Is he the most based leader in the current world?

is he the most based leader in the current world?

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he is a huge faggot

he said in an interview he wants a total stop of economic migration to any european country
seems good to me

He is the leader of the free world.

He lied.

No he hates freedom

He's the biggest threat to the white kind actually
Do not trust what he says, his whole power conquete is made of backstabbing and perfidious moves, he already warned the "cis white male"

We all know he's just a puppet of the Bogdanoff regime.

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He is the leader of the free market.

Probably meets up in Cathdedrale de Payens

Also seems to promote G20 summit with Mexico and merits think tank for introducing Mexico as a 1st world economy via negotations

seems fishy since he is rooted by the banks yet promotes us

>a manlet that to avoid being an incel married a granny

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He literally made Brigitte leave her husband and children for him when he was 15. He's the opposite of an incel, just has questionable taste in women.


He's already losing popularity.
Then again our presidents are rarely popular. Hollande reached a glorious 4% of people trusting him, we'll see how low Jupiter can fall.

thank you epic france president for telling me that if i vote for SD im not voting Swedish Values™

>He's already losing popularity.
This is absolutely normal and expected, it's the opposite that would be surprising, it says nothing about him as a leader.

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Say a good thing and do the opposite.

He's as much of a kike puppet who resents his own people as Merkel is.

Would be impressive if she were 10/10 25 years old and married to a chad billionaire. This guy is just pathetic or have a fucked up fetish.

>This guy is just pathetic or have a fucked up fetish.

More like serious mommy issues. I question his mental stability, he should not be in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world.

I wish we had our Macron, a new guy with new ideas and independent from some regional mafia.
He made /ss/ real and will make European Federation real too.
Absolutely based.

The Benalla scandal and Hulot leaving were not normal, and not expected.

He was a chad whether you want it or not though. Brigitte was his teacher and was probably hot then.
His life is also basically a success story.

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>The Benalla scandal
The Benalla """scandal""" was nothing more than a tempest in a glass of water, the media and the old guard jumped on him like sharks on a steak because they are eager to find literally anything to use against him. The truth most of the common people I encountered didn't give two single shits about some glorified assistant who wanted to rock some punks, this """scandal""" was absolutely no big deal and nobody I spoke to changed its mind on Macron after the affaire (for good or bad). If anything, French people were tired of it and wanted the news to change because it was honestly nothing more than a fait divers.

> Hulot leaving
Yeah, that did hurt a bit. Hulot was popular and a great "token of good will" for Macron, he sould have let him win more arbitrations.

French people will put him to the test on the results of his politics : unemployment, growth, tightening of the EU, immigration, etc. His measures are so far - and as expected - unpopular but we still have to see what good (or ill) will come of it.

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>His life is also basically a success story
At least that's how it's sold, this power virgin failed the ENS two fucking times lol

No, Assad is

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>glorified assistant who wanted to rock some punks
It wasn't about him beating up people, it was about some random meathead having a shitload of privileges for apparently no good reason.
>full access to the AN
>can pretend to be a policeman, beat up people on camera, go on holiday for a couple of weeks and come back forgiven
>gets a fancy apartment in a fancy part of Paris, no rent, on top of a more than comfortable salary of 6k€/m
Does that sound reasonable for a random security guard to have?
Now imagine all the other shitheads in the same situation Benalla was in, does that sound fair to you?

Not quite.

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when the first post is also the best post

reminder that Macron has a lower approval rating than Trump

He said based Jimmie doesn't represent true Swedish values.
Fuck this guy.
Stop trying to fuck with our election you lizard jewbank puppet.

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>He said based Jimmie doesn't represent true Swedish values.
To be fair, I doubt Jimmie has a black bull who fucks his wife on a dialy basis.

>gets asshurt when Italy does it

Did he not also say that the Danish do not exista?

>Danish do not exist
I wish

He got asshurt when you wanted him to take them instead of you.

