Anyone else feel a burning hatred for pic related? Also Israel

Anyone else feel a burning hatred for pic related? Also Israel.

Attached: USA-Flag-West-U-Rotary.jpg (1786x1786, 1.4M)

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No but I feel a burning museum



I will always cherish this moment.

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That's fucked.

not really

>ameredditor "banter"

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>other countries: I HATE YOU I HATE YOU DIE YANKS
>americans: *witty joke*

It's sad, isn't it?

So infantile, those mutts.



Israel - yes, because it is easy to hate it, they deserve it. But i cant really hate America. To be honest, i think that only evil people and degenerates hate the USA.

You are just jealous of those blacker than you

They fund israel shenanigans and just look away to their beaky nose thing, even at your cunt.

Israel is only a thing because of Amerika.

>To be honest, i think that only evil people and degenerates hate the USA.
Indeed, only those people not black enough would hate the USA, because they know we are going to put them in concentration camps

>monkey education

Fuck you.

Yeah, but Israel is like Third Reich, they dont even hide that they are evil. While the USA is the most humanist empire in history. Even if they nuke somebody, they do it out of humanitarian reasons, like it was with Japan: all this fanaticism, kamikaze and shit. And then BOOM, and peace, Japan becomes a rich and happy ally of the USA, and so many Japs were saved, otherwise they would crush themselves against American ships as kamikaze. Period 1989-2008 when the USA was the only unquestioned hegemon in the world will be probably remembered as the best period in history of humanity. Now when their hegemony is questioned we come back to era of wars again.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA! Nice one! I actually couldn't hold my laughter IRL.

You can feel this specific christian innocence when you look at USA, meanwhile Israel is just a pure talmudic and judaic nazism

Are serious? I can't think of a greater evil than the US. Israel is surely getting there.

this but unironically

Countries of South America for some reason hate the USA

>muh coups

Yeah... Coups are part of the reason. I will never forgive the US for what they did to my country. But we are not alone. They have been destroying nations since they became a superpower, guess that's the only way they can stay in power.

Still doesn't justify the humanist part to the middle east, europe and many false flags to relatively resource-rich countries. Commiting those atrocities just hoarding everything to yourself isn't humanist.

>when your shitty country gets destroyed by a single government organization

No, they saved us from commies and helped us be less of a shithole. They also contributed $1.7 billions in foreign assistance in Latin America, and Trump planned con contributing $1.1 billion. Why would you hate them?

>steal and cheats other cunts resources by puppets etc
>destroy lesser developed country
>"destroyed by single entity haha pathetic"
>wondering "why we're hated"

It was good but
Ruined it

They organized the coup that dethroned the Great Emperor Dom Pedro II. Putting the military in power and eventually turning us into a "democracy". They created Israel, destroyed Libya, Iraq, Syria (Thankfully Assad succeeded and his country is heading towards healing.) the same can be said about most South American nations, but I just don't care too much for spics.

>that flag

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I don't dislike Americans, but their current administration is rather disgusting.
As for Israel, no one likes them, we work with them because they have their fingers everywhere.

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seems a lot of you like your old regime, why, your next president was even a captain in its army apparently

The Military Regime was not entirely bad, but it ultimately lead to (((democracy))).
They also made Dom Pedro II die in France so fuck 'em.

All these coups and false flags, wherever they happen, the USA is instantly to blame but it doesnt mean that they are responsible for all. Sure, America cares about its geopolitical interest at expense of other countries, otherwise it wouldnt be powerful but it is also demonized. For example Russia likes to blame USA and others for the fact that countries being in its influence sphere make revolts and coups while in fact these people revolt because they are tired of poverty, eating grass, massive corruption and lack of perspectives. So i would be rather careful about demonizing the USA.

that unusually fair for an internet person

Poland has always been a safe haven for jews.


Hell, i personally even think that Russian secret service organized revolt in Ukraine to have a pretext to make Russia bigger by annexing Crimea and to justify destabilisation of this country. Presence of McCain on the Maidan square who suffered from brain tumor means nothing. Ukraine was economically fucked, everything there was already stolen by Russian oligarchs so they decided to use this country as a tool of geopolitical destabilisation in the region to fuck up functional and nice countries that Russia is jealous of such as Poland. Flooding us with millions of hohols is a Russian hybrid warfare. Poroshenko is a man of Putin to me if he doesnt prove otherwise and doesnt remove import ban from a Polish pork.

I guess you would feel that if you were Muslim. Some day you'll join the 21st century though.

They could just refuse to fund or getting involved since they have everything; veto and power. Just let those country settle themselves, even if they destroyed themselves. But USA cant help themselves to be praised as heroes, which fail miserably by the way, and always never able to restrain themselves. They could just be an economic country that's doing their own thing.

the sad thing is, people like you who don't even know basic history are common

the British Empire established Israel you fuckwit. They also divided Iran, Iraq, and Syria, as well as fucked up all sorts of colonial borders. Funny which countries are shitholes now.

nuke dis

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I think what he is saying is that America is to us what Russia is to you poles and ukrainians, an imperialist asshole

Well, i can understand that. One's point of view depends on the point where one sits. But, the USA doesn't attack its neighbours with military. USA is not so ridiculously poor like Russia. USA is a global champion in innovation and has powerful industry, meanwhile Russia spreads only HIV and poverty. So comparison is overstretched.

