What are some nice drinks from other countries that they invented on their own?

What are some nice drinks from other countries that they invented on their own?

America has a few examples. We have Coca Cola, Arnold Palmers, and Bang's.

Name some nice drinks from your country please

Attached: Bang's.jpg (250x229, 17K)

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fuckin love Bangs op


That seems like something that would have been discovered before Germany or even Prussia existed. Maybe a particular kind of beer?


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Technicalls speaking you are right, but for all intense and purpose we discovered beer

"Long drink" that is not really a long drink but some weird crap made from apple wine or whatever.
Booze mixtures were (or still are idk) illegal to be sold in normal grocery stores but not this fermented drink.

Attached: LonkeroSingle.jpg (1600x899, 205K)

Looks refreshing if it's ice cold. Is it?

Birch Beer is better than Root Beer

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Sarsaparilla >

>apple wine or whatever
It's Gin and grapefruit juice, 1 part Gin and 5-6 parts juice.
>not really a long drink
It's a long drink

Yeah, it's best as cold.

Some hate it some like it. I like one or two but a gallon worth makes me nauseous.

>It's Gin and grapefruit juice, 1 part Gin and 5-6 parts juice.

No wonder it looked refreshing It looked like a paloma, which has similar ingredients (tequila and grapefruit soda) and is refreshing af

my bad, soda is also right for this instead of juice


>who are the egyptians


It's Barq's not bangs you dumbass

Its barqs
Not bangs
This, people candy read cursive

Not even cursive. That’s clearly a q.

It's clearly a cursive n . It looks like the n that spanish people use but without the accent squiggle above it. And that's a fancy cursive g after it

>things can’t be invented by multiple peoples
they can be

Shandy bass is the best, I remember being a little kid and having a can to drink next to my dad whilst he drank actual beer

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>not made of sea bass

Thank you Sweden!


>Pommac is the brand name for a carbonated soft drink made by Carlsberg Sverige AB of fruits and berries and matured in oak barrels for three months. The name comes from "Pommery", referring to Champagne, and Cognac, as it is matured in oak barrels like wine.[1] Another theory of the naming is the French word pomace, which literally means remains of pressed fruits. See also Ripasso.
>The recipe is kept a secret.

Attached: Pommac.jpg (1280x960, 95K)

Can you guys describe what they are too please

>Its barqs
>Not bangs
hehheh, we have "Gifu" pastils (actually Sisu).

Attached: Sisu.jpg (1024x624, 277K)

ahahahah what a fucking dumbass

Jones Cola
especially their pure cane cola or root beer

>jone's over bang's


Ancient Greeks knew beer;
Beer was a thing in Western-Europe in the early medieval ages, most likely even before then. claiming that the Germans in some way invented is fucking stupid.

Short to cut, it's a Soviet Coke

Attached: 640m.jpg (640x640, 32K)

Even Ancient Egyptians drank beer.



That's what i said.

We've got unique Schweppes soda flavors that exist only in Israel.
And wine drink for children that has no alcohol so they can participate in Jewish traditions that require wine.

>And wine drink for children that has no alcohol so they can participate in Jewish traditions that require wine.
why not just use grape juice

Idk, they do sometimes... But it's basically grape juice done somewhat differently idk what's the difference but it doesn't taste the same and is branded differently

Kvass is awful though

I think the Sumerians were first actually

It's not if you drink the real kvass, not "Kvass-like drink". Then it tastes like bread beer

Ginger Ale is Canadian, I know Americans drink it, do other countries?

Odd story, there are 2 types of ginger ale, the popular Canadian type called pale or dry and a type called golden that was invented in Ireland by an American but is now almost entirely exclusive to eastern Canada.

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What's the difference? I drank it from one of these (pic) in either Kiev or Mariupol and it did just taste like liquid bread beer but with no alcohol.

Attached: kvas-ukr.jpg (900x675, 191K)

>pic rel
Than it's a miracle that you didn't die at all

Russian humor is great

Attached: laughing face.jpg (250x241, 11K)

Next time better buy Цapcкиe пpипacы or Лидcкий, or, what's best, get a homemade one

Thx pal

Radler is beer with citrus lemonade
Goaß is beer with Cola and cherry liquor (every village has its own recipe)
Spezi is coke with orange lemonade
Almdudler is a kind of lemonade with herbs
Fanta is orange lemonade which was invented as the ingredients for Cola were rare in the second world war

>Goaß is beer with Cola and cherry liquor (every village has its own recipe)
>Spezi is coke with orange lemonade
These sound really nice

Love me some квac, I pick some up when I go to the Ukrainian store.

Attached: Fanta.jpg (578x1024, 126K)

That's how you do it my man

>love kvass
>the Ukranian store

Western Canada was a mistake

I tried making kvas but it was a failure...
All the yeast came on top with the bubbles, it was undrinkable, I had to funnel it with a stocking, but after that there were no bubbles. How do you keep the yeast at bay?

love me a smoothie

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How about USA Kombucha?
It was created in Russia and called "tea mushrooms - чaйный гpиб".
But smbd just wrote a new name and started to sold it :)

After that you had to filter it and put in a cool place for a several days. Also make sure the yeast were fresh and cooker wasn't made of aluminium. There's also an easier way to cook it but it tastes different too. Anyway, I would suggest you, ameribro, to check some Russian sites with the recipe instead of the English ones

Moгy нeмнoгo пoнимaть pyccкий, y тeбя хopoший peцeпт квaca?

kitchenmag.ru/posts/820-kak-prigotovit-domashniy-kvas вoт cтaндapтный peцeпт, для нaчaлa пoпpoбyй пo нeмy

Cпacибo, пoпpoбyю.
Знaeшь "ceкpeтныe peцeпты" бaбyшeк?

Moя бaбyшкa caмa пo oднoмy из тaких вapилa, нo пo вкycy oт oбычнoгo дoмaшнeгo квaca oн ничeм, чecтнo гoвopя, нe oтличaлcя


Дaжe пoпpoбyю c кapдaмoнoм и кинзoй, дyмaю, чтo бyдeт вкycнo, тeбe paccкaжy ecли c тoбoй eщe пoбoлтaю.
Cпacибo фpeнд

We invented ginger ale, but then Canada tried to take credit for it.

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Horchata is really refreshing. What are some other refreshing drinks to consume when you're thirsty?

forgot pic

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