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International #944
Which one is less white?
Most people not seem aware how much Japanese pay for Finnish mushrooms
The Wh*Toid invasion edition
/ita/ - il filo
What actually happens here?
ITT: Countries you didn't know existed before Jow Forums
How butthurt Latin American media and Latin American universities will be if Brazilians elect him?
This is America
Wtf Americans?
Do Italians really dress like this?
/rus/+/ukr/+/bel/ exUSSR
Do you love Mexico?
Anyone else really hate Mexicans?
China is offering another 110,000 African students scholarships to study in China
What parts of Argentina are worth visiting?
Where does that finn get those images of those cute guys together?
This is what half russian half korean looks like
1 your ethnicity
Have you ever had a job where you did nothing for years and nobody found out?
Post a girl from your country in front of a bridge
What is it with white girls loving Native American men? Why do they love being CHIEF'D?
ITT: Dog breeds whoms't originated from your country
I was tortured once and it felt bad
Colombia is so based. I wish we had more Colombians here instead of ugly Mexican midgets
Your country
This is Karelia
Americans start arguing about their states
China Dethroned by Japan as World's Second-Biggest Stock Market
Hilo latino gay
Nations should belong to the people who are native to the land. Not "whoever wants to immigrate there"...
Are they White?
This is the fucking president of Japan
Britain, YOU are responsible for this abomination
International heights!
Spend 2 hours searching for porn for a 2 minute wank
How Americanised is your country?
Live in México
Why are thin people discriminated against in fatmerica?
How much do people care about race in your country?
Dark hair + pale skin + blue eyes
Are there dialects(of your language) in your country that are virtually a separate language because they're so...
Name an invention from your country
ITT: Jow Forums in 1951
/fr/, le fil hon hon hon
I went to Los Angeles and it was the worst shithole I have ever seen in my life - filled with junkies of all colors of...
What is demon hunter look like in your country?
Savon Schmus, 17, admitted to killing Hilton on Aug. 18, 2016...
Absolute shithole
What's the most popular car in your country?
What do you think about mestizos?
/heiabettchen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Just print more money
Rank the Spanish accents
Is it true that it is super easy to go to Asia and get a gf, even if you're incredibly unattractive?
Sverigetråden - Sarumanupplagan
/polska/ nocna
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
I still haven't got my 23andme results back yet
Uses trapped Thai kids as a PR stunt
American parenthood
You have 10 seconds to act as Russian as possible
Raiden is considered to be a man's man in Finland and in contrast, Americans seem to like big muscly linebackers
Jews planning takeover of Poland EMERGENCY
Who are the worst tourists in your country?
Do you miss him?
Tfw thin and short micropenis
The ANCIENT GREEK Were Japanese
Is it legal for boys to dress like girls in your country?
Painted favela
Toilets Of Jow Forums
GERMANIC LASSES LOOK LIKE THAT? maybe 'dolf was right
How can we stop people from virgin shaming
Would you date down?
Live in one of these cunts
Are you a Morrowind boomer or Gothic boomer?
Is there a way to compare based on population? It seems high...
Jewmerica can't stop the rise of China
Why did eastern europeans gain so much interest in beer?
Only countries that have conquered Europe can post ITT
Gov won't give me money for scratching my balls, hence, they're a bunch of fascist neoliberals
ITT: Countries that need to balkanize
/ita/ il filo
Mfw everyone here knows that the world as a whole would be a better place if Germany had won WW2
The snow must be stained red with the blood of Americans. We're going to cast them into the ocean...
Hello, Jow Forums
Your cunt
How can we make abos more intelligent?
How do I get a turkish gf?
Do you think a girl has ever masturbated to you (in your country of course)?
Do Americans miss their foreskin?
"every country that has tried socialism has failed."
1) Your cunt
1. Your cunt
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan
Why does sweden have a lower record temperature than finland WTF?
Austria Hungary was unironically better for Eastern Europeans than whatever they have now
/v4/ + friends
What happens if China rises its military spendings from 1,6% of GDP to 5% of GDP like the USA? If they did it...
/sag/ - south asia general
Finally decided to try out Five Guys
Tfw not orange
Places in your country that you’d get rid of
/fr/ - le francofil
What videogames are set in your country?
Americans call pizzas "pies"
How do we stop cute Russian girls from killing themselves?
