Insult Nippon

>insult Nippon
>go outside and these yakuza gang members are crouched outside your house
what do?

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do a penalty kick with all three of them

kick the middle one in the face and then proceed to stomp it till it's dead
The other two dogs can stay alive cause they look cute

Throw choclate at them.

Meiji brack chokrate

beg in korean they will forgive you since most Yakuza are Zainichi Korean.

Do japanese people eat dogs?

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spray milk at them

yeah, they even call them "inu" which means "yummy treat"

no dummy

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Being a dogfag is a mental illness.
Yes, dog lives are still worth less than a human's. They're animals anyway.

yeah it's tasty when you eat them with some Kimchi

your post makes me sad and upset

To be honest, "NO"

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anyone know if i can join the yakuza as a white man?

this except cook the other two for dinner

コーイウバアイ マジレスヨリ、キツイ返しをシテヤラナイト

We eat balts too.

okay this is epic

why do they love shibas so much ?

They taste the best among dogs.

shibas were almost always the most common dog for Japanese so it feels weird and interesting and even funny that they became well known

Shibas are so cute
And they look smart
(no matter what they are actually smart or not)

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Nani ?

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unironically this

Those dogs are cute and that kid is cute. Little asian kids are so cute with their little chinky eyes.

Behead them

Shoot them.

Penis in doggo

Yakuza are korean

I don't like Shibas. They look like they are yappy dogs with a low level of intelligence.