New mexican $500 bill

>this was the first aboriginal president
>was an example of "muh noble savage"
>praised as a hero by al the country, he really did jack shit
>literally had a solid gold carriage that you can see in a museum
why mexico sucks Benito Juarez dick so hard?

Attached: 26 bucks.jpg (960x500, 94K)

who cares? lol

what a boring thread op kys

After the U.S. government announced they were putting Harriet Tubman, a black woman, on their $10 yanknote Trudeau desperately scrambled to do it first. Initially his government dug up some black woman in Canada that got a fine for being black once and they tried to pass her off as the Canadian Rosa Parks. Then they realised her story was nonsense and no one anywhere had ever heard of her so the scrapped the plan. Still desperate to outdo America in social justice they needed to put some kind of minority on the money fast. Being retards who are desperate for approval they were unable to select just one minority group to pander to.
Instead the choose 4 simultaneously
An Anglo, a Frencman, a woman, and an Indian. Then, on the back, rather than choose one picture, they made a mess by trying to include a pic from every Canadian region lest anyone be insulted. Finally they threw a bunch of eskimo art all over it.

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>500 beaner pesos is worth 34 Canadian dollars

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They proably make like 1,500 pesos a day though or things cost way less

>minium wage in mexico is $80 in mexican money
>$80 beanercoins equals to $5.50 in canada
what is the dumbest thing you can buy with $5.50 there?

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Why can't president have gold carriage?

>They proably make like 1,500 pesos a day
Many people make 1,500 pesos A WEEK, if they're lucky

>>minium wage in mexico is $80 in mexican money
Per hour or per day? What is the typical cost of living?

>mexico is $80 in mexican money
>Per hour or per day?
per day if you are a low tier wagecuck (bricklayer, car washer, etc)


Why are third worlders like this? Bricklaying is a respected trade in Canada, a good one can make $40. That's in Canadian dollars, and per HOUR not day.

time to move then, OH CANADA.

Building standards, perhaps?

Yeah but our life and basic needs are way cheaper, and we don't pay taxes like you do.

It's a comfy shithole

op should have asked for other cunts to post their currencies

Daily, and no its not posible to survive on that, in practice no one earns minimum wage, but because the workers wage determines the amount of taxes an employer has to pay for lots of of them declare minimum wage and pay the rest off the books claiming that if they declare their full wage they would they would have to pay them leas, poor and ignorant people only see it as "cool more money for me" but in reality they are getting dicked on the long run cause those taxes go to the workers retirement fund and Credit for cheap housing, but seeing how many people live pay check to pay check you can see Why their reasoning goes that way.

Also theres the fact that a huge fucking amount of people arent even formally employed, they Just sell shit unlicensed or are day laborers that dont have contrats.

>look mom, I'm so contrarian and still falling for fake news from 160 years ago

>They proably make like 1,500 pesos a day


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Actually looks kinda nice

Yeah and 34 CAD are 2884 Japanese yen, yet their country is far better than yours will ever be.

Nobody lives on minimum wage. Not even a shit-tier job like being a cashier at a OXXO pays that low.

>Canadian dollars

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>that 14 yo zoomer who just discovered the national heroes were humans and not perfect demigods

I like it

700 pesos but yeah, rent is just 1500 pesos.

1500 pesos a day would actually be a preetty good salary, you can rent a 3 bedrooms house for like 7000-10000 in a quite decent area

>They probably make 1500 pesos a day

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>Not Porfirio

dont think so
i have a friend that works as a builder in the usa on the summer
he gets way more money building wood houses (easy) there than what hed earn building brick and mortar houses (hard) here
idk about canada standards but in the usa mexican make the houses

>those taxes go to the workers retirement fund and Credit for cheap housing
do you really believe this?

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los albañiles son seres ignorantes de primaria trunca que se tiran pedos, tienen la piel prieta y se comportan como salvajes.

tal vez no me di a entender
el morro no hace albañileria qui en mexico, solo en el gringo y en veranos, apra agarrar una feria
el morro ya casi se titula como ingeniero y es güero lol