>Does that sound reasonable for a random security guard to have?
>Now imagine all the other shitheads in the same situation Benalla was in, does that sound fair to you?
Have you studied a bit of History ? Are you senpaiùiliar with politics ?
Does that sound fair to me, obviously not. But newsflash : power is not, has never been and will never be about fairness. Inherently power can only be vertical and, thus, unfair.
So the question is rather : am I surprised. Not in the fucking least. Compared to Mitterrand or even De Gaulle and their secret police which carried out spying and other dubious acts ( //'action_civique )
A man like Macron can only trust but a few people, I mean like REALLY trust, because he's obviously at a level where any colleague is a potential backstabber should the right opportunity present itself. Thus it's the oldest trick in the world to keep your friends close to you and grant them unfair and un justifiable privileges.
Literally any politics has that, any power, any monarch, this has ALWAYS existed and always will.
So having that in mind, granting a dude an all-paid-for apartment and a "under the cover" CRS uniform because he wants to partake in a bit of a crowd fight is honestly no less shocking than that time when Sarkozy legit tried to put his ungraduated son (who had absolutely ZERO qualifications) at the head of the EPAD ( //'EPAD)
I am not saying this is okay or even remotely fair, I'm saying this is all in all a benign symptom of working close to a man with power. Beating hippies on May Day because you miss playing rugby is scandalous, but less than Penelope Fillon being paid MILLIONS for nothing


I tried to type f a m i l i a r but I guess I fucked up somewhere.
My point being, the Benalla affair was willingly blown out of proportion to get at Macron, but with little impact on the public's opinion on him. Those who already liked him didn't change their views, those who hated him kept on hating him. It was less shocking than learning about him having stolen millions of taxpayer money or ordering literal assassinations, or having a fucking secret daughter. And in the end people just wanted the news to talk about more important issues.
It was "le feuilleton de l'été" and his political opponents jumped on him because anything to hurt him is better than nothing, that was all.
If Macron should fall, it won't because of this Benalla nonsense, it's not big and damaging enough.

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>Benalla "scandal"

Friendly reminder there is nothing wrong with sending his private militia beating the shit out of commies.

What made it really blow out of proportion is the govt's reaction to be honest.
True, men of power need people they can trust and for that they may need to grant them unfair (but reasonable eg not being above the law) privileges. But why do they have to hide it like that, it should be 100% transparent.

>he sould have let him win more arbitrations

That would imply he cares more about frenchs than lobbies.

Les idéaux de liberté, égalité, et fraternité tombent. Le temps est venu pour un Roi en France, le Roi de toute la francophonie !
Vive le Roi
Que Dieu protège le Roi
Ave Jvpiter Macronvs

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I guess he is right when he says the gaulish people is allergic to change.
Corruption and abuse of power will stay, and he will be the first to oppose any change.

Exactement. La France a besoin d'un monarque.
D'ici la fin du mandat de JVPITER, l'Empire français sera restauré sous la bannière de la fleur-de-lys.

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I almost want to ask why you guys even voted for him.


Dieu le veut

Have the French ever had a high approval rating for one of their leaders since WW2? de Gaulle?

Find a man more powerful than him that had to do it to them.

I'll wait.

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>a neo-con who thinks that tax cuts will solve all world problems
japan please

Didn't have that much of a choice. It was either him or retarded far right cunt, corrupt conservative wanker, angry foul mouthed commie leader, clueless socialist idiot back stabbed by his own party, a bunch of useless troll candidates.

Il n'y a aucune chance pour la restauration de la monarchie, malheureusement.

>be Chadlite Macron
>every cute girl wants to blow you at school
>proceeds to bang and marry the half mummified teacher

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Qui a besoin d'une monarchie quand on a déjà un régime macronien

Well 20 years ago she might have been a hot MILF

Est-il vraiment si mauvais?

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>the husband, the wife, the lover
She was a 6 at peak

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Puh, thats hard. Maybe she has a great personality?

I assume she is a powerful sorceress and bewitched him with black magic.

>British economy
Dump it

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Fuck he was such a cute twink
>tfw no Macron in his prime bf


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Not surprising, we have more than two political parties.

based not debased, work on your English

are Frenchies our brother ayy lmaos or is just me?

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Yea we do look kinda weird

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Elle est un ange

French bois...

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I would say Elle est angélique. or C'est un ange.


>French politicians have reacted with anger after Emmanuel Macron asserted that “true” Frenchmen and Danes “do not exist”, and attacked the people he rules over as stubbornly resistant to change while on an official visit to Denmark


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god, I love de gaulle

spaniards seem to enjoy slaying british pensioner pussy, I don't see why you're complaining