Do you like going to beaches in your country?
Rate those countries from more white to less white
Why do Southern Europeans hate working?
What the fuck is their problem? stop letting them in
World divided into regions with a gdp of $1 trillion
Why don't you have a gun, Jow Forums? How can you defend yourself or your lolis if you don't even have a gun?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Christians actually believe that a portion of humanity will be punished for ever based not on whether they were good...
Ever notice how Montenegro and Kosovo look really nice next to eachother?
Sverigetråden - Utfrågningsupplagan
Rosetta Stone needs to go back to Egypt
Sharing border with sweden and russia
We have always been at war with Tealandia
Why do Southern Europeans get so angry when you point out that some of them look like Arabs? I mean, it's the truth
Why do jewish girls have such large breasts?
>group of Finns are swimming in the local lake
ITT prove you're not a wh*Te
Thousands turn out for anti-racism concert in Chemnitz, Germany
Geralt of Rivia is an anglo
WW3 will start over scallops
Eastern Europe is on the rise
Do you know the languages of your neighbouring countries, Jow Forums?
What's the wisest saying that your folk have came up with...
/fr/ - le fil français
/carib/ + island friends
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
Unemployment up in Spain as economy sheds 203,000 jobs in August
We're in the year 1200 AD
Non romance countries learning latin
Why don't you learn Korean yet?
His country has a higher murder rate than the US
Tfw no Asian(Finland) gf
Are Greeks white?
I lost 2kg since i started swimming and stopped eating sweets 2 weeks ago
Where can I watch english movies with arabic dubbing and subtitles?
Why aren't you learning the language of a dying people?
Sverigetråden - Misaoupplagan
Why aren't you learning the biggest language in Europe
>tfw I live in extremly cheap country but I got a remote job from Denmark
Indian makes an interesting and witty post
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
The Portuguese came into Goa in 1510 to setup trade links on Indian Mainland...
Haitians start arriving in mass to Argentina after migration reforms by Chile
>police calls >want to interrogate me about the 4 burnings of Finnish delicacy shops around town
What does your country excel at?
What is Jow Forums reading?
It's another "user almost vomits just because he has to go to university" episode
/deutsch/ 2hu ausgabe
/ita/ il filo in cucina con umaru
Kurva anyátok
I want a latina gf
What brazilians are known in your country?
You're not White if you don't cook from a hearth and cauldron
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw shopping in a Swedish supermarket
American game
I don’t hate, or even feel any animosity towards Russians...
1) Your country
You woke up in an american hospital and the nurse hands you this patient invoice
Why do MENA girls have big lips?
ITT We say nice things about Belgium
Oh dude my hometown of Bumfuck, Wyoming is so much better than your millenia old cultural city in Europe!
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
How old are you?
/BRiD GmbH/ immer noch /deutsch/es Reich
ITT: great ideas
What group of people do both Greeks and Turks despise
Another day as a 169cm short "male" manlet, 16cm small penislet, 22 year old young "adult"
Sverigetråden - 2Dupplagan
Why does mexican spanish sound so god awful? its the most annoying spanish accent ive heard...
Why do sisters do this...
I'm an unemployed, ugly, 5'11 drug addict who rarely speaks coherently yet i still have a girlfriend...
Does ironic gayposting turn you into a homosexual?
/balk/ - Balkans Thread
When did Japan become a democratic country?
AmeriMUTT thread
Shhhhhhh........ the korean boi is sleeping, don't wake him up
Which clique were you apart of during school?
/fr/ - le francofil
Really makes you think
Do you like your country?
Thank you Sweden
Mammia mia bella ciao ciao vaffanculo it's a me spaghetti pizza
1.Your cunt
A polish immigrant stabbed 3 people two days ago inside a museum, killing one...
This is how russian zoomers looks like
Why do the Slav men look so strong and brutal compare to Non-Slav European men?
Fact: Hungarians are the most powerful race in the world
Iceberg the size of Wales is on the loose in Australic waters
I love alizee, do you too?
Be absolutely 100% honest, are you jealous of Australia?
Another one of this shit
So what are your plans?
What do Indonesians learn about their Dutch past in school?
Finnish man, 44, gets a Filippinian wife
I can swim 1 kilometer (40x 25m) in 26 minutes without resting
2018.... I am forgotten
"I have blue eyes and blonde hair, I'm whiter than you Meds!!"
