Iceberg the size of Wales is on the loose in Australic waters

Since it snapped off the Larsen C ice shelf in July 2017, the trillion-ton iceberg known as A68 has spent most of its time stuck in the mud. Now, new satellite data reveals that the ‘berg made its biggest move yet over the austral winter—a dramatic counterclockwise rotation that shows no signs of stopping.

About a quarter the size of Wales or half the size of Jamaica, A-68 is the sixth largest iceberg on record according to the UK-based Antarctic research group Project MIDAS.

But in July, under the cloak of darkness that is the Antarctic winter, A-68 began to swing northward. Polar oceanographer Mark Brandon recently spotted the action using brightness temperature

>data collected by the Suomi NPP satellite.

Eventually, O’Leary says the prevailing ocean currents will push the iceberg northwards and eastwards into the Southern Ocean “where it will probably break up and melt.”

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Hope it takes down New Zealand with it

Does Australic water mean Australian water? I hope we don't get flooded

Yes it is traveling from Antarctica, towards Australia

Climate change is not real Maga¡!!!!!!!!!!


>consequence of climate change happening
>”fuck kiwis, yea kill em”

What the fuck did they even do

Bunch of poofs

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Someone tell the government it is ferrying refugees and they'll have it sunk before the end of the week.

What if it’s carrying some of the world’s most important lab scientist stationed in Antarctica and they happen to be in that iceberg?

Our government is ran by Boomers who know nothing about science or technology, in fact they tend to oppose it.

Climate change is real but emissions did not cause it.

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look you have to make good out of a bad situation

>earth has had the exact same climate since the universe was born, human activity changed it just recently

>where it will probably break up and melt
Wow it's fucking nothing

Instead of hiding behind silly greentext, be upfront with your ignorance. It could be entertaining, like listening to a creationist or a flat-earther spin in circles.

>it is only ever possible for one factor and one factor only to ever impact anything ever
le strawman face

>iceberg collides with australia
>australia sinks

>trillion-tonne iceberg collides with Australia
>large region of Australia becomes cooler
>emperor penguins begin migrating here instead
>build up an army to overpower our emu masters
>world domination ensues

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Milanković cycles
Now that
was damage control.

>headline: "the size of Wales"
>text: "about a quarter the size of wales"

Fug u

the headline is "Giant Antarctic Iceberg Makes Dramatic About-Face"

>build up an army to overpower our emu masters
yeah sure

I'm not woke enough to stop dreaming.