How am I supposed to go to university if I can't form or maintain relationships I'm going to end up isolated
How am I supposed to go to university if I can't form or maintain relationships I'm going to end up isolated
just be yourself
Tried it for a year, what a nightmare.
Mate, you live in the first world, you don't need to go through universitiy to make a good living
I am in this nightmare right now
Do you wanted to be an isolated dumb fuck or an isolated smart fuck
In my experience the isolated ones do better academically (as long as you're not too autistic to talk to lecturers)
Uni's not a night club
I sure hope you're right
I went to uni for a year and basically theres 17 year olds who went straight there already in groups and nobody else talks and theres pretty much no non meme clubs. And the uni itself wont do anything moe than send automated emails. you're pretty much just paying to say you know the information and have if you can be bothered having an over qualified person read out some of it
Don't worry , someone will always come after your sorry ass . (Speaking from experience)
Uni isn't to make friends, it's to get a degree.
I was isolated and got all my notes from one girl. When she died I realized I didn't know anyone else and I stopped going. It was a shitty uni anyway.
How did she die
car crash decapitation, it was instant
I am too autistic to talk during lectures
University is about learning, nothing else.
American universities are like holidays camps for young adults because it's a billion dollar business.
But that's a perversity of what is supposed to be a university.
>a perversity
or a perversion..? I'm not sure, anyway you got the point.
So I shouldn't be applying a highschool-clique mindset to university?
about to go through my third year of isolation and misery. The positive thing is that i always get better grades than anyone else in my class since i have nothing else to look forward to
Yes you shouldn't. There are no cliques. If you want to be left alone you will be.
I don't want to be left alone it's just that I haven't developed proper social skills
Australian uni is pretty autistic
we have a shared online storage like dropbox where everything is stored. no social interaction needed. the younger ones have whatapp groups
what if you try to study?
There is no need to form a meaningful relationship once you are attending uni, you just have to look slightly less autistic to get people to work with you.