You're welcome
Town Kazimierz Dolny, Eastern-Southern Poland, elementary school...
What branches/types of police do you have in your cunt?
Why are mexican(and latino) girls so shit? In every american action or crimes tv series that have one episode in mexico...
I fucking hate Capitalism and America
Battlefield V beta starting in 15 minutes
Full hot war, no nuclear usage, no outside assistance
Is this map true? Just look at the surnames of researches and Finnish & Estonian score
Why don't Westerners squat?
Form a group
Yeah, you know suffering is subjective right? Don’t be such a bigot, you can easily suffer in first world...
How am I supposed to go to university if I can't form or maintain relationships I'm going to end up isolated
Israel or Palestine?
China has and always will be the birthplace of civilization...
Do you like Pakistani women user?
So you say USA ain't the best country in the world
Kurva anyátok
Jow Forums got me hooked on this kid show
The rest of them look ok, but what the fuck is going on with the middle two?
1. Your country
How do you end stories in your cunt
Your cunt
Do people of Chinese ethnicity ever wonder why white people are so socially intelligent compared to them??
This is what Americans spend every waking moment working towards
There's a cute girl browsing Jow Forums right now
Taiwan and Japan are brother
/Hilo Latino/
/v4/ + friends
Why can't Iran-Pakistan-Turkey create a military alliance against the House of Saud, conquer the Middle East...
I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this
Would you a Canadian boy?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
What's the problem with scandinavian people?
What's their problem?
/luso/ - fio lusofono
ITT: Cat Reaction Pics
Is it normal to ejaculate on women's faces in your country?
ITT:powerful pics
Would you date a catalonian girl?
How come other countries don't like America as much as Poland does?
Show me your warface, Jow Forums
They are the biggest country in Latin America. Why is their culture and cuisine not more known around the world...
Enter a Korean BBQ restaurant
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I'm 13.7% Latinx
ITT: Rate capital cities
Why are Northern Italians blonde?
1. flag
Memes aside, across all countries, are millennials the unluckiest generation in millennia?
You're cunt
I just became a very rich NEET
Im not White but I have an Irish surname
Anyone else feel a burning hatred for pic related? Also Israel
Who is your country's greatest contribution to cinema?
This should end the debate once and for all
American War of Independence
Fuck trump
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
What does Canada even do? I have no idea how nationalism can be promoted there...
Typhoon in Japan
23yo boomer
Why do you hate Americans?
Greatest country on Earth
Average body form of female college students in Japan
This is a Tweet from Armenia
See grandmother for the first time all year
Would you consider a Kazakh gf?
Your country
So would you racemix with a dark brown eyed womanlet?
Why is this allowed?
This object baffles the Brazilian
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you think of Protestantism, Jow Forums?
Why Whitu people and Blaccku people are so big and macho??
1. Your country
Brown eyes
Why are they so dumb?
Does Jow Forums like feet?
/fr/ - le francofil
What is life like in small-town Africa? What kind of jobs and economy do they have?
Sverigetråden - Jimmie-upplagan
How call a japan people? Japanish? Japanic? Japaniard? Is offensive just say "jap"?
Literally, actually, unironically based and a great idea. Good job France
Are there cool moths in your country?
American parents are buying bulletproof backpacks for their children
Why can't white and blalck people live peacefully together in the US?
Relatable, am i right /in/?
/cum/ & friends
Why are american women so insane?
Reminder going to the moon was not an American achievement it was a HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT
Tfw 15cm and thin
/lat/ - hilo latANO
How would your parents react if you dated a MENA girl?
So... are they really white?
Why do they cuckpost so much? It's not some lonely autist's psychosis either, I have been seeing it for years
Post heritage
How would your parents react if you dated a black girl ?
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
What did China mean by this?
The fuck is wrong with japanese women??
Be canadian
Your country
Why can't the EU fix them?
This is how I imagine russian posters here
Why did communism just straight-up fail? The only semi-successful communist country is China, and it barely qualifies
Why don't more Quebec qts visit their ancestral homeland of France? I LITERALLY need a Quebec gf
Germany wins the war and this is the map some 20 years after
Average American girls
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
>tfw you see a Finnish tourist family on vacation and you punch the kid in the face and run away
/fr/ - le francofil
Nationality of your last name
/Persia general/
I'm turning 23 in 2 months
Is it common in your country for your parents to physically beat their children?