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"Russia is jealous of such as Poland."

it is. It might sound funny because we are not even an independent country economically, as a client of German economy, but they are jealous like fuck. And - what's even funnier - they are afraid of us out of geopolitical reasons. Their strategists unironically believe that we want to destabilize them by coming back to jagielonian spheres of influence, that we try to remove their core buffer zones from their hands just like Belarus or Ukraine, i am not kidding you. Russian geostrategists hugely overestimate Poland, our possibilities and even our political will, as we are nothing but a puppet of foreign empire after all. Even lately published conversation between Yeltzin and Clinton shows this fear when Yeltzin says that he is afraid that Poland could attract Belarus too much and Belarus would turn away from Russia in result and it would be a deadly danger for Russia's geopolitical position. So Russia undoubtedly would be very pleased to destabilize us, so we wouldn't be a competition for it anymore. They are generally jealous of little, even tiniest successes of post-soviet countries, because it proves that Russian elite of power is not consisted of geniuses after all if even such countries without any natural resources like Romania or Hungary are prospering better than Russia sitting on the half of wealth of the planet Earth

Degeneracy was invented in America, tho.

Feminism and neoliberalism started in France

Polish rat

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>they are afraid of us out of geopolitical reasons
Not the one you replied to, but I never read such nosense. Poland is nothing but a buffer state between Russia and Germany

>Not the one you replied to, but I never read such nosense.

Well, then you might be surprised. I take my info from first hand, i have access to documents of prominent American think tanks specialized in geopolitics. And as i said: even official documents prove that this irrational fear exists in Russian elites. They are fanatically tied to classic XIX-tier century geopolitics, it makes them paranoid so much that they overestimate Poland in a huge way.

This picture is all that's needed to understand 90% of European geopolitics. Poland is literally a flat field... between Russia and Germany

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You'd think that Russians wouldn't have this mindset knowing that they have 1000s of nuclear weapons.

Poland really should give back its stolen territory

>Jow Forumslack
checks out

America didn't found Israel. England created it with pact with old jewish money. After England's empire started crumbling and the disaster at the Suez. America had little choice left but to support Israel, lest the Middle East be handed to the Soviet Union. With the current neocons and the fanatical evangelical supporters that worship Israel, there is no way out of our current relationship.

That's the other reason of course and yes, it also exists in Russian strategic planning. Poland is placed on a connector between Central European plain and Eastern European plain serving as a "plug". When this "plug" is being removed, anything could go out from the hole: like Napoleon, Hitler, Sweden's invasion or maybe even the USA's invasion today. So they would love to control this "plug" to keep it forever closed. Yeah, it is also the thing. But these other factors i talked about matter as well.

Most relevant countries modernized their strategic planning in second half of XX century and XXI century. Meanwhile Russia is still stuck in their classics of geopolitics, additionally boosted by Dugin and such. Communism was replaced by Russians with geopolitics as a state ideology after fall of Soviet Union. They still using old techniques of analysis reality in time and space, and they still using old-time soviet and even tzarist methods of warfare. They applied old tzarist-soviet reflective management for Internet for example - the reflective management is a manipulation technique whose purpose is such a change of perception and opinions of your opponents that make them think your way and share your point of view. Russians are masters in such stuff, and they literally elevated it to the status of state ideology after 1990. Russia is a country in which the biggest number of books about geopolitics was published in the world since fall of communism.

Yes- I hate the people too.

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>the reflective management

that's called reflexive management


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>another thread of 3rd world euroarabs and their sudaca pets seething

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Israel would be shortlived if not for you, you dipshit. You single handedly destroyed the world.

Same desu.

That's better

Oчeнь хopoшo (Sorry for bad russian)

that'll show em!

Do Americans think if they just repeat this enough times it'll end up being true?

Yes. So very much.

denying that you had any role in the creation of israel is dishonest

>The British Mandate is a myth
>The Balfour Declaration is a most perfidious invention of yank propaganda!

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t. mark sykes grandson

No, but it's far more dishonest to say Britain "established" Israel, whatever that's supposed to mean. The Irgun spent nearly thirty years fighting a low-level war against us because they thought the Mandate was too pro-Arab.

>that pic

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Even in the context of symbolic protest, that is just retarded.

If you're gonna post this in the future you would need to include the context. I know for sure I'm not going to remember new about a burning museum on the other side of the planet in a weeks time.

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The US in its current form is a disgusting, anti-white shopping mall. This is an abomination of a country.
Only white fascism will save us.

cringy pseudo intellectualism.

.They also burned/destroyed all western food exports when you shits applied the sanctions for the peaceful annexation of Crimea. Along with a lot of stuff as well, ciggies, wine the list goes on for a quite a while

>peaceful annexation of Crimea

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I really, really, really dont like the flag

I just cant like it, it looks weird

>Most relevant countries modernized their strategic planning in second half of XX century and XXI century
Care to give any examples of updated planning and its application in real world?

That's the one thing I like. Their flag shows power.

this but unironically

But thats due to its connotations

The flag itself, its aesthetics, look weird, the stripes are messy

You have nothing to say.

we have so much in common

>Care to give any examples of updated planning and its application in real world?

You mean geostrategically or geopolitically?


Not funny. Think of all those wasted bananas.

>couldn't even afford a real flag
the absolute state of russia lmao

If you'd bother to read my response I said that Britain had a role in Palestine. However, the claim you see on here, that Britain "established" or created Israel, is completely false. It's even more baffling coming from Americans because the USA voted conspicuously in Favour of the UN Resolution creating a nascent Israeli state that the UK abstained from.