Pic related me and my gf.
We're both Pakistani. AMA.
Pic related me and my gf.
We're both Pakistani. AMA.
Based, are you hindu or muslim?
Why would we be Hindu, bhai, if we're from Pakistan?
why isn't she covering her hair? absolutely haram
This. She is the dirty slut that should be stoned on the spot.
Nah m8, we live in Islamabad. It's pretty much a Western city.
Why did you marry your cousin?
You could do better
She's cute mate
>betraying your own culture
Most people here, in Islamabad, look up to Western culture. You can find everything you'd expect in a Western city from high quality malls to Harry Potter themed restaurants to underground raves/night clubs. Islamabad is where all the "Starbucks" people of Pakistan live.
i heard that in pakistan there's wild marijuana growing everywhere that's a semi-decent smoke. is this true?
I would like to dig up her brown whole, if you catch my drift.
you are both punjabis?
Wouldn't you marry your cousin if she looked like that?
Half the country is
Are you terrorists?
It's mostly hash but yeah. In Islamabad I see hash growing in the streets every time I go out for a drive.
I'm pathan.
Sta sa qoum de?
>I see hash growing in the streets every time I go out for a drive.
wtf I love Islamabad now, wanna go there
quiet, you.
Does she have a sister OP?
How often do you poop on her chest?
she could get it
>normie on Jow Forums
Please don't make us feeling pathetic loneliness
>islam a bad
checks out
le trendy chill fashion but totally proud traditional dark racie
god I fuckin hate muslims soo goddamn much
Very cute and nice
they're pooing in the dirt so the stink wouldn't affect them too much
fuck off discount pajeet
thanks for showing your ugly face and that of your cunt
maybe after I skullfuck her ,ill let you drink my semen from her socket
yes maybe I will
filthy pakis
She's cute as hell and you look good too. Are you going to have a lot of children?
Is that a landmine disguised as a Sapling?
Help me get out of this shithole country.
Mashallah bhai :^)
Are you a cute girl or a cute "girl"
Post pics.
pakistani girls >>>>>>>> indian """women"""
>inb4 you call me a paki
I am a white second-gen canadian
at least we use toilet
I hope India nukes Pakistan off the face of the planet.
You're a qt couple.
You're a handsome fella, with the use of some knowledge from /fa/ you could be peak Arab prince
Okay, I'll marry you for a green card, but only on the condition I get to pick out cute outfits for you
She cute congrats
>critique from a poo
Would beat the shit out of you then rape and kill your gf if i saw the two-thirds of you
What exacly is the objective of this thread? Do you have cuck fantasies? Post your gf feet
How do you feel about the whole Atif mian fiasco?
Are you Pashtun or Punjabi?
There some pretty attractive Indian girls desu lad.
It's because he probably isn't that guy in the pic
>says he's a Pakistani national
>still somehow blame the USA
Fucking illiterate. Do you even understand tourism or international schools? Or is it because nobody visits Sweden, the concept is foreign to you?
what do you think
he is trying to get approval
because the thinks he is le white
Why are you wearing a mauli in one hand and a kara in other in op pic if you are not a hindu.