Town Kazimierz Dolny, Eastern-Southern Poland, elementary school...

Town Kazimierz Dolny, Eastern-Southern Poland, elementary school, Polish children arrive to school first day after summer holidays but they can't begin education because a Jew from Israel Meir Bulka claims that the school's infrastructure was built on territory that is a property of Jews and they plan to build a prayer-house for hassidim on this place.

Prosecutor and court are taking care of the case now.

You think it is a fiction story? No, it is happening for real right now.,n,1000225994.html

Attached: Screenshot - 2018-09-04 , 10_32_37.png (818x458, 639K)

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And the bodies were exhumated and put in a different graveyard a long time ago.
Christ, how do these people expect to not be disliked?

Maybe they are hired by Germans/Russians to provoke us so we would act in an antisemitic way and it would give a pretext to "liberate us from fascism" or shit like that: EU from one side, Russia from the other.

We had here jewish provocations last time in 40s-60s. Shortly after they installed soviet machine of oppression, they (secret police and army) literally killed few of random jews in soviet-engineered "Kielce pogrom". They did this to present Poland as "antisemitic country" to worlds opinion that must be under soviet occupation to be "reeducated", they needed to create an image of an "antisemitic Pole" to have a pretext to kill our underground/resistance movement. Finally the Kielce pogrom was made the same day, when commies organized fake referendum amongst Poles about their support for communism, lol. 99,9% voted "yes" of course.

Today the world still blames us for these things and jews are interested in keeping status quo.

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good. polish nazis should answer for their crimes

Can't we simply say 'goodbye' to each other after 1000 years of common history and go our ways? You would go the desert way, we would stay here, and we would forget about each others existence. Poland could even transport all these death camps and holocaust sites to Israel by planes - we pay for logistics and workers that would install it back in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.

polish death camps belong in poland

Shut the fuck up, you kike sub-human.

He just achieved what he wanted by provoking you to antisemitic reaction. You need to talk to them calmly or ignore them.

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Jews lied down on the school's stadium to show that it is their place.

Attached: Zydzi-domagaja-sie-przeniesienia-boiska-w-Kazimierzu-Dolnym_article.jpg (780x482, 66K)

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BASED Meir Bulka. In Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, the graves in the jewish cemetery weree uprooted by polish savages around 1959, and were used as foundations for some polish structure.
In this case it's exactly the same, this school was built upon a jewish graveyard

Attached: poles uprooting graves.jpg (1846x1237, 448K)

And here are the tombstones

Attached: 2203776921.jpg (1846x1228, 307K)

>around 1959

Russians ruled Poland back then, so no wonder

Polish people are fucking savage animals.

Russians gave orders to Polish slaves to destroy Jewish graveyards out of ideological reasons

It is of course a pure coincidence that kikes are coming here now when Poland looks nice, rich and we have big beautiful houses, factories and buildings all around the place. But somehow they werent interested in their heritage when Poland was a poor shithole under roosian rules. Such a miracle! Kikes fell in love with their polish heritage all of a sudden!

>polish savages
> around 1959

So they were Russian savages because Russians were organizing life in Poland in this period. Everything was made according to Kremlin's decisions


Attached: poles violating graves.jpg (1771x1269, 559K)

> sitting on an old jewish tombstone
> violating

Proof that they are Polish? They look like children of Red Army's officers, they could be Jewish or Russian too

You guys must be jewish

>Town Kazimierz Dolny, Eastern-Southern Poland, elementary school, Polish children arrive to school first day after summer holidays but they can't begin education because a Jew from Israel Meir Bulka claims that the school's infrastructure was built on territory that is a property of Jews and they plan to build a prayer-house for hassidim on this place.
You can be glad it is not Germans coming back that claim that modern Poland is built on territory that is a property of Germans and they plan to re-build their civilization on this place.

Attached: Deutschlands Verstümmelung.jpg (1280x1024, 298K)

>You can be glad it is not Germans coming back that claim that modern Poland is built on territory that is a property of Germans and they plan to re-build their civilization on this place.

Why can't everybody just fuck off of Poland? And i mean mostly Jews, Ukrainians, Russians and Germans?

Oven move. Jew remove.

>Why can't everybody just fuck off of Poland? And i mean mostly Jews, Ukrainians, Russians and Germans?
Why can't everybody just fuck off of Prussia? And I mean mostly Jews, Poles and Russians?

Attached: Marienburg.jpg (1296x972, 218K)

Because you lost the war and we had to rebuild this all from ruins into actual cities, German skunk.


hassidim but i don't believe em

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>Because you lost the war and we had to rebuild this all from ruins into actual cities, German skunk.
Because you lost the war, Ukrainians and Belarusians had to rebuild this all from ruins into actual cities, Polish skunk.

Attached: Kiev Pechersk Lavra.jpg (1200x1299, 154K)

But we don't have any territorial claims to Ukraine and Belarus. UPAinians have claims to our land loool

>But we don't have any territorial claims to Ukraine and Belarus. UPAinians have claims to our land loool
Not sure if stupid, ignorant or simply BAIT.

Attached: Kresy.jpg (448x518, 31K)

We don't want the Kresy back, at least not as a territory. We would only be happy if someday in the future these lands were connected with Poland in economical and military way.

Only nationalists miss these lands, and they don't even have their representatives in parliament.

kek at his cucked leader that said no polish camps existed. even bibi fears the hussar

Actually it was russians that destroyed it by shelling the city ww2. The corpses were then moved to a new burial ground. But according to jews this is still their clay even when it was state property way before ww2. Seems that to them the place a jew dies automatically belongs to Israel or something.

No, it wasn't the russians you little liar, you must be really ashamed of this

Who even cares about Poland? Dumb 3rd world shithole.

I want Poland only for Poles and for rich tourists, but my country is flooded with hostile human trash all the time lately. So called "first world countries" look like third world shitholes in comparison with Poland nowadays. Maybe that's why this human centipede wants to turn us into a trashbin too

> beliving in some unauthorized blog entry

Lol, GSV in Poland looks far far worse than that of Australia, USA or Germany. Focus on fixing your shithole.

What is GSV?

Based jew saving kids from polish ""education""

lol, unlike "muh russians destroyied it in ww2" stories. For shame!

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Google street view my man

Random street view:

Your houses are tiny, they all look like garages in Poland lool.

Don't forget to turn on "urban" option if you don't want to watch woods and fields.

Attached: download.jpg (1917x3676, 1.69M)

>or Germany.

Google street view in Germany doesn't exist at all except of few main cities - because of stupid German privacy laws. Meanwhile google street view in Poland contains everything, even tiniest villages with 10 people inside