This is an Iraqi migrant who raped a German girl
This is an Iraqi migrant who raped a German girl
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Looks greek
True, must be from Istanbul
Chad, didn't even need to rape, i'm sure most German girls would have sex with him willingly.
yesssh the standards must be low in brazil
A very Epirotic man indeed
this is exactly how the mentally ill swedish cephalic index autist wants to look like
Give him a modelling career!
Rape isn't about sex, it's about dominance if they were willing he wouldn't get what he wanted
The victim was a 14 year old Jewish girl, he's 20.
Only defect I can find are his eyes. Upper eyelid is visible and lack of hodding. Chad lite
Why can't brown people contain themselves around white women?
wish we still had the death penalty
I would let him rape my boipussy, he is so qt, omg
Ummmmmm sorry sweaty he's white
If murderers in the USA with tear drop tattoos can become models, rapists in Greece can too!
>disease ridden eyes
checks out
>The victim was a 14 year old Jewish girl, he's 20.
Kikes btfo
he looks cute desu. i wanna hate him for being a rapist, but it's so hard. i feel drawn to him, i want him to fuck me.
That guy was very attractive. Op pic is semi-attractive
Wh*te f*males are whores
he looks like a decent guy you can trust
Can we get a source on that?
I'm sure it's real, more interested in the date.
reverse google image search
can't trust anyone with brown eyes and black hair
wait, that was the wrong one
can be hard to differentiate all these isolated cases sometimes
literally me and it's true, I don't trust even myself
specially around finnish boys
So many shameless fucking faggot around here. I wish he would rape and murder you all like you want so much.
He is Greek!
Haha, based iraqi kurds for handing him over.
what the hell
>raped a German
She was Jewish
the Arabian rape is greetings, isn't it?
It's more serious.
Based k*rds fueling racism all around the world
hot, just like me
Iraq is a cradle of civilisation, aren't it?
>She was Jewish
Ashkenazim, i.e. German-Jewish/a German Jew. :^)
>ISIS "defeated"
>people still migrating to europe
gotta share my yikes with you all
>raping this
Jesus Cristo.
>implying that wasn't my fetisch
Looks nordic but brown. Somebody bleach it in photoshop, it would be typical swedish guy
Are you sure it was actually a rape? Wasn't it a consented sex?
>be kike
>advocate for third world immigration
>get raped by third worlder
Kek. Jews Jewing themselves.
>Jew dead
>Muslim goes to jail
He cute
niggerfucking scatwhores must be punished at every opportunity, hope he put her in a wheelchair for life as well
>nigger fucking
He's whiter than 90% of people in sweden
Sven is fight or flight mode after the last elections and he is throwing basedbombs.
of course, because 90% of the people in sweden are apegloid savannah gypsies due to the subhuman self-hating retardation the swedish "people" are genetically smitten with
He's ugly and looks Arab
big coming from a shekel grabber
sven mgtow is the answer fuck everyone else.
I refuse to be called human anymore
*raped and murdered
>the subhuman self-hating retardation the swedish "people" are genetically smitten with
that is just called being white in the 21st century
honestly we are only one step behind you, things are already fucked here
Looks Irano-Nordid to me but darker
based goatfucker
Kill youself. Go back to Pakistan.
every german female deserve rape by Iraqi chads
>ISIS defeated 20 year ago
looks inbred
he look like that full time pro gamer.
iraqis are not chad
morrocans and iraqis are cuckolds
german wimminz still remember mongol rape after ww2
Kazqks are sissy
Disgusting. I could understand if he only murdered her, but raping a jew means he lost his mind.
this could unironically pass for white here, kek
i'm sure that 14 year old girl was a big advocate for third world immigration
Op pic looks chad
Cradle only insofar as they rape babies in it
Handsome lad
No it wouldn’t
>every time a white guy does it it's a false accusation, every time an arab does it it's real
Gotta love the white doublethink
have some respect, mutt.
No, but her parents probably did. Also did you notice how they pulled out all the stops to prosecute the murderer of a Jew. I doubt they'd do the same for a goy victim.
I always hear how Islam is all about being friendly to guests and hospitality and whatnot, then people invite Muslims into their houses and get raped and killed. Seems like something gets lost in translation here and they have a fundamentally different idea of hospitality.
gotta love how casual this news has become that not even Jow Forums or Jow Forums reacts to it anymore, or they give out some cuck reply because of the trend.
t. dumbest comment of the thread
Ah yes I forgot it's all about Islam I mean yeah because he was an Iraqi he was automatically a devout Muslim who raped in the name of Islam and not in the name of his failed self-control
Heir of Mesopotamia
Arabs are our greatest allies
t. mud
Chop his balls of, make him cook a dish with them, then have him eat it.
Why are you so violent?
>but her parents probably did
>I doubt they'd do the same for a goy victim.
yes. our version of hospitality is when someone else is a guest in our house. your version seems to be when you are a guest in someone else's house. for instance, if you come to my house i would not rape you. i promise. would you like to come? i will even pay for the ticket.
what part of pakistan are you from?
I think it is an adequate punishment for rapists.
Yes, this rape certainly has got nothing to do with the fact that he came from an islamic patriarchal society that treats women (especially foreign women) as 2nd class citiziens and barely even human. the fact that the rapefugees attack mainly women is also coincidental
he's just a teenage boy with poor self-control :(
women like being raped
Maybe for Mizrahim who are already araps.
I'd be better off back in Eastern Europe where my family came from, Arabs smell bad
and you treat human beings like slave cattle, all humans not just women. so i guess islamic societies are still ahead. the salvery of the bank is still slavery. you dont get to make slavery universal and claim to be the first race to abolish slavery.