I hav no frens in finlant anymorie, is tere anyy?
Would love to learn German but can’t find motivation for it
/ita/ - il filo
What do you mean there is something wrong with my tattoo user?
I've fallen in love with a girl in another country, give advice plz
/FUG/ ehemals /deutsch/
/mutt/ - Mutt general
How do you call this in your country?
United States made me love countryside people and hate people from big cities
I fall in love with a girl if they talk to me a little or treat me nice I plan out our entire future in my head
Guess his ethnicity
Jow Forums more like /shit/
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
You grow up imagining yourself a certain way
What does Jow Forums's fridge look like?
1) You are a counting tree
ITT post your eyes
Quick, name the three best countries in the world !
Come on user, im sure you are average!
If there was a button in front of me which would kill every american I would smash it like crazy and entire world would...
Normal conquest:
I wish I had an American frend
/lang/ Language Learning Thread
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Do Guatemalans all look like this?
It is my birth right to live near white people
Nuke one, save the other two
Post your cunts military
First day of university and I already feel dreadful
Post a more aesthetic city than this
/fr/ - le francofil
Do Swedes think Americans are dumb or something?
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Which country has the most obnoxious people?
Survival Rate of German POWs in American camps: 98.7%
Post cartoons from ur cunt
/luso/ fio lusofono
Press F to pay respects to brazil
Post a famous photo from your country
/luso/ fio lusofono
You wake up in Pripyat'
Slav thread. ITT: music, movies, memes, jokes
How do you call this in your country?
Honey can our flag not be a cross at least once
What are some superheroes from your country?
Kurva anyátok
Welcom to hydrolic press channel
Its my right to live near white people
What do non-whites think of mutts?
Muslims versus Germans: Who are worse, from your perspective? Both lack empathy...
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
Me? Yes I love Japan!
Sneakers 200€
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan
Can somone pls explain to me what is going on here?
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
It is all over now
I have a very simple question for you, Jow Forums. What do you call this type of beverage? Not the brand...
Your Country
What is your cunts version of Steel Reserve?
Thinking to myself I should get a Moroccan gf
/danmarktråden/ 1.1
Today is Krishna's birthday. What do you think of him?
When you drink the finnish "coffee" and suddenly understand why finns are suicidal
God i wish i was one of you
Historical maps thread
What did arab women mean by this?
New mexican $500 bill
How did he bevond the voice of a generation?
Finns are bög (gay)
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
The Italian variant of the name "Muhammad" is "Maometto"
Which two countries do you think have the best relationship?
Hurrr why they send artifact to brazil durrrr hurrrrr
Not autistic
/ita/ - il filo
What's going on big guys?
This is an anti-smoking ad in France. Why are the French so sexually depraved?
So how are you going to name the hafu children of you and your ideal japanese waifu?
Sverigetråden - Rasupplagan
/ITA/ - il filo
Another day - another lazer eyes kot
Prime Minister of Hungary denies Finno-Ugric relations
Be me
Yfw when you're Army is going to be sent to fight in a war that it has no business in for people actively treat you...
Hideous men, attractive women
How would your family feel if you ordered a Russian mail order bride to be your wife?
What is wrong with german "food"?
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Brexit tipping public opinion in Scotland and Northern Ireland
1. Your cunt
I have never been outside of Spain
Sad music of Jow Forums
Lithuania Is Nordic
So many good proposals for a flag yet you've decided that a
Johnny johnny
Why is the world so cruel?
Ever noticed the closer to Belgium you are, the shittier it is?
Memes aside, which European ethnicity has the pinkest skin?
Estonia shouldn’t change its fl-
Germans wanted this dead
/eu/ - Europe General
Anyone ever tried sticking his dick in the female hole?
People of Jow Forums
Post ur hand and your ethnicity
Name a more aesthetic flag than this
Tfw we are back
/mämmi/ 2.are you too skinny to wear menswear?
Civil war when?
Your parents open the door and see THIS. "Hello Mom and Dad! Meet my fiance Nadine. She is from the Lebanon."
Sverigetråden - Gyllene upplagan
How do we free Bessarabia from Russian occupation?
Best thing about your country
What's your pronoun?
