When you drink the finnish "coffee" and suddenly understand why finns are suicidal

>When you drink the finnish "coffee" and suddenly understand why finns are suicidal

Giuseppe, please save me from the mongols.

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"Is this merde juice?"

Rude, they're doing their best.

This. No one makes mämmi better than the Finns, coffee just happens to not be their forte.

finland has the best coffee in the world and Mr. Macaroni just got surprised, because it tasted so good

Attached: coffee.jpg (960x1231, 328K)

per capita consumption doesn't equal quality

yes it does
our coffee is so good that we just can't stop drinking it

It actually become quite an uplifting drink when you find out that Finnish coffee is made with blonde girls' foot sweat

>life is a mistake

You drink coffee because it’s cheaper than cocaine

Hate coffee desu. Every morning I have a nice cold Monster instead

>Mr. Macaroni just got surprised, because it tasted so good
t. autismo that can't read facial expressions

you know coffee is bad when even a cold blooded shark politician's face betrays him

Tell me about finnish coffee.
How do you make it?
Is it strong? Is it watery? Is it sweet? Is it flavourful or overboiled?

Attached: ayeye.png (600x1000, 336K)

ok now I want to try

This is a very big gaffe in Finland right now everyone is saying we should have served him finest French coffee

It's SOUR (a Finn won't tell you this)

Finns wtf explain yourself now


Hahahahahhaha no. Disgusting watered out shit I told you. I visited Finland several times and I always forget how weak your stuff is.

light roast but strongly concentrated. people drink it in pretty disgusting quantities.
all coffee tastes the same to me though.

I like french coffee the best

We are in national shame week now

It's not supposed to be strong?