What do Americans think of it (both state and the city)?

What do Americans think of it (both state and the city)?

Attached: 800px-New_York_in_United_States.svg.png (800x495, 152K)

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State: shit
City: based

Northern NY is comfy tho

poor man's new england

NYC gets a really bad rep for some reason. In reality it's one of the safest cities in the world of its size, crime has literally plummeted since the 20th century came to a close, and it's pretty clean these days. It's a genuinely top tier city if you're into that kind of thing.

Wich place should I choose if I am a software engineer and I want to get work visa. For now I am looking and reading about LA and Chicago. Wich else?

it's all the same shit to me desu

To be honest I always considered NYC to be the one of the most unsafe city in the US with all its minorities but apparantly it's not that bad. Maybe I even should visit it someday

NYC sucks, so grey, living anywhere costs an immense amount of money.

Crime rates in NYC fell by a ridiculous amount since 1990, because all of the poor people got priced out and couldn't afford to live there, and because the NYPD cracked down hard on crime.

If you want to get a sense of what NYC was like during the bad old days, look at Chicago or Philadelphia.

Seems like Moscow/Petersburg to me

What's better between NY and LA?

Don't go to Chicago unless you want to become a statistic. LA is okay, I guess, but the people living there all suck. I don't like big cities, but if I had to chose I would pick NYC over those.

The plastic surgeons and synagogues.

No, thanks. My friends just returned from NYC and they said that it's a big garbage town where big part if people live in street

Chicago is fine. Many slavs and public transportation

Check out Raleigh, North Carolina. They have a lot of IT jobs and unlike those cities are actually growing.


New York state seems like a nice place to live if you can get over the weather/snow. Would love to live in NYC for a year or two.

He's full of fucking shit. Just stay away from shitty areas of Chicago, avoid joining gangs, etc and you'll be fine.

I walked all around Chicago for days and nights with 2-3K of camera gear hanging off me and nobody looked at my twice.

Live is the keyword here.

Yes please come to Detroit II





There's a large slavic population in NYC so I would recommend new york

Ahah. No, bad weather isn't a problem:) I born and lived in Murmansk so... :)
The main problem is bad chance to rent normal flat for normal money and the crowds of tourist and USSR immigrants:)

All my friends from USA say that is the worst solution to live nearby to your native community's. Russians is Russians everywhere with crime, garbage in the streets etc

I don't know why you think you have to pick these large cities which will all be, to some degree, dogshit. You should look into Massachusetts, Vermont, or New Hampshire.

Oн видимo o Бpaйтoн Бич гoвopил, гдe живyт в ocнoвнoм pyccкoгoвopящиe eвpeи. Caм paйoн, кcтaти, нe из лyчших, мягкo гoвopя. Ho в Чикaгo тaк пoлгopoдa выглядит, caм тaм был и c yвepeннocтью мoгy cкaзaть, чтo кpoмe мecтных нeбocкpёбoв и мyзeя Aмepикaнcкoй apхитeктypы cмoтpeть тaм нe нa чтo

Oн гoвopил вooбщe o любoм pyccкoм paйoнe.
Mнe былo чeткo cкaзaнo нe жить в чepных, мeкcикaнcких и pyccких квapтaлaх пoтoмy чтo мycop, быдлo, вopoвcтвo и кaк ни cтpaннo oтpяды пyтaнa пoтoмy чтo тyт плoхo хoчy дoмoй нo Tpaмп нe пycкaeт нaзaд.

Я мыcль yлoвил и чeлoвeкy дoвepяю. Плюc ecли живёшь c pyccкими, тo тaк вooбщe никoгдa язык нe выyчить

City: Smells like shit
State: Rednecks of little to moderate intelligence. Quaint towns.

Этo, в пpинципe, нe yдивитeльнo, вeдь в тaких paйoнaх живyт люди, кoтopыe пpиeхaли жить в чyжyю cтpaнy, нo пpи этoм нe хoтят интeгpиpoвaтьcя в oкpyжaющee их oбщecтвo, инoгдa вплoть дo oткaзa oт изyчeния мecтнoгo языкa. Пpocтo Бpaйтoн Бич из тaких paйoнoв caмый кpyпный и пoкaзaтeльный в плaнe yмcтвeннoй oтcтaлocти eгo бoльшинcтвa eгo oбитaтeлeй, дa и caмый извecтный

NY is better than Mass
NYC is better than Boston
the Yankees are a better team than the Sox

Trump > Romney

Well no shit because indian resevations are some of the poorest places in America since they are so isolated and only get federal welfare not state welfare. And since all wagon burners are alcoholics their society can only die, which is has been.

>tfw you will never be an American

you can be a canadian since canada gives immigration visas to anyone who can speak fluent english

state: pretty comfy

Anyone can be American you faggot, just come over here. On the other hand I will NEVER EVER be British

Not really

NYC easy

>ywn live in the northeast
I really want to live in those old colonial style houses.

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