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International #947
"Christian" woman
Who is the most famous person from your country? Dead or alive
Why did Russia decide to use a different rail gauge?
How strong is Christianity in your country?
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
1. Cunt
Why did Spain become irrelevant when the other big European empires didn’t?
Half the time I talk to another American it feels like talking to a robot following a pre-programmed script...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Today is 9/11
Will be moving to London for some barely above minimum wage work this winter...
Where you were on 11/9/2001?
Thinking about telling my psychologist about Jow Forums
Why jap girls want to be a korean?
Can we have a Russia thread?
This is what happens when Iranian girls get out of Iran
Is Iceland white?
Culture Pals /cp/
If you stop comparing it to Europe, Poland is actually a Top Tier country
Why was Britain always the best of the major European powers despite having the least land and population?
Happy 9/11 everyone!
Be yank
I am an Anglo. How does that make you feel?
Of all the countries on earth, i unironically love the ''old'' America
/fr/ tiret le francofil
Sverigetråden - haha kommer ni ihåg?
Mfw see a wog in town
Latvia's population decreased by ~18000 people so far this year
When will Nordic countries pay reparations for the rape and pillage of their Vikings?
Today's the day everyone gets to laugh at 9/11 and celebrate Americans dying
What is the recipe for the perfect mulatta?
Blacks created rock
/ita/ - il filo
Is Poland a liveable country??
What's your favorite part of Italy?
ITT We say nice things about The United States of America
Americans really think that some sandniggers learned to fly an airplane in three months
Your cunt
Why are the Japanese treated like small animals on Jow Forums?
Why do they see themselves as whites?
How do you say 'thot' in your language?
Where were YOU on 9/11, Jow Forums?
Here are the legitimate cultures of the world
Wtf Japan
Happy Catalan National Day, my dudes
Portuguese umpire takes point from Serena
Sverigetråden - Släpp hoppet om Sverige
/Epidemie/ in /deutsch/land-Ausgabe
These guys will heck off once and for all, but only if you come in this thread and write "Heck off, finnoids...
/b rit/
How did she beat this beast? Don't they check for steroids in women's tennis??...
Map thread
Press F to pay respects to the 2000 brave men and women who gave their lives in the fight against Terrorism
/br/ - fio brasileiro
This country boast about being the whitest country in Europe so I decided to visit Finland
People seem to hate china way more than the US but why do I only hear about people burning US flags?
> here in the Britain we're so superior that we never had racism
Block your pass until you eat this
No matter what you think of America
Oh nonononoo
Stop bulli
Are you happy now?
Is America kill?
Tfw no gf
Found out one of my friends is gay
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Greek salad
Say his name
Any protestant here?
People in Europe piss in trash cans?
Japan wants to allow whale hunt
I am Australia!
Do you love Japan?
I have family members in both Korea and Japan. Planning to work in one of them...
What went wrong?
/mena/ - /levant/ (<— fuck off levant)
>"Me? I'm a geopolitical analyst."
Taiwanese product sometimes include hiragana on itself, this doesn’t mean it want to sell to japan...
Sverigetråden – riggade upplagan
/v4/ + pals
On September 11th, 1565, the Great Siege of Malta ended in victory for the Knights Hospitaller...
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
I would rather kill myself than live in an apartment
Why are americans such bad sports?
What this flag means:
Why do Europeans smoke so much?
1. Your country
*screams in agony*
Egypt opened a 4,000-year-old tomb to the public for the first time
Tell me about your country's history, Jow Forums...
Tfw will stay a moral superpower utopia for another 4 years minimum
Be American
How much does a studio apartment in Smolensk cost?
/fr/ - le francofil
Kurva anyátok
1. Your country
I'm enlisting. If these arab fucks think they can get away with killing 2000 innocents they have another thing coming
Just so you all know...
Lol happy 9/11!!!
What do nips think of her?
Order of deportation comes in the mail
Why do Asians hate each other?
You wake up in Morocco, 1990
Do non asians eat this fruit? This is avocado of asia
These are spaniards
Japan is 1st world
Did anyone else lose a relative on 9/11?
Will Syria ever recover? No meme replies pls
Happy 9/11 everyone :)
Here's how we see the world
Be australian
Welcome to Japan!
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Australians please send help ;___;
Damm Americans look like that
Did you already born when picrelated happened? No meme, only real answers allowed
Here are the legitimate cultures of the world
/lat/: Hilo eterno
Do North Africans feel any connection to Subsaharan Africans?