Why does this country even exists?
Is he the most based leader in the current world?
Perfect Europe Thread
Brazilian National Museum
Why do italians have an inferiority complex toward them?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
I have a lot of respect for the Republic of Finland, and stuff like this makes me question it
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is reported to
Faces of Jow Forums
Are Slovenes western slavs?
Kid's cartoon
The UK is oficially dead. Polls from today in case of Brexit and a Hard Brexit:
Insult Nippon
Why won't they just admit that Elsaß-Lothringen isn't French?
I'm not patriotic, but I'm deeply glad that spain left a deep mark in the americas...
This country's entire identity(excl. Quebec) is based around the fact that they're different from America...
Will frogs ever recover from this?
For me, it's New Zealand
Should they join the EU???
/v4/ + friends
Driving and owning a car is such an awful experience. I envy anyone who isn't forced to deal with it
How common are white male asian female couples in your country?
I wanna live in a country that only have white people...
Kurva anyátok lusta gecik
Would you get a faithful, loyal...
How do we fix the cartel problem in Mexico? Is it even possible at this point?
What is this called in your cunt?
Suffering is possible within the realms of first world
Never drink alcohol lads, it's poison
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Tfw have to visit relatives in America in a few weeks
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
How do i start learning mandarin?
I masturbated to gayporn yesterday
It's 201 fucking 8, how is this even possible? This is not 58 BC Alexandria, how come there was no fire supression?
/birt/ + /brit/
How do we stop the Canadians from genociding the mexican population?
Gf is crying again
Trump is actually doing it
Oi m8, you got a loicence to sell them confections?
Tfw chronic loneliness is literally killing you
Which country is the most snobby and pretentious?
How do you approach women Jow Forums?
The "White People smile"
Russia should return the Kuril Islands to Japan
Lads I just KARA BOĞA a wh*Te boi right now. Ama
Yaaasss! As a Korean woman I am so pleased this is finally getting international attention
All I'm saying is that China is MUCH less interventionist than America and isn't provoking wars across the entire globe
When will Jow Forums mods add this flag?
How do you say "um" in your language?
When people think of Australia they think of 6.2 blonde surfer chads
Hey user, don't just stare at us like that, all of the heat is escaping! come sauna with us!
Your country
Lads, I'm having a fucking identity crisis right now striking me like hell:
Kek what the fuck is wrong with Australians?
Dear criticizers of America
Lol amerimutts
National Museum of Brazil
What is the master race of food and why is it Indian?
Why do americans eat this filth?
You wake up in a Tokyo apartment with a huge hangover...
You guys are the only people i interact with, i'm so lonely that i'm forgetting how to speak
Hilo latino /lat/
William Henry Harrison is the greatest U.S. president
The absolute state of the worst brazilian state right now
As a 169cm short "male" 22 year old young "adult", I must be the shortest fucking "male" on the planet
Americans put their shoes on before their pants
Life Expectancy
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. your cunt
Is El Chavo the best shonen ever made?
Have religion exam tomorrow
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
/fr/ - le fil des discussions en français
Are any of you Europeans visiting Los Angeles soon? I want to kiss/meet you
I genuinely hate Germans and I wish they all get murdered by immigrants
Why are White Americans so delusional?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
Hilo Español: Edición Cacaposteo
America has separation of church and sta
Thought on cyberpunk aestethic?
A fag from South Brazil here. Just proving to Jow Forums that we're not white but that's not even a problem...
Question for euros
How are these things even real? I'm surprised people haven't demanded the extermination of refugees
I dont want to contribute with the slaughter of innocent animals but i also LOVE meat, what do?
How do I convert to Islam?
Why are Mexicans so cruel?
Last image taken by Minnesota woman who died when her kayak capsized
Why are browns and blacks bullied on this site?
Why do they get so butthurt whenever you refer to USA as 'America'?
Your cunt
Do Mexicans hate him?
You die this night, and as you were a failure in your current live...
ITT: Share a disgusting fact about your country with the anons
/asean/ - F edition
Why do Americans have such nice teeth, in fact their teeth are so perfect it becomes like uncanny valley
Rate these from best to worst
Why are they such self-obsessed dickheads...
Why are Japanese girls overweight?
Right-wing nutjobs use victim's tragedy to promote hate and xenophobia in Chemnitz, Germany
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship