Lol amerimutts

lol amerimutts

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Other urls found in this thread:

t. Australigoblin

Attached: 1522386682142.jpg (1584x1215, 1.33M)

>We are born of the blood! Made mutts by the blood! Undone by the blood!
>Mutts all over the'll be one of them...sooner or later...

Attached: muttwig.png (939x2742, 3.63M)

he looks better and whiter than most yanks, even got blue eyes
not helping your point

fellow Americans we should stop holding onto this false belief that we are wh*Toid scum, we need to embrace being mutts.

hes not wrong the meme and pretty much every other post 2015 Jow Forums meme all devolve into shitty circlejerking

Wow another quality thread about us

>Joey Corleone

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i fucking love it when amerimutts get butthurt when they lose their shit when they are called amerimutts

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He looks 100% British. Nothing wrong here.

>he looks better and whiter than most yanks, even got blue eyes
not helping your point

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my father is italian and my mother is german so i'm a mutt

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why are you so mean

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because i'm whiter than u muhammad

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Why yes, I am 100% anglo!
How did you know?

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White Australians are really about the same genetic stock as "white" Americans.

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the only difference is when amerimutts get butthurt about it and it is funny when it happens

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the reddit meme

this is honestly one of the worst boards on Jow Forums that has a regular flow of users

nothing but shitposts, never serious discussion, and a dozen different country /generals/ of people trying to spam their shitpost as fast as possible without saying anything of substance so the thread can hit bump limit

it's literally a board built for retards

Sure thing

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>saying reddit like it's a bad thing

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hiroyuki will invite anyone if it makes him more money

the reddit meme

So why don't you go back to your designated national board?

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the reddit meme

Yeah because admitting this board is shit like all the other boards here makes you Jow Forums

Jow Forums and Jow Forums are among the worst boards on this website.

where did I ever mention politics? you're the annoying fuck crying about Jow Forums in every thread. my statement stands on its own, even outside the topic of this thread. this board is shit.

all the boards are shit

True, but some are *less* shit than others.

shit is still shit
every board has their own special kind of shit

>le circlejerking

Attached: 1492425604757m.jpg (1024x1014, 110K)

circlejerking is more than just a reddit thing you retard
SA was described as a circlejerk well before reddit existed

Many americans Jow Forumstards like to shit on Jow Forums over this simple meme.
If this board is shit why do you keep coming here?

Oh. I'm sorry then.

Rooney's Irish descended you dopey yank.


good thread

It's honestly really bizarre than poltards haven't made Jow Forums one of their boogeymen and seemingly have no idea where that meme came from.

That is british genes if they chose a masculine life

This meme could be dead for years if the Amerimutt stopped taking the bait. But they just can't resist.

when amerimutts call you Euros and Aussies poorfags, just send them this image

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Attached: 61B90184-A7F8-454B-BB49-9314020F6F61.png (1087x1087, 166K)

Jow Forums are schizophrenic Retards. They live in a world of conspiracy.
They STILL have not found out that the meme came from this board.


If I was American I would take this picture and replace the negroe monsters with Kara Boga frogs and make the creaturas become more chad with each evolution

Similarly how Meds recovered this way from being not white at all, Amerimutts could have done the same but their IQs are lower than those os Turks

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Jow Forums is one of the only boards Jow Forums is unable to raid or astroturf. I think it's due to the banter desu.

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>666 black sheep makes the Eternal Anglo

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t. Rodrigo Cletus Gomez

on 8 ch around 2016 Jow Forums was the boogeyman responsible for everything that went wrong on the site


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t. Has no reading comprehension
I was agreeing with you, Brainlet.

t. Jonah Goncalvo Garcia

You're just baiting me.
No (You)'s for you Ausfag.

"Another thing that struck me was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro. American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. […] The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking - the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this - is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. […] Thus the American presents a strange picture: a European with Negro behaviour and an Indian soul."

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the butthurt is palpable

No gays.

t. Randy Herschel Porcequa

t. ji xi wang

La Purida No Mas aqui, AMA

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t. Edward Liu

The whitest Australian in Sydney

/wg/ is nice

Just saying, the guy to the far left is actually Maori, the girl right of him is a Maori or a wog, the middle guy is also a wog.

The two people on the right are white but that’s about it.

If you Americans think the 3 left people are white and that’s what most aussies look like, then ooooooooooohhhh boy you guys really are amerimutts like the meme says.

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I've spoofed my Tinder to Melbourne and Sydney. It was absolutely flooded, I mean ***flooded*** with gooks and dinks and niggers.

Sorry, you aren't white you inbred.

I'm actually suffering this on gay tinder in Perth at the moment. It's like 50% Asians wtf. Hardly any blacks though. There needs to be a race filter

This, pol has become totally overwhelmed by red white and blue posters. Can't get a thought through without them switching it back to how rand paul did some irrelevant shit one time or how potus should use his executive power and revoke an elected official.

>Joey Corleone

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Attached: aussiedestroyer.gif (359x371, 425K)

>t. came to Jow Forums from reddit in 2014


theirs nothing wrong with being a mutt
were the biggest mutts in all of Asia and you don't see us complaining

Attached: 5-Pakistan-women-who-sparked-controversies-in-2017.jpg (696x400, 34K)

Its time to stop bullying burgers.

Jow Forums is the official boomer board, in no small part thanks to r/the_donald

Its more reddit I find than anything else. I actually started tracking where threads are sourced from most are copy pasted imgur images and sourced text from reddit posts within a week of the thread being made. Blaming reddit wasn't even that common in the old days of around 2010, but now its the favorite insult of pol users because projection.

looks pretty damn anglo to me

same, let's fuck

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It's rather amusing how many Americans have no problem thinking they are the centre of the world. How they often have a negative kneejerk reaction to people online who mention something that indicates they do not live within the USA (ree yuropoor ree, etc.). How they love acting as though everyone is American online by default and see no problem with jerking off each other with jingoistic lubrication.
When America drops nuclear bombs on your country it is democracy but when a couple of foreigners crash a couple of planes into American buildings, it is an attack on the western world and demands the death of hundreds of thousands of civilians all the way across the world in a country entirely unrelated to the earlier attacks.

Pretty fucking hard to feel sympathy for Americans in general.

Americans have no right to post outside Jow Forums.

That boogeyman was /intl/ on 8ch, not this Jow Forums.
