Tfw Latin Americans, specially Mexicans, are the most hated people in this world by far

>tfw Latin Americans, specially Mexicans, are the most hated people in this world by far

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You aren't. We are.

No, we aren't. Americans, chinese and russians are among the most hated.

Not even close.

Nah man, it's only the mutts who have a problem with you guys, no one else in the world minds Latin Americans.

As for the most hated, I would say it's a toss up between muds and blacks.

I will like Mexico, but only if you send me a thicc latina gf

Sudacas should be gased

And for good reason i also hate rednecks.

That's mostly just banter against them, though. I don't think there's many people who REALLY hate them. They also have plenty of supporters and -boos.

On the other hand I've seen a lot of people who aren't even from the Americas say they hate Latinos and there's hardly anyone who actually likes us.

Not really. You're just more like professional victims who think the West is trying to bring you down or something.

Trash low class foul people.

I can see why you would think that on Jow Forums but in reality it is probably blacks who are hated the most.

>buaah buaah i read edgy youtube comments everyone hates us buaah buaah

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Because you're continent is basically a complete fuck up. Not only is your identity a total mish mash but you guys can't even govern yourselves. Even niggers are catching up to you

>said the nation that is steadily falling apart.

I wouldn't say that fren.

no africans are way more hated than latinos. ask any non african non latino person who they would rather live with, all of them would say latino

Blacks are only hated by edgy people on the Internet. Mainstream loves Blacks.

mainstream loves latinos too then. im talking about what people really think deep down. any white american would rather take latino immigrants than african immigrants, whether or not they will ever admit that.

Not true, what is the groups most demonized by politicians in your country? Latinos

and the group most demonized by the actual people in this country are the politicians who demonize latinos. where i live being pro trump or anti immigration is social suicide, and that is true throughout most of the country. right wing politicians cant be openly anti black because less than 100 years ago black people had no rights, so the freshness makes it a touchy subject. but i guarantee you if they could be openly anti black without getting banned from society they would be much worse than how they are towards you.

>racist right wingers are the real victims!

el holandeANO

No one else has to deal with their bullshit

fuck off, i didnt remotely imply that.

>the group most demonized by the actual people in this country are the politicians who demonize latinos
You did.

Where do you live.

No I fucking didn't. I stated a fact, politicians are the most hated people in this country. I never implied that anything is wrong with that or they are the real victims. I'm a fucking radical leftist.

You're false flagging, aren't you? Not even the stupidest of leftists would say something as dumb as:
>politicians are the most hated people in this country

Everyone on any side of the political spectrum would agree with that statement. You might be a literal false flag because I don't think you actually live here. Either a tourist or a proxy.

Give me QT Mexican girlfriend.

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Blacks. Blacks are the most hated. If you lived in the States you would understand. These people are fucking terrible.

user in many places you can be openly racist as fuck or say fucked up shit about blacks and no one bats an eye. Fucks sake we have a ton of people willing to use anything to influence policy to specifically shit in blacks in america.

Until people start writing popular articles/videos shitting on Latinos genetically or advocating for Latins getting Apartheid'd, it's not really comparable.

who cares what others think about you. Who cares about race. Just live your live as fulfilling as you can. We take nothing from this world with us but the memories you make with those close to you. Thats all that matters OP, dont worry about something you have no control over.

just hate them back asshole

>can't handle the bantz

Regresate a Jow Forumsmexico mamacito.

Boo fucking hoo. I don't think there has ever been a country in history which has benefited so greatly from it's geographic location as much as the US has, I think you can handle a few wetbacks jumping the border to do your yardwork and clean your septic tanks.

There are people in Canada trying to destroy Blacks in the US?

Not really comparable to the US but we did birth Rushton. The Internet really helps a lot of people seek like minded allies.


>National televised dancing contest
>The runner up couple got invited to an international contest in Mexico
>There's couples from various parts of Latino America
>Every judge is Mexican
>One day some judge said to the Mexican contestants "oh man you're the best!, and I'm not saying this because I'm Mexican believe me, but you are going to win it!"
>Everything is probably set up for Mexico to win
>I start feeling angry at Mexicans in general, think of them as arrogant entitled cunts
>TFW I hated Mexicans for years throughout my High School life because of this

Along with andaluces

Oh I forgot to add, of course the Mexican couple won

yea rip us ;_;

how so? because you read articles online and think you got everything figured out? that's a yikes from me dog


>a few

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well, you are terrible people that commit all kind of horrendous crimes for some cheap shoes, I can understand the hate

The problem is that they're hitting the border states. So yes, our economy can swallow a whole bunch of lower class Mexican cockroaches and probably even benefit from it, but the problem is that even though our economy as a whole likely has room for these people, the border states where they jump the fence and settle in do not.

Spain was basically Latin America tied until the 50s at earliest.

we'll stop doing whatever it is everyone is angry about



Hate is for the weak