Average American girls
Average American girls
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wont touch with a stick
me on the left
bag of walking meat
Would fuck all of 3
as opposed to?
Look a 'white' chimpanzilian.
Please, post noice american girls
Whores,ill pass
Emily Rudd is the most beautiful American woman. Post her instead of posting these thots.
American women are more manly than euro men, it’s a fact
Wondering how exciting american college/university is in reality.
In Germany, it's pretty gray and stale. Go to lecture & go home. That's it basically.
>you will never be american
For many people it as you have described, for others it's exactly like hollywood movies.
like said college experience varies depends on where you go. I went to ucsd which is one the nerdiest university on the west coast. But in many college you would experience all kinds of crazy shit
>le 56% in the blue and white stripes
I'd mown their lawn
Fellow UCSD user, yeah its a commuter school but if you are in the right social circles there are some fun smaller scale parties especially off campus.
Also please tell me you aren't a revelle or erc cuck.
im in muir
Based trump voters, much qter than disgusting libmutt landwhales
>Wondering how exciting american college/university is in reality.
Here you go.
2,3 is fuckable
Master race nice!
If you picked 3 American women at random, at least one would be a minority.
The one on the right must have one of the best asses ever.
Oh god, those are Long Island girls.. I can tell from the train background.
Long Island white girls are the dumbest, most niggerfucking, starbucks drinking white girls of Jew York state..
those are greasy Italians tho
why do they look like 30
I like those goblinas ;)
> calling tanned girls 56s
Stop sucking off to european Jow Forumstards here.
? she is not tan. maybe if u didnt live in a homogeneous country. u would see her features are not european. as well as her hair (dyed) is curly like that of a mestizo
but that one on the left got some big ass titties so I'd still fuck her
They don't look anywhere close to 30. Typical early 20s faces and bodies. All three still have loads of babyfat.
It's a mixed bag, as stated.
The reality is that during any given Thursday-Saturday, there's a party around. Whether these are open house or private is something you need to tread lightly on. Pay attention to what you see. That said, if you don't make it a point to socialize and get into some of those circles, you probably won't get involved in a lot of them.
Basically it's what you make of it.
this is funnier than it is sexc
dude isnt she embarassed to be out on the street like that all naked and shit? the neighbours can see omg thnkof her parents
Nope unfortunately most girls in the USA are average and there are a lot of fatties in the south
>loads of baby fat when you're not a baby
Fatass detected