Italianos, what does your country think of World War 2? Just read up on it and it's quite sad really
How bad is Detroit at this moment
ITT: songs in languages other than English/Spanish. I'll start with one in Swedish
Guys 9/11 isnt funny, you shouldnt joke about it
What's their purpose in the world?
What are grills like in your cunt? Here they’re generally very basic and boring
His flat nose indicates negrito blood
Can we agree that 9/11 was the single most successful attack in modern history? Al'Queda made a plan...
Hilo latino /lat/ de lo sinson
TFW you were alive during the greatest comedy event of the 21st century but were too young to remember it
What's your heritage?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
9/11 jokes are just plane wrong you should not be making fun of American tragedy
This is a nice thread
How do we realistically fix Brazil?
/BR/ - Fio Brasileiro
Be me, museum guide
Japan fought in WWI? Wtf?
Since when do Hungarians look like This?
Hong Hong Independence Thread
Tfw barely any games set in Spain
Boomers could get a BS in Finance and become an options trader on Wall Street
In Canada they have a prison designed for polar bears where they make them starve for weeks
/nachtschicht/ in ein paar stunden /deutsch/
Australian firefighters shot at while battling US wildfire
Is it true that the reason American sense of humor/banter is so shit is because Americans take everything too...
Chile... Are you ok bro?
'Member when Chile was 9/11ed?
Did you know that Brazil has more lebanese people than Lebanon?
Jow Forums Educate the American, What is the dif between Brazilian and Mexicans?
Ask a Syrian diaspora descendant in South America anything
Ist there anything really bad about new zealand?
Say what you will about Germans, but they got the chocolate game down on point
Joke about 9/11 in front of an amerimutt who has no relation whatsoever to the victims of the event
Sup ameribros!!!!
Sverigetråden - Katheupplagan
So, is Sweden dead now?
Hurr durr the world is getting shittier
What was your favorite thing about the early 2000's?
/lat/ hilo latino
/ita/ - il filo
Australian firefighters aiding in texas shot
Your cunt
/f/r/ - le fil français
A board of autistic shut ins who derive "superiority" based on the nation they "belong" to despite never interacting...
Real talk, America is actually a garbage country without Black people
Who are the superior Slavs?
American "Christianity" is what happens when you take a religion and remove it from its cultural context
Do you live in a "free" country that may arrest and/or jail you for Holocaust denial?
Again 2001
*Superior British bacon
In 1981, the Soviet Union shot down a passenger jet for violating its airspace by accident
Sverigetråden - Jävla horunge upplagan
ITT: powerful images
Do Italian girls fuck black guys?
Be Australian
/sachsen/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
Is your general full of normies? Mine is (Dutch one)...
Mfw there are manlets posting on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW
How do I stop hating niggers?
/esp/ Edición: La tienda del chino nunca cierra
Does the rest of Latin America hate Mexico as much as we do?
1. your cun't
/ITA/ - il filo
Why do swedes think people like them?
Why does Japan hate foreigners?
This place is a subhuman shithole solely because the commies Control it...
Someone please stop white people before their ruin avocado forever
Sverigetråden - Piratupplagan
Are chicken waffles popular in your cunt?
*civilises you*
From a European perspective, how much of American culture would you say has African influence?
Who else has dined in Italy and was disappointed? I suspect this is widespread
The united states could build a space station capable of holding 500k people if it didn't wage war for at least 2-3...
Are there opinions you keep to yourself on Jow Forums because of your flag?
/fr/ - Le Fil tartelette
/balk/ - kpop edition
What other boards do you go on Jow Forums?
The Mỹ Lai Massacre
Tfw Latin Americans, specially Mexicans, are the most hated people in this world by far
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Does he trigger chinks?
What should we do about the Iranian situation?
All but 2 of the top ranking countries for amount corporate taxes are shitholes
나는야 평일 새벽 3시에 잠이 안오는 니트족
Can you study Computer Science if you're a mathematics brainlet
U.N. yes!
International Power
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
I just realized me nor any of my siblings were given a Dutch or Belgian name
Tfw you will never be polen
Is Asuka right about Germany, Jow Forums?
Nice knowing you guys
Does this happen often in your country?
Chink deported from wakanada
Do they actually identify as not White and hate White people irl as much as they do on Jow Forums?
You will never live in a Slav country where women outnumber men and cute blonde Slavic girls have to compete for a...
