Tfw thin and short micropenis

>tfw thin and short micropenis
want to thank my parents for these shit genes

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well thank your father who's himself a micropenis.

no, I saw it
he has a big dick

That's pretty HOT. Having a small peepee and having a THICC big booty GIANT MILKER gf on you is patrician taste

>having a small dick
>having a gf
pick one

>on your first day as a toilet this woman wandered into the bathroom and sat on you
>she sharted a cowpie so big and vile that it clogged you and it was days before the clean up crew had gathered the necessary equipment to enter the bathroom to unclog the unholy monster she released from her insides

how short is it?
maybe you are overreacting

where do you rank user

Attached: smlbenis.jpg (350x1974, 687K)

>No I saw it
>He has a big dick

Attached: 4ba.jpg (720x478, 40K)

There's always escorts

under avereage by 3 centimeters
the first and last girl who saw my penis made this face

Attached: Disappointed-Woman.png (634x360, 226K)

whats the actual size?? how many cm??

Danm! How small is it wh*Te boi? In REAL BLACK MEN numbers(inches)

very small, too short
no, stop using these idiotic measurements

I pretty much think that anyone worrying about their size has been brainwashed with porn too much. Proportions are way off on screen, making you actually believe that a 18 cm cock is something like 50.
Girth matters more than length.

Okay tell us in wh*Te boi numbers

I said that mine is THIN in the op you retarded pizza
Thanks for the worthless reply

say it you fucking pussy, at this point i dont even believe you have a penis

> i dont even believe you have a penis
yeah it's so small I wouldn't even call it a penis

just fucking say it. maybe you dont get bitches cuz ur too fucking pessimistic

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how THIN? Because if your peepee has less than 1 cm in diameter it's really likely you aren't old enough to shitpost here

so it is your mother who cheated then

4cm in diameter

>4 cm in diameter

no, I look similiar to both my parents
she didn't cheat
why would anyone cheat on a big dicked guy with a dicklet???? makes zero sense
??????? that's very thin

maybe he had fuck tone of money
women't don't always cheat simpy becasue of guy looks

Oh my dear god. Just become my little sissy already faggot. I will make you happy

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no, women only cheat for big dicks
looks don't matter or wealth, only dicksize

Fuck off you shitposting cunt
Worst country.

i'm not gay and very manly looking fuck off homo
god will punish homosexuals

>Very manly
>small dick

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>why dont i have a gf no one likes me my dick is small
>god will punish homosexuals

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I have lucky genetics on some places but the only thing that matters (dicksize) I got fucked over very hard

we don't like homosexuals here not even girls
if you shame a homo here the girl will think you are an awesome guy

>I got fucked overly hard
Yeah and your gonna get fucked again.

Ánon holnap sulika. Feküdjél le szépen

is this inches?

főállásban dolgozom 2 éve korcs


a középsuli nem munka

no, homos are repulsive
look at this board for example

a fideszes szórólapozás nem munka

kurva anyád korcs hord el magadat

Come to a real man little """"boi"""""

komolyabb munkát végzek mint bármelyik gyépés kretén a fogyatékos generálotokban

your country just sucks but whatever

Minden nap szarpostázol? Mennyit fizet ezért a rogán tóni?


szavazni sem járok te senkiházi



Nem is baj. Túl megerőltető lenne beikszelni a párt melletti rublikát.


>being unironically homophobic on Jow Forums

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>being homo
you'll burn in hell

mekkorát őrjöng a töppedtfasz
gondolom emberke is vagy

he is secretly gay

nem, magas vagyok
sokat ront a helyzeten

mennyi az a magas?


biztos 175. az már magasnak számít a fideszes mongól barátai között

>190 alatt
>nem vagyok emberke

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Trying this hard to be macho

being unironically religious on Jow Forums

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ennél magasabbnak lenni már kényelmetlen

>being ironically unironically a homophobe

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im not religious

Fuck a midget, so it evens out

i fucked a short girl, she was dissapointed

Just quit being a boy

quit being a homo

post more fatties

we are same
8 cm short "dick"