Oh dude my hometown of Bumfuck, Wyoming is so much better than your millenia old cultural city in Europe!

>oh dude my hometown of Bumfuck, Wyoming is so much better than your millenia old cultural city in Europe!
>we have a walmart, a football team and a mcdonalds
>America is so diverse that I never left my county
>I am actually [European ethnicity that he clearly isn't]

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>American states are actually much more varied than european countries, we even have slightly different accents!
why do they think this

I am actually Italian

i am greek


why are euros so buttblasted

hey that doesn't count if you take out flyovers, California, the inner city elite, blacks, latinos, florida, the south, white trailer trash, Compton, jew york and liberals America is accually a great country

He's right though. I'd love to live in small-town America, imagine owning a huge comfy detached house with nature right on your doorstep. Certainly beats living in London which is full of muslims and niggers and you pay £1.3k a month for a tiny one bedroom flat above a family of somalis and below a family of shitskins

flyover states are comfy, especially Idaho, Montana and Utah. PNW is also okay if you avoid the libmutt cities which are becoming increasingly non-white and full of screeching leftards

californians are colonizing all three of those states

Pretty dumb to pick Wyoming, it's an awesome state

you don't have to live in london, there are other places in the uk too

thats the point, it's all the fucking same

USA is all awesome? No shit, we know that

yes, the only liveable places in the UK nowadays unless you are insanely rich are market towns in the commuter belt to London or somewhere rural, which is the exact opposite of the dumb and incorrect point OP is making.

>If you take out America from America, America is actually a great country.

have you ever been to wyoming, or even the united states in general, user?


You could buy 2 acres of land in many states with that

He just said it's all the same, like every state, that should tell you he's never been here

why do you want Americans to envy you? is it not better that they are content with their lot?

yes, if they allowed free movement between the UK and US half this country would get up and leave within 2 years.


Why, should i go to America? So you could shoot? Rape me? Force your way of on to me? Try to learn from where i am, so you could invade my country next? No, thanks.

I've sold land to foreigners before, they had to go through a lawyer, but they do own it. Not sure how it works, I think it's through a trust or something.

>So you could shoot? Rape me?
happened to me 3 times this week already, and it's only Tuesday

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Holy shit my “country”“men” are embarrassing. Stop defending every little shithole state and grow a pair.

i'm not telling you to come to america, i'm telling you that it's a bit silly to make judgements about a place you've never been to
wouldn't it be silly if i started trying to tell you whether or not ljubljana is a good city?

If you perceive the USA the same way the rest of Jow Forums does, there is either something very wrong with you, or you live in one of the shittiest places in the country.

>yes, allow more foreigners in

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if you take out California and the South it would be a great country

what happened to USA?

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Niggers and spics (and jews)


flyover towns are unironically the best part of the US

>"Dude New Yorkers and Chicagans are nothing alike!"
>starts talking about the difference between New York-style pizza and Chicago-style deep-dish pizza

that shit is so annoying

>this is your brain on memes

For the slightly more intelligent Americans, as they age and learn about the world around them they begin to see that their entire society is a cracking façade and that every maxim they held true is a farce, but it's all they know and they were never equipped with the tools to deal with this reality so they express their inner turmoil and confusion with rage, poor humour, denial, defencive ignorance, and insecurity.
If you are on Jow Forums long enough you can actually watch them go through the Kübler-Ross 5 stages of grief model:
"America never lost a war, Vietnam was just a battle in the Cold War and muh K:D ratio"
"Fuck you Europoors, you're obsessed. We could fucking nuke you at any minute!!!"
"If we could just elect this guy and deport all of these and get more guns and stop looking at the places and people here that do bad things everything would work out great."
"Why can't I live in a 1st world country, I'm leaving"
"Haha, look, I post Amerimutt memes too lol, whoopsie daisy, I sharted myself in the mart, mutt pride!!!"

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>says the croat as he flees his country to live and work somewhere else
truly, catholic serbs are the worst serbs

At what point do facts become memes?

The first part of this was true but then when you went into the green text it just became stupid

ok muhammad

croatia is a dying country filled with illiterate simpletons
what few bright minds they have come to the US to work


That was the shit era though, the splurging era, the cementing-debt-as-the-standard-mode-of-operation era, the irreversible-suburban-sprawl era.

The US will be busy for 70 years undoing the damage done to their surroundings and themselves by their lifestyle in the last 70 years.

>says the country which makes fun of europe for "being filled with muslims"
>says the country which makes fun of canada and australia for being filled with chinks
>says the country that makes fun of russia for heroin and aids
>says the country that makes fun of china for escalators and censorship
>all while not visiting them

Its ok for him to do it because mutts have some overwhelming idea that they're super white and free.

I'm actually American now

>damage done
Our economy wasn't damaged

It’s objectively a shit country, mutt8.

where do you live?

That was the nice period of our materialist existence meant to make us embrace hedonism before cranking it up to 11 to milk us dry. Like how drug dealers will shoot you up for free before making you pay.

100% this

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He lives in an objectively shit country

based trollface revivalist

is Canada shit too?

>Hahaha I'm AMERICAN but I'm actually EUROPEAN/ASIAN/AFRICAN American and I have 1/NTH OF EVERY RACE ON EARTH

Just fucking refer to yourself as an American and stop bringing up your heritage.Shit like this is the reason Jow Forums calls you mutt.Your descendants left their home country and tried their best to intergrate and you're autistic about your "motherland" even though they won't give a shit about you

Compared to lots of old world countries yes, compared to the rest of the Americas no. Canada isn't the best country in the world, but it's the best on this side of the world.

woah, objectively, then it must be true, pathetic faggot

The USA is one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet. Different living conditions is obviously going to make people in different regions act differently. Someone who lives in the desert is not going to end up being like someone who lives in the arctic

What's so much better about Norway and Switzerland? You can't even ride your 4x4 in the mountains.

Those old cultural cities in Europe are nice to visit, but I would rather live in small-town Wyoming tbqh

They don't want to hear that, Alaska is the same as Florida, and California is the exact same as Maine, according to them

please stand away from me before you blow muhammad

imagine being this delusional

But Canada actually is the best country in the world. Our taxes are more reasonable than in Europe and our immigrants are better behaved, and we also haven't turned into a violent dystopian cesspool like the US.

Quality of life. Most sane people would gladly lose a few ATV trails to gain a vastly better quality of life.
Also, America has land larger than Germany set aside in the 1964 Wilderness Act where yiu can't ride ATVs. Our countries are huge and that has benefits but their countries tend to be safer, cleaner, healthier, wealthier, better educated, more fair, etc.

Our's is certainly one of the best, remove the territories and it might be the best. Our crime rate is much higher than most of western Europe, our post-secondary education is too expensive, obesity rates too high. Infrastructure isn't great either and we rely too heavily on oil and only one trade partner. You can't really say we are an economically secure country when 80%+ of our economic eggs are in one basket.

Not an argument

>most sane people
I couldn't live without it

I know what you mean but with your lower expectancy, increased homicide rate, and increased rate of almost all diseases both chronic and acute, you are statistically less likely than other western nations to live with it.
I'm pretty sure they have 4 wheelers in Switzerland and Norway though. Don't the Norwegians have great outdoor laws and culture?

What state are you in?

Swiss is super autistic about motor vehicles. Norwegians less so but i don't think that they have North American tier riding opportunities

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I don't think anyone compares to the USA and Canada for riding opportunities. Idaho is 64% public land too so it's a great spot for it.

Now that's just mean

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top kek