most brown and blacks don’t advertise that they are browns and blacks on this website. Unless the flag gives them away it’s no problem.

fuck wh*Tes

Turkish LARPing subhuman scum going on proxies because they're too pussy to show their t*rkroach flag otherwise they'd be bullied into becoming an hero.

Also moderators dont prune/ ban their
/b/ tier threads.

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there is a reason that even among mixed people here the lighter you are the more status you have
Which doesn't mean it's right, most mixed people are fucked up regardless.

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leave canada, chang

don't care about browns or blacks
strongly dislike asians

Based Croat.

we only bully black/brown men, Jow Forums loves black/brown women

What ?

"Why are we, amierigoblins, bullied on this site?"
There, I fixed your shit.

The Jews and poos get it way worse than we do.

>fuck whites

Lol you live in a nice country because of white people. go live in non white countries and you'll soon be sucking white dick after about 2 months.

Asians never depict themselves as yellow. Weirdo race baiter detected.

For the same reason that there's no meaningful communication here?

there's a 'girl'

>white inferiority


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who is China's legendary founder? What is the most common Chinese surname?

id tell you to get sterilized but no woman will touch you anyways

Not really.

>stereotypes are based on truths to a certain extend

Not really in the majority of cases. It's mostly shit made up then applied to groups you have an "advantage" in group dynamics.

Indians literally had long period they could not post without bring spammed with poo in loo. The nerve presence if an Indian ruined threads because of that spam

Your gay liberal virtue-signaling is your country's downfall

I'm not virtue signaling, hell that term used to be so clever but idiots spammed that word in the wrong instances and now it's just weak in impact.

>you live in a nice country because of white people
lol no
W H * T O I D S

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kek’d and shadilay’d! epic (you)tube video my fellow pede!

Jesus Christ...

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The actual fuck?

Nigga you nasty.

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Britney Venti I think

They are intellectually inferior and live in shit countries.

bobs and milk

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*takes sip

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gib mommy

And those are reasons to be bullied?


>he wasn't around for the HWNDU stream days

Even Sam Hyde showed up

Because you guys are the Milhouse’s of the human race.

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Of course.

Sorry for being inferior, it wasn't my choice.

Stfu and eat some chicken

this board is sooooooooo anti-black and anti-brown

Why chicken? I never got that one. Everybody eats chicken

whites have tiny dicks

black people fashion is fucking retarded

Dunno, maybe it's something to do with all the crime you commit.

Wtf is black people fashion?

I doubt any black/brown user is one of those people...

everybody gets bullied no exceptions, you're just the one bitching about it right now

They either rage online or shoot up schools. Pick one.


It's only the blacks and browns in the West who are bullied, almost as if going some place that doesn't not want you results in the people there not wanting you to be there.

I know our oligarch hijacked our countries and told you all to flood in, but that just makes you even more hated.

>Why are browns and blacks bullied on this site?
They have it better than I do.
As a 169cm short "male", I get bullied IRL and on Jow Forums.

>blacks and browns are bullied

you're kidding right? they're put on a silver platter. us whites are the ones who have become second class citizens.

I was referring to the resentment WYPIPO have towards the invader roaches online.

I know that IRL everyone is expected to take care of them and tell them they can be white too if they want to be, or else our lives are ruined--which is just another example of why WYPIPO hate these fucking pieces of shit online

Jow Forums might unironically be more ethnically diverse than there critizers.