/deutsch/ Wiebke Muhsal Ausgabe
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Allt kommer att bli bra
ITT: the shitholes and no-go zones of your country
Kurva anyátok
What are some interesting ethnic groups/language speakers from your country?
The fact that the Canadian government has even fucking attempted to silence this man is appalling
Mfw Germany still has a U.S military base in their country
Thank you Italy for creating the best food
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Red: Cunt
How would your family feel if you brought home a Norwegian girl home?
If you had to move to the US, which state would you live in? If you already live in the US...
Would you date a Polish girl?
You wake up in Mirny, Sakha Republic
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Do you want to find love in Turkey?
Basic Bitch Starter Pack (international edition)
>Tfw can perfectly understand English but have trouble expressing myself in it
Why do Euros hate the police?
2 refugees came up to me today. They spoke English and asked me directions...
Do you feel other countries should represent you and your culture in their media?
Why do they look like Arabs despite being connected to the European mainland?
I don't support Israel
Americans are huma-
Are there monuments erected by other countries inside your own?
/fr/- le fil Français
I'm not able to leard fucking english
The future is with Afri
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
This thread has an anime picture
How well known is Mr. Bean in your country
/negerpimmel/ früher /deutsch/
Well, why don't you Jow Forums?
Guess the country
/world of polska/
Sverigetråden - Flyktingkris 2.0 Upplagan
Countries that need to be nuked:
What's the most popular etnhic resturants of your cunt? Here's definitely chinese and japanese
I'm a boy, but I want to dress up as Megumin and be carried around and manhandled. Is this normal in your country?
Morality quiz
The USA is the most alpha and masculine country in Western civilization today
Citizens of your country who died in the WTC
I'm white
When will R*ssians stop taking credit for the Soviet achievements?
Opinions about North Slavs also called Balts?
Average face thread
Post some good movies from your country
/ita/ - il filo
/v4/ + immigrants
Why are the Japanese so good at tennis?
Sverigetråden - Måndagsupplagan
As we are speaking my Pakistani brothers in the UK are grooming underage girls for sex
Would you a black girl?
This is our Swedish politician for the Miljöpartiet de Gröna (environment party the green), say something nice about her
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
Let's share songs from your country
/mena/ + /levant/
This is an Afghan migrant who raped a Hungarian girl inside the toilet of a gyros buffet Saturday night
Travel abroad
The ideal women is short brown and curvy
Sheboon BTFO by Jap
This is an Iraqi migrant who raped a German girl
Is there anything more pathetic than polish nationalism?
Russia goes communist
What country do you like more?
Not Asian
What are women like in your cunt?
Sv*rigetråden - Hus på landet upplagan
Communism doesn't wo-
Half-Black Miss Japan- 2015
/fr/ - le francofil franco-français
Pic related me and my gf
Mohamed here...
Which country has the most NPC's in it...
I would die for my country
Do you have these cunts in your cunt’s cunt?
Have Jow Forums kids invaded your country too? Just saw this 5 minutes ago
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2046
Can you go outside and do what you want?
Nick Kyrgios
That why France win world cup 2018. Based
Let's me know your country's castle
Why is Nippon called Japan?
Is the final redpill realizing that this timeline is all one big joke that you have zero agency over...
Wake up
Has America ever apologised for any of the war crimes they've committed?
This is what Japs will look like in 2050 and its beautiful
Do women in your country do this?
What’s going on in Germany???
I feel like everybody hates them nowadays, but I still like Russia
"hey Nord, pay my debts for me while I fuck your girls"
He thinks he can suffer in first world
Animal rights activists from Serbia
Kurva anyátok
I love my kot very much but he is getting old now
Why does yellow woman white man happen so much?
Parties of upper-middle brazilians are really depressing
/frühschicht/ ante ex cum /deutsch/
ITT: we post border gore actual or historical
Can we all agree that Scandinavia should just be one country?
When does the farce end?
Say something mean about the country above your post
Sverigetråden - ny dag upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do you think about immigrants in your country ? and Which country do you want to immigrate to?
Is there anyone here who has ever been stalked by gays?
Why is amerimutt so funny
Why doesn't Europe re-colonize Africa? It would be doing most of them a favor
What are your favorite countries per continent?
This is World War III Roster, how fucked are you?
Will the Western world survive another century?
BR invasion of Venezuela
Hilo latino
Do euros really not have school buses?
Why are they so weird?
Sv*rigetråden - Undergången
What happens here?
/brit/ + /birt/
Russia is a poor countr-
How expensive are hookers in your country?
