Why did communism just straight-up fail? The only semi-successful communist country is China, and it barely qualifies

Why did communism just straight-up fail? The only semi-successful communist country is China, and it barely qualifies.

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For one, nobody can agree on what communism actually is

its the same with capitalism

There wasnt country with commie society. In USSR was socialism not communism.

To an extent, yes

You're right. It all are just empty marks showing nothing.

Also Adolf's Germany was democratic state if you didnt know that.

Because they were oligarchic dictatorships with a planned economy that wasn’t sustained by anything but entelechies. China at least is the sweatshop of the world.

Because its pretty much what creationism is to biology?theres hordes of theoretical flaws, with the calculation problem probably being the most famous example (though according to economist bryan caplan it was hardly the most devastating flaw) people like mises and bohm-bahwerk pretty much refuted every major marxist-socialist-communist arguments in their works but thanks to wonderful academics and philosophers we got to see the wonders of it anyway.

oh no wait it was because evil capitalist USA keeps intervening thats what it really is!

>and it barely qualifies.
oh yeah right that isn't real communism

Western sabotage.

Why did Capitalism in America just straight-up fail?

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We have a problem with creating unsustainable industries and then denying that they're unsustainable until they collapse and then blame each other instead of recognizing the fact that every person has a hand in economic disasters

Also niggers

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>Also niggers
They're your fault too.

Niggers were one of the unsustainable industries, and they now contribute to even more unsustainable industries
I am not wrong

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Yeah but you wanted slaves and you didn't want to return them to Africa and you wanted to segregate them and you wanted them to antagonize you and hate you to death and you wanted to make their life miserable until they returned the favor.

>implying a lot of millionaires in Congress is a bad thing
I don’t trust the redneck Billy Bob or the SJW Denise with a seat in Congress. Millionaires are smart people who got where they are through a smart education

What civ is this pic from? 6?

thank god the south didnt win.
imagine how it would be down there if they won

THEY didn't want to return to Africa, and it isn't as though blacks were the only people who were segregated
"Little Italies" and "Little Irelands" and most other European ethnicities were segregated or self-segregated across the US
Those who did founded Liberia

It is a bad thing when the only reason they're millionaires is from campaign donation overflow
Actual millionaires have no reason whatsoever to go into politics or public service at all

Better, probably
The Southern states wouldn't have had their economy gutted for the remainder of the 19th Century, and they were developing industries throughout the war because they realized its importance (A bit too late admittedly)

Now that you mention it you're right, almost any ethnicity that wasn't *nglos had a tough time in America and they managed to adapt, but blacks do seem to have gotten it worse than others.
Also, tell me more about Liberia, I know they're a country of freed slaves but how has he been doing recently?

The USSR was Russian imperialism and not Communism.


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>Also, tell me more about Liberia, I know they're a country of freed slaves but how has he been doing recently?
Terrible for most of its history, I don't know about modern Liberia but I'd assume it's stabilizing like most of Africa

>blacks do seem to have gotten it worse than others
They've always had it worse, they were slaves after all
They'll continue to do poorly if they dwell on their past, Irish immigrants were often "Indentured Servants" for life and nowadays their descendants are doing alright


>not real communism!

>Why did communism just straight-up fail?
Ideology trumping realistic economic policies + reforms that came too little and too late. China never dropped the authoritarianism like the Eastern bloc did in the 90s.

>ruled by communist party with the states intent of eventually establishing communism
>i-it's not communist because markets exist now even though to some extent they've always existed in every socialist state!

You mean when entire world was against it?

You cannot rise in a Communist system; you cannot break out of the routine, and you can never pay off the debt you own to The State for so tenderly providing for your needs, so soon people start to quietly rebel against the system, and it is the manner in which they do it that is most fascinating.

One will illegally get hold of a bit of beef or a can of baked beans and ‘trade’ (Capitalism, thus illegal in a Communist state—and severely punished) with their neighbors for whatever contraband (packets of instant coffee, small chunks of cheese, a bit of raspberry jam) from ‘the good old days’ they may have illicitly gotten hold of. Black markets pervade Communist regimes, and the penalty for trading on one is usually torture, imprisonment, or death. Ironically, many officials of the Communist state will dabble in their own black-market trades to get some of what comrades closer to The Great Leader enjoy. So even a Communist government is rife with corruption caused by greed and envy.

By your definition Stalins USSR was also democratic because he let himself get reelected every few years.

Exept there were no other candidates and voting against him was bad for your health and for the health of your family.

Marxism predicted ever-worsening conditions of the lower class and increasing misery in capitalism. In fact, the opposite has happened. That's really the simplest way to put it.

The longer way involves essays, but I'll just keep it brief:
>it is literally impossible for any group, barring magical AI, to efficiently run something as complex as a modern economy; hence the market has to do it
>the government and companies being identical leads to enormous levels of inefficiency, half-assing work, and corruption
>because in a hypothetical Culture level society the Labor Theory of Value will still be as hilariously wrong as when Marx first wrote about it.

Because Marx was wrong, the basic assumptions he made that led him to his conclusions were wrong. Marx thought the rate of profit will fall, leading capitalists towards ever more rent seeking, which will eventually squeeze the workers so hard that they will rebel. What actually happened was the rate of profit did not fall due to technological innovations keeping productivity growth high. And the democratic countries became more democratic which allowed the workers to vote themselves a bunch of social safety laws. That's not even getting into the labor theory of value nonsense.

That's simplifying it a little too much. The Soviet Union never reached communism, of course, and for the majority of it's existence it did not even follow a socialist economic path. But what it was is not so easily described, because it wasn't just one thing. After the end of the Russian Civil War it was a worker's state seeking to both achieve socialism while also rebuilding and modernising in the short term through a state capitalist model. Later under Stalin it was a totalitarian and nationalist country undergoing industrialization with a planned economy. And under Brezhnev and Kruschev it was something else entirely. So yeah, it was imperialist, it was nationalist, and it wasn't communist, but it wasn't *just* those things.

>Marxism predicted ever-worsening conditions of the lower class
No it didn't. Marx "predicted" increased production in capitalist economies, which would result in improved conditions, but also in economic growth disproportionately benefitting and falling into the hands of the capitalists. He wasn't George Orwell, paranoically thinking that the world was gonna get worse and worse forever. Maybe you should read the works you're discussing before talking shit about them.

>He wasn't George Orwell, paranoically thinking that the world was gonna get worse and worse forever
But that isn't what Orwell thought

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