
Remove kebab edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>have dynamic ip
>hit post
> hehe, you're banned [click here for more]
> you have posted [something] on /a/ which is a blue board
i don't know which one of you BTKniggers did this but it's not the first time >:[

>blue board
lol. is this real?

you are next on the chopping block kafir

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Need an ascended Albanian to translate this masterpiece for me youtube.com/watch?v=md7XaT9XHlg

>gypsy reading comprehension

>dynamic ip

That's a nice way of saying "phoneposting off mobile data".

what ethnicity is that supposed to be? Doesn't look balkan by the colours and design, maybe hungarian?

Probably some Russian animeboi that did not have the same opinion as you.

Attached: 241 - Vp2yw4j.jpg (400x400, 29K)

He is dressed like a Turk though. But Romanians and Hungarians also "look Balkan".

Or PC posting with mobile data.

shqip, drawn by another shqip(autistic)

>everybody who isn't a static monkey like me is phone posting

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Aha! YOU are now in romania huh


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ami blage

Attached: zxcvbnm.png (1280x1280, 188K)

>finally summer is over

3 more months and the patrician season is coming.

Attached: 590 - vtF3mWd.jpg (745x734, 14K)

What are you wh*tes doing here

Aлпийcкa фиpмa Дъглac ca тypци, лъжaт ви

Attached: tfw when neet.gif (500x277, 204K)

Attached: fuck-the-anime_fb_763097.jpg (300x300, 25K)

how do you study when you were hammered almost to the point of blood poisoning and only got 2 hours of sleep last night

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Bulgarian faggots range banned him. In other news it’s monday

I will not because it’s disgusting

you dont

Good to know kek


The song not the lyrics

All Balkan music is disgusting but it still gets millions of views for some reason

I blame the katunars (villagers)

>just a reminder

Cool. "Cătun" means hamlet or small village in Romanian and apparently it's taken from Albanian.

the Vlach BVLLS

Attached: 32q4t5efq.jpg (522x508, 65K)

katun means a gypsy camp in Bulgarian

Attached: 1498367027675.jpg (480x480, 20K)

Further proves the thraco-illyrian - dacian link

The truth is we're all albanian but were brainwashed by the jews to believe otherwise.

we wuz ancient shqips n shiet
>fâl fâl fâl fâl fâl fâl

Attached: fâl-fâl.jpg (960x639, 42K)

Just got reminded how I had to paint the walls because of some roasties in HS and I am fucking fuming about a thing that happened years ago and has no direct influence on my life.

So how's your day going lads

why not just post it
>first buttplug delivered three days ago
>it was nice but not great
>recognize what I need to do immediately
>order a "starter" dildo
>want it so bad I expedite the shipping
>arrived today
>literally 45 minutes ago I try it
>slather it in coconut oil
>insert it after warming up
>feels incredible
>a completely unique experience to anything I've tried before
>can feel it press against my prostate
>stick it on the side of a dresser
>grind my ass against it to the base
>feel the silicone balls against my cheeks
>start to rock back and forth
>as I fuck myself my cock grows
>decide to try another position
>stick it on the underside of a plate
>place the plate on a chair
>ride it
>finally feel like a slut
>rock my hips back and forth with each stroke
>it feels incredible grinding against my prostate
>decide the standing position was better
>stick it back onto the dresser
>get on my toes and press my ass to the dresser sliding it in
>extend a hand to the wall
>get desperate for more pleasure
>rock back and forth pushing myself to go faster and faster
>panting with pleasure
>stroking my cock like my life depends on it
>fucking myself with every ounce of strength I have
>semen hits the floor
>slide off the pink silicone cock
>lean against the dresser
>the dildo rests against my cock and balls as I recover
>asshole doesn't even feel like the same organ
>was was once tight, dry, and small is now loose, moist, and at least and inch across
>already imagining life with a bigger dildo
It's like a drug


tfw no turkish bull to fuck my gf


wanna know how i know that this is an ERP?

>pay attention to meeeeeeee

reminds me of someone

Attached: 1532935177056.jpg (1184x666, 64K)

What are these meds for?

they're against sanity


>against sanity
What the fuck dude?

>open kauf land catalogue
>see this

Attached: scrot-or8-or8.png (660x578, 100K)

katun is word i've heard referring to a gypsy settlement

did she puke on your wall?
or did she bend over and shit on it



Katun ia a dialect of ‘fshat’ in albania which means village. But katun is more derigatoey

leave me alone

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what the fuck is wrong with this shitty ass captcha? "select all the images with buses in them." 10 second blinking tiles, I literally spent most of my time on Jow Forums solving these broken captchas
small village would be too much. cătun would be a small settlement of a few houses with no administration such as a townhall.

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and don't maximize the window

use the no js one from 4 chan x

PREF f6=8
for the old yt

would, that arab cunt, half for curiousity's sake what she looks like without the make up


Attached: research.png (1280x1904, 804K)

pngquant --nofs research.png

>the art of the mentally ill

thank you, fren

you know these are based on what you search

Oh no no no

it gets worse
living the meme life

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the ride never ends

Attached: 1507665599010.png (893x552, 558K)

the fuck you watching to get these recommendations nigga?

>Jow Forums filenames


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eating sugar?


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can't stop laffing
every time i refresh the home page i get flooded with meme videos

shouldn't have watched that speshul snowflake whore lauren southern. fucking cunt and her meme science.

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>john oliver
no wonder

just because i watch govt. surveillance shit, i'm flooded with conspiracy theory videos that the alt right loves


Attached: aoaaghahahehohăăăă.jpg (900x900, 83K)

Based sissi poster

Attached: 1531564146096.png (866x554, 529K)

delid yt's cookies and use incognito?

Why do you feel like a demi-god when you’re albanian?

Delete your cookies and don't log in ever again

Лeлe квo cтaнa...нe вeчepaхмe.....c oнaa дyпecтaтa пo-тaкa ce зaигpaхмe...

>So I've just created this site using Wix...

I only have macedonian national songs in my reccs.


Attached: 1518714324579.png (622x483, 254K)

>dope website
>creating with precreated shit

>muh google omnipotent botnet
use linux+firefox+ublock with tracking filters and if you're really paranoid, a user agent spoofer and block all scripts

Bлизaм във кeнeфa и ce чyдa и ce мaa, дeбa мaaмy дa cepa, дa пикaa или дa чepтaa...

I don't mind ads, but for the past week that's the only ad I keep getting lmao

+ your neighbors' wifi (or better - war driving) + a VPN

they're no safer than your own ISP, basically every single one was shown to either feed data to CIA niggers or to have vulnerabilities that make it transparent

I only ever get 3 fucking ads, the dope website nigger, the nigger babies and some retard who thinks he's a psychopath movie/series idk.

>your own ISP
that's why i said to use someone elses' wifi + VPN
if the VPN is compromised, then they'll fall on that other person's wifi

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Бaткo дaли дa нe ти cepeм y ycтeнцaтa?
Ha жeнa ти пpaим cинки пo кoлeнцaтa..