What do people in your country do when they're feeling down to feel better? What do you do?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
This is Panama
/cum/ & friends
Tomorrow is 9.11
People asked me to post my peepee so here it is
What is the future of France? No meme answers
I fucking hate t*Rks but they're onto something here
Tfw never visited by the Christmas Goat
Be my country
What happens here?
What do other people from South America think about the Falklands/Malvinas war...
Japanese Leftists
Story time
Anything unique about yourself?
Also, will be able to get the [argentinian] naturalization no matter their time of residence...
You're a cunt
Pretend you managed to finally get a date with a grill. Where would you take her? It has to somewhere in your city
Pic related
Wearing a dress made of money bills
Why is the USA such a third world shithole? I thought you guys were supposed to be a superpower
How will history remember him?
What’s your country’s equivalent to our Tim Horton’s?
Why can't anyone else make a country as successful as us?
ITT: Good, strong American quality. No weak-ass, pussy-whipped European shit allowed
Which country should I become a complete historyboo for Jow Forums? Even learning the language if it sounds cool enough?
Just 30 minutes
Why do they wear the masks?
Mexico is a poor countr-
Why does America make the best porn?
Is fine dining a scam?
Post desserts from your country
I wish the king got complete power already, fuck democracy
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
What do Japs think about half-Haitian tennis superstar Naomi Osaka?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
What's the source of Anglo-American shallowness?
/fr/ - fil des francs
Hello Jow Forums.Is their other countries like Poland and Croatia who are not exactly shitholes but are not first world?
1. Your Cunt
Why didn't your "country" collaborate with the axis?
Whats your favorite native american civilization?
Top Latin American countries?
Why do people value money so much?
Sverigetråden - Libanon-upplagan
Is it true that americans have cops in their schools?
Any Saxons here?
How is this news treated in your country?
Why are brazilians obsessed with asses? Is it because of their african admixture?
Sverigetråden - F
Why do japanese hate foreigners
Why is austria so underrepresented on Jow Forums?
I discovered the meaning of what it's like to be a human being here. I can't just leave
What is your hobby??
Why dont they export this shit here? Only american beers I can find is budweiser
Humphrey literally genocided the khama chimps
Sverigetråden- Kvinnlig rösträtt var ett misstag
South America
If you were given direct control over your nations military and could decide which nation to annex/or go to war with...
/deutsch/ ist bunt und tolerant
/dixie/ -- Southern US & Friends
Subway in Finland
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Be STEM major
For me it's Japanese girls
You're a cunt
Visit Helsinki airport
Sverigetråden - 17.8 upplagan
What Jow Forums thinks of turkish girls?
Wake up, this is now the world
/cum/ & friends
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Fuck mods upplagan hora svennebög
Tfw malaysian dad
What do Americans think of it (both state and the city)?
Sverigetråden - mer Annieupplagor
Serious question
What do Latinos and Arabs think about each other?
Why do they do this?
This is the true face of Russia
Why is it that every country that left communism is 10 times better...
Sverigetråden - Annieupplagan
ITT: Post your national dish
How have Italian descendants affected your country?
/deutsch/ Gönnerausgabe
What is your country's greatest sci-fi work?
/fr/ - le francofil
This is the biggest rock in Denmark
What happened to him?
What's in Panama?
Your '''empire''' was just niggers and abbos with sticks lmao, not a real achievement
Sverigetråden - Kvinnor Är Skit-upplagan
Extremelly similar language and history
Sverigetråden - Valupplagan
/carib/ + island friends
In this thread all Slavs are invited to speak, but only in their own language...
Mexicans are whiter than spaniards
United States of Automatic
Sverigetråden - Valupplagan
ITT we banter Belgium
Most important countries ranking
European apartments don't have fridges
Why do Europeans and Latin Americans love sissyball?
Why is it one of the worst countries un the world?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Are you a boomer-zoomer hybrid? (22-24)
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
New world mestizo DNA thread
Is it true that italians boil their pasta for less than 20 minutes?
His """country's""" population is below 40 million
What do you do when you feel sad?
You'd move to Mena for me, your mena gf?
Happy Jewish new year, goyim!
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan
What are some nice drinks from other countries that they invented on their own?
Do zoomers ride faggots mobilettes in your country?
Would you rather live in:
What's it like to have a Med gf?
What’s it like being an autist in Latin America where everyone is so friendly and outgoing all the time?
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Valupplagan
Stop using reddit nordicucks
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship